sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2025

Concubines and charity

 All of the wives and concubines
obsessive and neurotic
conservative fawning creatures
working near the courtyard
out of a large overlit neon white kitchen

A medium sized lake where peasants waded
woodlands speculate from the shore
the damp forest floor breeding optimstic fungus
compost that smelt and tasted as rich as the hubris

coming from the old owner of the house

all the wives and concubines
competing for attention
the dream of consolidating a piece of the pie
a trait they all had in common
that ran over them as in clothing
in through them emotion

the special food they'd prepare
the secret mystery of the summer months
the dreary boredom of the winter
Peasants would approach begging for food
scraps were scattered over the muddy forest's edge

Charity that fabulous narcotic for the self absorbed
burning through the veins and stomach
I can give you something, but nothing for me she says
I can give you something, but nothing for me

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2025

Long in us

 Cassius watched the moon
courtyards slowly became silent
The last of the slaves hidden away
Moon traverses cloud made way

The century below weary at his post 
short cropped hair fused to face
Moonlight distracts the man
questioning him

He answered with two voices
One for the moon one for the land
his voice a chariot bearing down
on the world in accusation

Luna luna quid resistis
Frowns the retreating wild horses
grins the advancing wolves
Tyrants of Endymion

Pulling the ropes of an empire
summoning the Menae
Obsession glory
in a moon prayer

That repetition before failure

 A symbol in the metal
The weight of life spoiling the fresh
thickness and tightness settled
experience the world through toned flesh

A symbol of strength
an overcoming glow
serious push from bench
Raise a conceited brow

narratives open alluring doors
to cute empty corridors
long highways narrow and fenced
extremely abrupt pointless deadends

Don't let it weigh on you a gram
just be that symbol of strength
ideology be forever damned
despite recruiters beautiful tents

sweat out the age lose fear
decade of muse
get a tight oufit to wear
a trainer to use

Ribbon the boutique

 Ribbon the muffinlike
ears that roll down 
poke up like alarm sensors
pocket satelite dishes

family size
piglet like
personality in the eyes
lying near and probing the glass door

It's a boutique creature
swaying in the walk
pomp in the step
what a thrill he says

with his wagging tail

segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2025


 Join me across this land
dredge up the past for us
long riverside walks
stalls of wondrous craft

difficult decisions
the emergency of thought
Flowing Hubris in the Limmat
Curate this urban gasconade

The fields have produced hay and silage
We walk past it all towns in dells
boutique and self contained
lost in time

I look at your face
we pretend to be civilized
knives under the table
Franks on the table

Polyglot and blazé
From these altitudes
you can get the false sense
that you own the world

Not so neutral as I observe you insisting
face contorted with indignation
was my bribe too small?
Change gear mid blarney

Take a moment to marvel these alp like expectations
hidden away from northern austerity
and southern complacency

The unattainable plum

 The plum tree hung down from a top a 2 meter outside wall
On the front of a two story white house with orange and yellow internal lights
The tree had 12 plums hanging off it and barely enough foliage to keep it alive
It was once an old man observing the street curiously for decades

friend to the breeze to the draught of trucks and traffic passing by
expressionless to the street except eyes that would hit and absorb
It hung down off the wall still life in it looking outward as the old man did
Too far off the ground to reach it's plums

Noone witnessed one fall
Soon there will be only eleven
The year will inevitably change
The tree will be dead sticks in a frost

Then flagrant flowers over the footpath
once again into 12 individual fruits
Unreachable by human hands
People stare up into that house

where the orange yellow light hypnotizes comfort
Time falls faster day changes
raining down like hourglass sand
toward the next lifetime

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

The old Guarantee

 The face lights up
roundeed cheeks and extensive smile
Nothing is more alive
Nothing more animated

Go and seek the face said
reach out into the world
pick out what you require
savor the glimmer of it

Youthful and fresh
As rebuilt sometime this morning
The same wisdom radiating from the brow
Almost dimples form

The voice said
Go and get it
it was yes in a long sigh
it exists

for a split second to shatter my shame
What a gift for the meager grifter I am
a word peddler piddling similie
The guarantee seemed so far

Now it glows like the sun
yet not overpowering
letting me continue
on my weary trail

Because that face lit up
So that I might continue
to go and conquer
with the same smile

on my face
With the same energy i coveted
with the same humongous steel will
visions of amplitude

Just a quick visit
from beyond the grave

Two pugs and an optimistic half breed

 Dogfood being served into this familiar dish
I tried to get back to my home so precious
A couple of vogue modish doctors presenior
made jokes as they posed in the mirror

the can of dogfood was half full
Relief soon found for I'm homeward bound 
the room felt dirty with fools
trendy doctors brag and ridicule

the bowl was fully disgusting
it was inedible made me feel fussy
They just wanted to season and cure
with contemptuous conjecture

