quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

Some of us blink

Some of us blink(so eat it)
Apoet´s pledge they tried to slam with a metal block sledge scribed with rules,
using it as a hammer!
The shield dented and imprinted countless methods, styles in the pedantic.

They came to me, saying "That aint poetry"
Their synapses click "Are oceans varied and gigantic?"

They came to me and said that´"You can´t sea the atlantic!"
I pulled out my strait license poetically.
And said "I can ocean in a pond or up a tree!"
Judge our words, insult us frantic like
Catch up with each of our pupils creativity!

Label us the ignorant, lacking though, we never turned our backs,
Some of us blink!
Yet your eyelids sink and tears scream obsenities.
Our little P.com survival- hairy king,
Touch this thing called art don´t burn your finger
back to lockstep swing routine.
We no longer pray for you to linger.
Provoke the bloodshot vision
Never consider how much of your derision must apoet´seye see?

Arts and crafts

Arts and crafts
Let me touch you with colour
Let me carve the contours
What do you look for in a lover
Do you paint with depending
or a pallet of spit saliva or sweat in beads

We may never see eye to eye
Yet that is why we´re here
So take a bit of my spice
While we eat your well shaped pie
These are creation´s ground seeds


The flooded forests
The north of the southern states
waters had risen

In short and shabby canoes
Hunters paddle to their floating cabin
They capsize before they reach the dock

They swim gripping onto tree branches
Hanging over the water
gripping for shady angels
as the first of the hunters
 is devoured from underneath

The floating cabin
What a damnation
Deep holes in the forest floor
Giant eels wrestle in there

Up through the murky water
Near the tourist camp
A severed head floats
One defining scar across it´s cheeks

The humid breeze whispers
You´ll be dragged under
Rotten leaves build up
Half submerged bushes

The tourists look for higher ground
As it begins to rain again.

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

Bahn zum Hölle

Bahn zum Hölle

The train began to slow
soldiers could be seen through the mesh wire windows

Barking dogs, creaky ramps and a shock that sucked the intestines
up toward the throat

The claustrophobic ached to be set free
Yet it would only be from one enclosed space to another
Like a fear incubator

The long magazine on the jumpy guard´s smg
pumped rounds into a hysteric woman attempting escape

The high fences spelt torture in acute ways
Spotlights passed through like night wasp swarms

Some cunning sorceror had nurtured a vein
deep within the ground
deep down from the outskirts of hell
up toward the railway lines of central europe

The train´s "Chooshes" pushed out accusingly
Like a demon in labour
The real devil gave birth to tightfaced overseers
who don´t blink for days
Always reaching for their pistols and making rubies
with the snow

Bloodstaining the rails, a hellbound journey spread splotch
Like a red blotchy butterfly wing rusted into the icy iron
Not forming a scab but reddening into defined spots
The colour of a terrifying new sex virus

All winter long the stain would be preserved
Edited by a new year which harvested dread
A million lives plural in despair
Dread on that cold dead metal, an industrial altar

A million hands seperated from each other
Grinding down the human will
Inerning faith in man collectively
Angel hands in human form are severed

A hungry declaration toward evil is made by the masses
Whole countries and their superstars endorse it
as if it were the most popular beverage on the planet.

40% proof cliche

Cliche liquid turns

You placed your words on a tool
You spin between the ears flickering on fire
On fine idioms of the past

For a lack of better words
For lack of flavourless jelly

To give me colour would heal me
To give me flavour would deal me
a new hand to this life

Let´s distill the last drop!

Peace of me

Peace of me

Arrive- take it
Flesh in the afternoon
Down the empty afternoon
A thousand accusers
Ye of little faith

Want a piece of me
a thousand religions scream
But I´m here
Square out my imperfections like you invented me
No it´s the only thing we share in common
Want a piece of me tear it
share it
Copy and paste
The art of dilution the age of eternal waste

Want a piece of me on the sunsetless dusk
my smile yet proceeds
Like a violinist that waits for a recital that will never be
Be ye a winess to my poetry
I suffer your absence be there with me
I humble and solitary entreat


Mediaeval Godsmirk

I see you juggle like a jester
A ball drops and you adopt a bucket.
A bucket full of balls of judgements
The ones i spilt
The ones you spilt
The king picked up and sentenced us to death
Each one bounces like our decapitated heads
And is recited like our footsteps through old tread

What i´d give just to hide in your mouth
So I could befriend your laughter
to witness you balance a book on your head as you walk
To be your gown so I´d forever be touching your body
during those tedious ceremonies

I could be your throne, your septor, your kingdom
Yet I might aswell be a peasant collecting hay
to thatch this leeky roof

Staring up at the castle never capturing a glimpse
Looking back to the field where toil and monotony await

The sun half ensconced by clouds it´s a hearty godsmirk
Kindling for survival

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

Vodka sour

In the glass
Lemons call "Tell me!"