I was looking for myself in them
With the door open like a grin
Such a mess so unhealthy
shouldn't I clean it myself

Open the car door home will be fine
get ready to leave this can of dog food behind
those trendy doctors informing us from their conceited beliefs 
About how to be shit do eat to stay seated and even breathe

modish doctors dressing and moving for kingdoms of envy
recreating themselves from popular snippets sending
those distilled 15 minutes of fame from where they began
back from their little calender photoshoot extravaganza

My universe of awkardness chews at the fabric of their reality
crossing the room to expose all their nescient fallacies
Instead of words came barks and yelps
What a pet it seems I can't help it all the same

Just a collar and a half filled bowl to my typical name

Scouring dusk

 The winding alleys 
The inner bellies
Of the long ever extending serpents
roofless courtyards

cobblestone paths
often giving away rune like cracks and gaps
five story buildings for local merchants
to eat drink and congregate at the end of the day

Above the walls and clustered cottages
The land is still absorbing the sky
as children being raised
open alleys and patios

exposing the seminight
talking down to us as we get lost
knocking on certain doors
just to get our bearings

We finally come to a small door
light blue woodpaint with a small dark steel ball
for a door handle
Leading into another labrynth of houses

Relatives leave their front door
inviting their Children to join
Even dusk suggests they join
oh how the young forget their heavy refusals

Insisting on their course of action
following their quirky confusion
leading them into precarity
further into lack and excess

further into the tangle of emotion
when the elders are already feasting
and making merry to the warm glow
of tree lights hanging above their tables

Parents no longer need the stars to find their way
They have maps written painfully along 
the widest tubes of their heart
Their smiles and advice surge in perfect time

Unable to sense the perplexity in us
Yet their expressions cool the hottest anguish

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2025

Before sleep

 They turned themselves back to the other children
sitting in the bible circle
tracing christ with their minds
creating a new interpretation

One the pastor will come and shape
So they go to the window once again to ponder God
the dim January light seeks them out among shadow
Just to rejoin the circle once again to share their divine

Epiphany in their hands sweaty hands
cheery expressions
utopian moss
hearts fill with tangible heavy love

What a world to dillute all of that
For pull the curtains they must
gratitude their only shield
as every form of ghoul perch inside the night

Blow out the candles
dream of the lord and his true glory
in the chaotic world blurring every line
existing through acid trip mayhem

where the information lacks
eucumenical excuses flood
hands in prayer
hands in the circle

Above it all the emboldened crucifix
a world afraid of it's shadow
fairytale sure
blow out the candles

Born into wealth

 dawn daughter
Born as new water under these running suns
circulating experiences
from the void one like me comes to experience life

eyes glued to the rulebook
studying the signs
To far into the path to be able to navigate
foot traffic shapeless faces shock

dawn daughter
born into mansion
A world's double standards built it's golden archs
It's majestic pools

I glue myself to reality
preoccupied with the truth
Has it led me astray
unable to navigate

Born into the world in an instant
pick up the slack of ridiculous centuries
dribbled and distilled into genes
prejudice and chlorine

Come back to life

 Walk toward bright light
bright light courage glow
walk inside a reality
you've built

Fresh visits
wake here again
enjoy this air

walk toward the forest tall
where narrow leaves dangle
flutter in the wind

come toward the sun
give your soul to sacred morning
renew your joy for life
melt shadows

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2025

Not the right fit

 Who will I truly be
What Kind of person
put them through school

A pipeline toward retirement
through each stage
ticking each box
every fucking requirement

Passports IDs and curriculums
To participate in acting
conjecture arousing
In career espousing modern rthyms

Are you a nut an awkwardly shapen bolt
A screw without enough thread
A nail with hammer dread
A defect on paper an engineer's fault

We've nowhere to put you.
and not time to find something here.
we've been focusing on productivity and it's come to out attention that you are using company time for your own personal endeavours. The company cannot afford to keep people like you on.  This is not a decision we take lightly, we are not doing this as a personal affront.
I'm afraid we have to let you go, for all of your hanging on, all the best with all of your future plans. Please accept a free company t.shirt and a letter of goodluck from our HR department. It is with the happiest wishes we farewell you.
And if you find our grins sarcastic, it's probably because we are overjoyed to see you gone. Any person not usable here gets pumped out with the poop. 