Tall glass wobble till your numb
sip after sip oh a drink
Don´t waste your lemon pips
spit them back yip

Ice klinks and irons out your kinks drizzled in transparent kicks

I want to see you smile up the wall

false but truly loveable

Citrus acid in that off, distilled lobal trick

Tear drop, teardrop tell me on the doorstep
How your life veered and took a turn for the worst

Like sergei like laughter, teenage happily everafters
Alcoholic mornings thick and buzzard like
The empty glass no hair of the dog
Your as blue as a smurf on smirnoff
(no advertising intended)


Um pé no chão
Folias como narcoticós
A raiz lavada e cozida

Um pé de girldioca
Tantas maneiras de comer-la
Senhora cenoura laranja chora

As garotas batatas da horta invejam
A menina beterraba engorda
Acima dela esta a mulher vagem
Dando a lúz aos feijoes da corda

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

My temples tremble

The temples tremble

Freedom is far off like an estuary that lost it´s tide
and gained in it´s stead miles of muddy crab-holed expanse
Salt tolerant reeds and tussocks bristling like your hair

My headaches and temples boom
This mind is not a hub of shivalry
though a spirit could take a bath there

Oh bare coastal space
How lost I am along you
A thumping head cries out for the return
Of a tide teeming with life.

Fate´s light

Fate´s light

Knocking on the page with a pen
anyone home
I think I´ll go clumsily in

Buying an hour sweet as a supermarket
Buying a tie and your time bides aligned

Knocking on your friends cranium for answers
Was it fermented hopps that gave chance
and valued such opinions?

By the clock your spirit wanes
God points, god points and you turn like those hands
Ticking an echo of a heartbeat

Knocking over water when your thirsty
Against your interests a flooded river
carrying your bed to nowhere

Buying lies at a discount
matter-of-fact clerks
daytime t.v jerks
With information dribbling off
dusty lips

Knocking up the room
making it pregnant with lust
Declaring like a fool the world is unjust
God points at you
The clock falls and smashes

Your shadow disappears
because the lights shine from every direction


She´s moorish
She could sit on the fine tables in any realm
She´d swap the sand for green pastures
she´d guide the cattle
without dogs

She´d use Gibraltar as a ferry again
like she did a thousand years ago

Reaching for northern isles
Where winter was a paranoid viking
Summer a pale blonde wanderer
Somewhere amongst the border bramble
I waited on her

Moorish she came to me
Subtle sweet I expected her permission
To pass between her lips
That we´d somehow catch each other in an embrace
So profound it would have me dance

Moreover clap
She´d take her tamborine and change
our children´s faces
Hope and new blood like food to a scavenging north
A mobile treasure soon to be gone
Certainly she tastes moorish.

Big aura

Big aura
I´m out of range to feel your rays sweet
I´ve skidded miles on this rotten fruit
this lawn of love-lovelorn

Passers-by have bathed in your aura love
Judge me how you will, you are at the centre
I´m looking down the sight
I´m seeing colours

You pointed to the heavens
Without damning, you made yourself quite clear
Down came the ticket
The queue witnessed your aura bare

It changes colour everytime i´m near
Is it love or hate i´ll never know.

Sadness in her step

There´s sadness in her step

Oh she walked toward the kitchen
Every inch of her legs passing showed grief

Her feet walked outwardly as i the world would suddenly sabotage her
No please
As if the weight of her body was doubled through the pain
She felt at being compared with younger women

Impossible grace she´d never again demonstrate
Captured now by the girls that have fallen under the pen

Oh she walked toward the clothesline with agony in those calves
absolute loathing to a world which would verily ignore her for all she was

We have a growing platonic garden one that poorly sustains
I´ve raised my hand to farewell
Her tears have trapped me mute.

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013



Not as breakable anymore
rubber is the way you bend
People don´t rub off on you anymore
You rub off on them

They leave your side and ponder
You´d stapled their eyes with images of you
They´d spend countless hours wondering
If your body language was true

They got caught in the very net they´d use
To take you down helplessly

Your bubbling irony strokes them
Provoking them mercilessly

They mumble or stutter, red sweat holds them
A scornful sigh doing nothing to appease

Following you, calling and sending messages
You hold their chains
Like a chariot maiden reigns
I look at you with lava nearing my pupil

Each of my eyes like blazing cities
Like dreams that have burnt down to embers

You´ve wrought havoc
wildmen are now tame

Continue your attempts
to overpower me invain.

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Sold to Egypt

Enigmatic son
The levitating clean heart
Oh here god sprinkled his footsteps
with pure mirth please mind

Granting him calmness
The visions to conquer an empire with mere dreams
Good will reigned and destiny aligned
God switching the railwaytracks of fate

Abundance on the land
great hopes for the future guaranteed
Isaac´s house was safe
The great scarcity plagued

The joining of the continents
their storehouses laden and godblessed
Such esteem was harvested
such providence earnt

For joseph was a fine piece of god in human form
A collaborator of goodness a step forward.

Vietnam tool (Burst of Joy)

Burst of joy foto challenge

Defeat never felt so glorious
Her high heels almost broke under the sprint
Was democracy still safe?
Sudden defeat hidden by atrocity

Hey sing "cambodia napalm" to compete with polpot
Placards will break your fall
Yes colonel your daughter run to you beaming

For the blood on your hands
anticommy commands
To see you eating falshoods from a pigs stye.

Defeat never felt so glorious
Presidents wavered appeared
Your not whole

Industry and economy
you are not self aware
Tools in Vietnam
Vietnam in you

What a smile, what a glow
Colonels smiles die down with the flames
to bed where you can´t sleep
wake coldsweet guilty

Democracy was never safe
Your freedom has been breached
Your guns don´t smoke for victory.

Milch für die kätze

Jon otano milk poem

You can´t get milk from a whales stomach
The blowhole doesn´t pump milk

Don´t block it with antiquity
God as present as he ever was

Kidnapped children pray
Little girls black and white cats scowl
In the basket on the way to church
trying to scratch their way out

After the sermon the pastor gives milk
and archaic flattery
The cat purrs even depite the grimace
worn by such a kidnapped child on the label.

Kavih plural

Accused of supernatural abilities

Down the bramble covered hill
From where they meant to poison me
Through the wasteland into the tunnels
I hid for my assailants drew near

In the middle of the slum
I was hidden in sacks
Witnessing executions
I found a pair of errand boys by the tunnel

They took me to the mastermind´s secret street office
I walked in to see an organised headquarters
they all recognised me
The mastermind himself was not a local

And his grin turned to tumerick
when he showed me the diagrams
There I was among tragic souls
Painted blue and yellow ahah!

Acintyo go out and preserve and sustain
Blue and yellow

Warriors of the past in their cinammon graves
Their souls jaded by carrying a god in search of justice

Anayah, these that knew their death
before their mission was complete
Changing history unseen.

This god a tiger blue and gold-anuh
A shell of a man I was
bravery stepped in as him alone
Source, a shadow breaker defined.

I am nothing but a wish
Without creativity
without justice

Heliodorus, heliodorus why do you call me
You fire your essence as if it were arrows from afar

My hand finds fire before temples of corruption
Atulah they dressed me in kalki telling me to destroy
May I exit this slum, this nightmare- I am no god
I have swam as the great fish
wallowed as the turtle
Grunted as the boar
Roared as the lion
waddled as teh dwarf

Arhah deeming me to be the sixth warrior
The seventh heroe!

Only driptah the cat offers me his green wine
I refuse the concoction
it´s blinding

I held hands with gahanah before the redrain.
A guhyou guruh

Down the dark tunnels out of the slum
my blue-yellow eyes see
Out of your eyes my eyes see
Kavih plural
They identify me as

sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

Exodus Souvenir

Exodus souvenir
Carried by the dream of god to put the arc together
So much gold and silver and brass
for what did they need sockets?