Best regards

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025

Oh the cookie of ruin

 Oh the cookie
what an offering

A special treat until it's not

Bitemarks into it
aspiring progression

Yet the main meal is not finished

The chocolate chip
all mouths long for

"The cookie" screams the four year old
Plump and screaming from his high chair
like all adults of today
searching for sweetness before eating the dreaded casserole

Why the curious mind baits
Lazy vice of course

Baked dough chocolate throughout
In that hard to reach jar on the top shelf
Far up the wall
small hands reach for it
like little antennas

Casserole sits uneaten fearing
Something sweet will spoil their dinners

(originally written in 2012 by Simon Bernard Elliott)

Bullets find bodies

 On the flat ground between Ukraine and Russia
fires and weapons wheeze in despair
Bullets catch people because there's nowhere 
for them to land but there

Bullets leave their beholden guns forever and fly toward people
finding them behind buildings or even in creep holes
embedding themselves into the flesh and death tolls
This war fashion of evil fabric creases and folds

Bullets never land in the soil
or run into overgrown trees
they find vital organs hidden in bodies
They enter life and exit death

artillery and drones pass over head soldiers diving
sacred angels singing and torching toward the horizon
with the intentions of God and the devil a holy calamity
interrupting missiles entrusted gravity

Delusional Circumvention a God given gift

 What is there to take
but greed from within
what is there to learn
when impatience compells you

what can I offer you
If you were blind to it's value
what may I teach you
When the lesson is irksome to your melodramatic spirit


standing in lines you all expect some appeasement
Forgiveness for your boring drilling minds
insisting on some sort of relief
just to bathe afresh in pure anxiety

What secret can I whisper?
A shortcut on a map perhaps
would that put it to sleep?
or increase your restlessness

What would you like to extract
without prying eyes upon you
Innocent crimes would you
endeavour to perpetrate

I would laugh myself to death

You left the work
just here for pleasant interaction
empty pockets on entry
also on the exit

send your complaint with impossible requests
but make it sincere and idiotic
so at the very least I can extract some laughter
expedient minds cooking cheap beans

I'll sell you the secret
the shortcut on the map
the choreography to heaven
Just to imprison you forever

To fill the furnace of insanity
a lickable boardgame
The ultimate advantage
fill your impecunious hearts with shiny items

vegetables and real estate

 Hanging vegetables all so ripe
down the side of the house
A century lost within a millenia
A relic said the owner

up for sale now

The many big rooms and courtyards
we make our way through
Like an unknown day
a century lost in cleaning up the mess

A huge basket of ripe vegetables

Even in the shade they seem
keen to perish
before I even get the chance
to sustain myself on them

Growing in that narrow space
we try to push our way through
it's like one of those hard phases of life
Noone there to prevent the rot

A century lost in trying to harvest all of this
new property acquired

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025

I am your disappointment

 You turn and sneer I see white cloud
redeeming me the dirty shelf object
take another look before the steel folds back
blue sky illuminates the great hope in my heart

I am dust I am gone
swept from the floor

hope the broom pushes me forward
for the disappointment in your face
A surprise on such a bright day
you turn and sneer

I am the inconvenience
Where your disappointment gets stored

This day is a container
a slice of tuesday anxious heart
walk on those legs toward some place
that leads down the long driveway
of the late afternoon

let the heat and the intensity of hard words
come back around in the still
with no wind to push it
Just the unforgotten discontentment

gestures and facial cues
remind you once again of your anger

pull it over that face today for its a container
this is a mask for your yesterday disgruntled
summon the vehicle of bitterness
don't let me see this proud face cry

A teenage cosmos

 Youth makes you feel aligned when your right off track silly, youth makes you leak energy like an old lorry leaking oil.
Side to side you wink and nod laughing uncontrollable decades of jeer stack it up.
Disproportionate youth chaotic accelerating uncomfortable through the predictable phases.

Friends are twins
Rehearse those wins
Pubic hair covering it all
hiding what once was

Everything is interesting everything is boring so lost you force yourself to be found in some discarded opinion you picked up after school. In some assembled identity.
Seek some syndrome or spectrum to put yourself on, you can explain your behaviour what a tickle swaying through the false serious meetings with parents. Pretend to be convinced.
Just a list of excuses a convenient diagnoses a ticket to a program you couldn't get into by merit,
pubic hair covers it all.

Oh you discovered sarcasm
now you rehearse those examples
as if spells for wizard's apprentices
In a convoy of walking talking stuffed animals

Disproportionate and chaotic through those thousand school days. Messing through the moods and those conflicts, the internal temperatures and the hellish nature of growth.
Tidal waves of shame that seem to be conjured offshore yet they surge from your own extremities, that rushing turmoil that you have no tools to stop. Washing over you again and again.
interrupting your identity.

Self confidence a sharpened axe
Oh the emotion so distant from facts
The hole in understanding the longing...
The uneasy diffusion of hormones

These adults around you certain they have a classification for your species. Hilarious wastes of people, whose chosen identities give them temporary peace and purpose. Yes follow them, stick in that IV drip whenever your life is a hospital. The car horns beep colleagues burst into laughter. learn to be selfish again a party person taking a chance with pleasure not yet proven.