Colourful materials
curtains and goat hair-Royal pigment
Many cherubs to trumpet god´s music
Precious cherubim procured earnestly
Cunningly worked

The grand scale works
a throne for the cosmos
A holy ornament that would catch the eye
Filling the heart as though it was hollow
with faith that man´s notion had not known to thirst

The actual treasure
the hub of recognition
Hoisted above a people who had wavered
in their fear of god


The fickle flock
desert shepherd is he
The multitude uncivilized
and clinging to the past
Holding on to the archaic rituals
Angering god daily

Culling them in wayward seasons
dazzling and commanding them.
making food and art of them

Moses the father somewhere up the Sinai
Searching out his jealous god

Why this ambassador
covering the great cauldrons of goats milk
with palm fronds and the good will of Aaron
So sand would not enter

He was the truth then behind austerity
A slap in the face wth a hardwood staff
A sacrifice of the healthiest herds
even in a famine

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

The life changer

The life-changer(Simon Bernard ELLioTT´s latest story)

The day of the accident was blistering hot,
none of the houses had any overhangs, so there was no escape from the sun.
There was literally no place to hide from the heat.
That morning there was an announcement asking the local folks to go
up to the Biotechnology laboratory on the hill to help, because there´d been an accident. A code red had occured which caused the whole town to blackout!

Making my way through the streets toward the great laboratory on the hill, sweat appearing in beads and suddenly drawing lines down my face.
People were running in the opposite direction, some of them screaming with burn marks on their faces and necks from some corrosive chemical.
The closer I got to the Biotech lab the worse the people running by looked.

The heat of the day was making everthing confusing I heard sweet music in the distance. I literally couldn´t decide if it was my imagination or simply the heat of the day playing tricks. Why was I risking my life to save the people there, by the looks of things there would be noone to save somekind of chemical fire would mean certain death!

As I approached the biotech lab the burnt people walking down the hill weren´t screaming perhaps because their lungs were corroded. They weren´t running either they were hobbling. A few of them turned and looked at me with a funny expression. I would have also looked that way at me why was I heading toward a potentially contaminated site. I was at the entrance when a burn victim came out of the main door. I asked him if they needed help, he looked at me with what looked to be blame in his eyes. I shouted at him-"I had nothing to do with this sir if you want to blame someone go and find the safety official!" The man hobbled off making a slurrping sound with his mouth.

I opened the main door and entered, there were some strange smells but no evidence of a fire! I looked around, the first area was an improvised medical station with glass and material flung eveywhere. Beside some of the stretchers there was a doctor and two nurses face down, they were bleeding from somewhere but I didn´t have the courage to turn them over.

I walked over to the chemical mixing tables, I should have just ran out of there. A very sharp scent went up my nose as if with a life of it´s own. It burnt the insides of my nose and all down my respiration tracts. I panicked and ran outside opening the door and screaming. Though there was no scream! Nothing came out no noise! I tried to talk to myself aloud like I do when I feel nervous, nothing! So I prayed it wasn´t the same substance that had burnt all those people so badly.

The pain subsided quite rapidly and a deep calm took my body and mind, a heavy dullness that reassured me whatever was happening it couldn´t be so bad. I felt my skin it was no longer sweating. I felt strange allover for a few minutes, my heartbeat was getting louder and slower until it stopped altogether. I was still alive and felt strong. For the next few days I went after local folks in town who didn´t manage to evacuate in time. I ate them, some of them I ate until the bone others were already infected so I´d take a few bites and give up.

I didn´t feel very good about eating them but the hunger I felt was way beyond any fleeting sense of ethics I still had.
Life as a zombie was challenging, survivors often had that addrenaline which would keep them moving and make them think fast which made it hard to hunt. Sometimes all you´d get to eat was a stray dog or cat, and sometimes even a domesticated one. Not very appetizing but filled the gap.

Sometimes it was fun, there was a house with a generator that utilized an electric fence to keep us out. The shocks we´d get off that thing could be compared with taking metamphetimines, we could run faster, jump higher and we felt alive. That was something a few of us would do every night before going hunting. I guess the people in the house thought we were braindead, no we were getting high and draining their gasoline powered generator every night.

Sex was cumbersome being a zombie, you never knew when someone was having an orgasm because we were all constantly moaning. So this was my new life the cliche biotech zombie sleeping in cool basements by day and roaming the city and surrounding forests by night. It was about to change though.

About a week after the biotech incident, the government called in the army. Some of us made it into hiding places and concealed basements that the surviving human population had used to hide from us. Sometimes we were so hungry we´d pull brazen tricks luring a few soldiers into a trap confusing and attacking them before they could let a shot off.  It was great one night for there was a heavy mist and the soldiers were sent in to hunt us down because they had a deadline. Little did they know that we could see perfectly, senses that relied on feeding were often enhanced and other sensed diminished. They lost a few men that night. Admittedly some of us lost a few limbs.

Alot of us were culled off the following night however when the army found a hive of us in a large underground store house. WE could hear the cacophony from a few streets down. They extinguished hundreds of us. So the next night those of us who could still pass as human looking, took off the uniforms from the soldiers we´d decieved. Spent a few hours but managed to put on the uniforms, pick up their guns and imitate a good march which got us into the army compound on the edge of the city. After lights out it was easy pickings, chaos and terror ensured a high bite rate, very few men left the camp without getting infected.

Were we smart zombies you ask yourselves? Aren´t zombie´s supposed to be retarded? In times of threat when we needed to survive or hunt our human brains would sometimes kick in, and we would make use of them more than the average human would as he has access to it all the time. Soon after it kicked in, our perception and thinking would dull down to nothing again which was like taking a warm bath in our favourite flavoured blood.

Nothing would prepare us for the next step, as we wlaked out of the compound in the very early morning a bright light shone in our faces, it must have just been daybreak because we were usually underground by sunup. How wrong I was yet again. The government had taken definitive action and nuked the small town. The firey draught consumed us all. "What a way to go!" My zombie brain exclaimed. I came very close to the human notion of disappointment.

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Carnaval haiku edge

Carnaval haiku
Legs floats and colours
Drums and chants happy hammers
Samba school glamour

Joyful directions
Costumes convey affection
Smiles, waves infectious

Party announcers
Carnaval magic spell cast
Give the people hope

Carnaval limerick

Carnaval limerick

Trailors of decorations and dancing girls
Wings and horns, diamonds and pearls
Joy ontop bribes underneath
Ostentatious out of reach
Watch them dance enjoy their twirl.

domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013

respect (simon and stacy)

Real courage is apart of her
Life challenges and orange obstacles
Let´s watch her conquer the world with love
Let her be the inspiration.

A genuine soul and a smile for all
patience is his virtue
and he gives the gift of wings
to all who ask it
Let's watch him show the world
what peace really means
Let's, from him, learn truth

The young mother who retained radiance
Inviting poets into her life, forgetting her fears
Blessed them with uncanny verse
Relieved their tired minds with fiesty ideas
And showed a lost man an arrow back to caring.

The nomad that had found his way
leading lost poets
and giving them a place to play
He charmed them with his verse
and led them in an artistic endeavour
to purge the soul
of life's curse

With her wings and his guiding compass
hope was conceived

A ball game in greece.

The fate of some(a ball game in greece)

A unit of Nazi Germany allied- italian soldiers had just finished a considerable skirmish near a hillside town not far from greece´s west coast. the town was partially destroyed and the heat of the early afternoon had kicked in.

The italian soldiers didn´t really want to move further toward the next town, they were exhausted and the heat of the sun and the battle had tired them.
The greeks had fought really hard despite having no artillery and poor armaments they had continued against the italians for a good hour before they were killed, many of the Italian´s deaths were caused in hand to hand fighting. The greeks seemed to be faster with a knife which scared the italians. Now the Italians had their victory it was time to rest their sore minds.

So they rested in a ditch on the main road which passed just down from the village where there was shade from a few olive trees and such. They joked about war and talked of their families. One of their scouts also exhausted arrived with a bundle of rations he´d stolen off the greeks whom had fallen in battle. Some of the men thought it bad taste and felt their arrow of morality being pushed away from where it used to point. Evenso they all ate and drank almost to the point where their morale had been replenished.

A German tank appeared out of nowhere as if it had been beamed out of a portal! giving a start to the italian major and his troop. A very thin and authoritarian ss commander hopped down and started screaming instructions at them and scolding them. His italian was almost as horrible as his tone. So the italians got up and organized themselves into rows and ranks as the ss commander scolded them even more, he looked completely outraged and crazy!

Before the italians had even got their rows straight a whole unit of ss soldiers arrived in two trucks and another tank. The ss soldiers jumped out of the tank and their trucks, casually dressed in summer uniforms they seemed oblivious to their glaring commander, who looked at each one of them as they passed.

The commander ushered them into a circular formation. He turned back to the Italians and instead of frowning and scorning them he had a smile one that looked as ironic as if he did stand up comedy and said -"Just go back into the ditches and rest for now we will have a game!"

The commander ordered one of his soldiers to fetch a severed arm to use as a bat. holding it from the hand and hitting with the stump. He told another soldier to look on the back upper panel on the outside of the panzertank, there the soldier found a sunroasted human heart which was to be the ball. None of the ss soldiers looked shocked and the ones looking on were giggling.

The italians were shocked and outraged and the scout felt this was a punishment from god for stealing the dead enemies rations. None of them had the backbone to protest, even though all of them were armed and most of the ss were only equipped with a single pistol. The fact is the "arm" that was being used as a bat belonged to the italians it was their colonel who bravely fought, but was massacred in the heat of battle. The day seemed to grow even hotter as if the sun was trying to exhaust the ss bullies. Didn´t work though, and what´s worse none of the ss men knew how to play baseball.

So you can imagine what would happen to the severed arm and heart after a few innings. It was a mess to say the least and the pitcher and the batter wore aprons which only shocked the Italians even more. The game stopped and one of the friendlier looking ss soldiers approached the italians and said -"Oh now it´s your turn,viel spass, go out there and show us what you´ve got!" The ss commander
pushed his auxiliary off and faced the shocked italians and said with that same ironic smile-"wouldn´t you like to play now men!???"

The Italian major was the highest rank left, stood up and declared with an almost german tone -"We will press onto the next town and conquer!!!"
The ss commander jeered "good" -"But remember if we find you resting like this again when we get to the next town we will use your heads as footballs!!!"
As the ss commander screamed that, the italian major noticed a very dark aura coming off the ss commander it seemed to pour out of him toward some roadside brambles- HELL- The italian major looked at the brambles across the roadside in the heat where the commanders aura seemed to lead. He could see a demon! A red demon hovering over the brambles and noone else could see it. the demon had a face that taunted the major a face that knew it could be seen and enjoyed being revealed.

The italian major himself felt himself wanting to take his rifle and kill the ss man and declare what he had just seen, instead he stayed quiet and turned his troops south to their next village. Years later the italian major remembered the ss commander and his demon, it gave him nightmares. On the day the major died despite being a godfearing man who frequented church he woke to a world ruled by that very demon an eternity of torment that very demon had furnished for him.

Never conform or sell yourself too cheaply. Ignore the supernatural and it´s implications but beware that maybe it doesn´t ignore you.

Can you think of sex?

Creativity killers
Can you think of sex when you look at a buiding?
At a garden? At a decorative wall?
A coastal city in the mediterranean
such distinct landscapes while-
half the young population sit inside
and share the same imagery as the rest of the world!
The same messages! The same lack of meaning!
The same avoidance of curiosity.

Can you think of sex when you look at a building?
Can you find art in a road accident?
How well can you cultivate a lie?
Could I learn? Oh no something snapped
The honest man has made a nest of suffering-
on this earth, this play pen, we´re forever toddlers
our building blocks are deception
Impatience to obtain our needs!

Can you think of sex when you look at a road?
Even if it was one way?
Even if it didn´t lead you to the proverbial mansion?
Modern architecture in their coastal cafes
ring oblivion! as they are as bland as modern pop music.
The imagination it seems is ever under the eye
of a dull imposer of what is avant guard.
A gestapo officer with the sole duty of-
extinguishing creativity as a whole.
A mortal enemy of mine in every sense!

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Jacob in the middle

Jacob in the middle

Jacob betrayed his brother E sau
Took his father´s blessing on both knees
Took it from his brother
Jumping into god´s spotlight
Third world birthright.

Like a fatboy does humour
In the shade of La´ban
Shamelessly stealing the show
So Rebekah and Isaac sent him east
In the shade of Lab´an

To seek old relations
Meet his heart in rachel
Sins and good deeds
tended by a god who
Ushered him unto spreading his seed

Solitude as medicine

This solitude

Gives me legs
This quiet time to lull
my begs.

This nothingness
that sweeps my face
in the breeze

This healing body
Noone sees it

This world changing
at snail pace

Screens and machines
a lack of taste.

Give me the bark
Give me the leaves,
so I can clothe myself.

Immunizing myself
against the opposite
of nature.

Civilization as a disease

Isolated in the wood


Grass, insects
Incessant chirping
I have planted myself like a tree

Away from the nightmares of expectations
From the lost hopes for a new life
From the attention seekers
carving holes in my silence

This is where I´ve sent myself
Under trees in this tropical woodland
With only distant shrieks to disturb my peace.

Tropical wood(Monchielle style)

Beckon tropical wood(Monchielle style)

Beckon to me luscious
I enter you midday
Tend to me canopy
Slow the wind foliage
Surround me tree beauty

Beckon to me luscious
Trunk Base tickled by grass
Humble where it branches
Cocky where it flowers
Sunday wind a dancing

Beckon to me luscious
I exit you at two
Flicking your leaf litter
Freaking out your aphids
Letting go of bitter

Beckon to me luscious
Though your old trunks still rot
Though climbweeds consume thee
Was my man presense felt
Somewhere in your soft trees?

Socially Intelligent

Everybody´s making noise
Not one of you are listening
Craving deafening music
Gossip´ trollop, low IQ glistening

Your mouth rambles on
Superstar dreaming in your tight dress
Spit absurdities loud no limit
to your thoughtlessness it seems.

you are a piece of everybody shining for the light
So preened and pruned
A shout, an uncontrolled giggle
For some fancy party scene

Noone gets a word in
you talk like an avalanche
Short slangs for old times
Noone listened to your verbal lance

So forget about the dance nights
all your hot new sayings
You´re still getting invites
for pretty girls with no brains!

You´re the life of the party that
grows and grows
Idiots attempt seducing you
and your mindless ego!

Topfloor to nowhere

I found you on the topfloor of nowhere
You looked at me like you would your father
You feel like a little lamb

In the corner of the grand space, you
Left for dead no redemption
Petrified there awaiting my touch to calm you

Would our´s be the dwindling sunset soon in darkness
Would our´s be the delicious cake everyone took slices of

In that grey rooftop
I saw your eyes wide open
I saw you look at me like your saviour.

You are our delicious cake.
Tapping me on the shoulder
Your nightdress radiating innocence

Left you there on the top floor of nowhere
Our farewell some gatecrasher
neither of us had invited.

Pedestal -/pedistal

Pedistall dwelling
In the kitchen of crushes
The steam keeps it humid
You can smell the pancakes cooking

And you can pretend your eating them
From an empty plate.

Pedistall staring
Does a man deserve to be decieved
So distracted by his lust?
Pedistall dreaming.

Opening the refridgerator
It´s empty,
"Put your heart into it"
Someone advises him

So he wraps it up and puts it in
She has it for breakfast
And vomit´s it back into his chest
Where it becomes bitter through
being soaked in stomach acid.

Pedistall dumbfounded
Rules of attraction
Eletrocute yourself Pedistall dramatic

A day!

A day!
Look, had a day
The log off my legs, whoops
whip de day!

Let it grow on the face unshaven
Had myself a day, concentrate.

Took off early, dawn all by herself
She´d nothing to say.

Broke eight am
Let the hero "daylight" save
Told myself I was logless and okay
I had my student and had a day.



Tired the day has dragged him through
Like a waves undercurrent

He just wants his bed
Sleep pulled him under
like a willow root

Even the glistening creeks flow
couldn´t push him to go

Now pulled into the muddy bank
and absorbed by the very tree that cries forever(salix).

She loves ambition

New dreams were born on account of her talk
Easy victories were met like their light kiss
As simple as the touch of smitten lips

Creation was it´s vein in men´s ambition, the tongue
Worn down were the efforts and flesh softened little
between blunt teeth

Cleopat- and marc- anton the treacherous mediterranean breath
The sea at war, defeat would be savoured
by seasoned tastebuds

The food of man´s desire led to bleeding gum´s
Ambition is the mouth
Love the saliva

She doesn´t love you, you fool!
Mouthwatering passion and ambition.

Sunny outlook

Sunny outlook(complex rhyme scheme/syllable count)

Sunny lanes of hopeful, real in a dream
I searched for something, in light of my sleep
Stalls busy glaring out into the street
Social interation not what it seems

The lanes were sunlit, concrete walls all cream
Who knew choosing lunch snacks could be so deep-
tongue of your mind tastes fillings in the heat,
is this the right shop? across the road gleams
Buy beauty in kilos, illusion´s steam
There´s attraction! Though in this store you keep

Life is short life is bought
not often meaning´s sought

Cruel light of early afternoon is seen
A customer´s mind defines the word cheap
The elderly search comfortable seats-
where they can lump youth into kind and mean

Idleness wallows like a child so keen-
From the calm flat alleys up to the steep
Open establishments as firm as cow teets
Plaster, stone and paint not a tree of green
Shops have become summer clothes and bedsheets-
where homeless sleep and dirty bodies lean

Life distorts within thoughts
Lost in "shoulds" Killed in "oughts"