Late nights also supply all the hazards
To create memorable regrets
For your human story
The one you've ignored so far

Meaninglessness somewhere down the road to greet you like your new employer. What a special day

Who will wear you then?

 You saw my life and giggled. I thought I knew myself. you thought you did too. Now the many million platforms see us ascending and descending. Wouldn't you like to live some better life? Won't you impress your friends, isn't that the key to existance?
Untie that desperate flippancy the will toward frivolity, the base where there should be a few bars of solid values and ethics, all empty and neglected. Reach for approval, alas none here.
You thought you knew about my life. I saw you with eyes of curiosity, I saw you with eyes of judgement, No string to hold you together. You wanted to be something you are not.

What would ever move you, despite the ridicule of the other sick ones who rule you less than worthy, and how we give them ears. How we seem to completely care. Even as they plague their way through most of the employees. Would you stand up and believe in one thing that's real or spend this time trading illusions with the other healthy family competitors? Conscience you have, values are scarce though, you come out clean on the surface and soiled to the back of your throat telling us of etiquettes.

The dirtiness in yourself predictable and heavy driving you to elaborate self pity. what a repugnant voice in your head drilling you for not looking better infront of friends, employees and great family.
you were taken dried and squashed and now you are happy jerky. a chew toy for the next rung hierarchy so busy bragging and buying don't get in the way of it except to show awe for those who have more.
These images and constructions holding up your short frame personality answers no questions about life. Lost and decent it's a conversation that packs in a thousand beautiful lies.

Beliefs that protect your little piece of fragile certainty, your collective click of acceptors, your sleepness nights, your adherence to popular behaviour, the way you raise your children with that suave false voice. Pride and meekness a rancid soup. A drop in the bucket of football game vomit diluted by candid cleaning agent. A stable liquid of saline solution into your clumsy vein. 

excellent shirt no real opinions

Twinkle into existance

 excitement hides behind the trees and years
Tis the twinkling air
that worms its way through
into this world

superstition owns the local folk
pushing them around like invisible bullies
the twinkling sky before dusk
tingling full of unknown vibrations

Intimacy comes with several instincts
one for the kiss and embrace
one for the exchange
for trust invisible but tangible

small lights burst over tree tops and eons
before dusk
witnesses speculate excitedly
conjecture is useless concrete debris

Twinkling once during those long years
where adulthood seemed so far
age conquers us all
life twinkling and waving

welcoming you back 
in some pretty century yet to come

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2025

To the caves of Gamsutl

 Mountain frozen world hoarding all shadow
The inhospitable upland woodland 
Haunted by unrecognisable phantoms
Demented wild horses deranged wolves

devouring the light left dripping out between snowfall
The animals morbidly sprint within the blinding darkness
kicking up damp clumps of chunky moss
growling and barking insanely

throwing leaves and moss randomly like bodies falling in a recent war
The crucifix of the crossroads haunts the witness
dressed in several layers of coats as to not freeze to death
hardly able to make out where each road actually goes

some dense fur trees curving perfectly over each trail outward
the sudden neys and barks of berserk horse and wolf
The witness feels underboot the soft soil the snow melted off
Bewildered by the wind and cursed mammals

These mountain crossroads utter harsh and ancient ridicule
appealing to the witnesses' pride taunting him on
The whispers are from words and dialects long dead
yet they conjure visceral visions and impressions

As the horse and wolf merge to form the quasi wendigo
A terrific outcry darkness multiplied itself in the ground
in the canopy of treacherous fur trees
inside the witnesses' heart

He walked on bleakness holding both of his hands
his mind a canvas now painted by the unholy shadow
Dusk surrendered bowed it's last head of light
thus it was decapitated by a brutal night

monsters were once survivors
Now they comb the mountains
None have truly returned from
compounding the curse said to have rested there

Religious consumer

 she found herself in a supermarket
for some life is a trip
others it's a fight
for her it was a purchase

A trapper usually goes out
and makes his decision on how to trap
where to locate it along which track
As does the outlet store owner

getting to the checkout 
where each item is checked
A form of final stage acknowledgement
An agreed completion

understanding you are one in many 
seeking something from what's avalable
inspecting the aisles understanding your taste
Letting the price pose it's special dilemma

In the queue you go
daydreams come and someone stand too close
or too far away helpful distractions
human movement is plural swallowing you whole

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2025

Imago of metallic green

 For all their faults and repulsive defects nauseating shortcomings

I am the humming bottle fly

seeking continental carrion

Needless waste ignorant masses

dumping grounds shadows run along the trashrows

a face emerges from the barren limits

their faults and repulsive defects cause fires

rotting surfaces of these cities

I am the humming bottle fly

helicopter like observing your habits

feeding off the waste

injecting my brood up into every crevice

seeking that quality continental carrion

your nauseating shortcomings and repulsive ways

Soiled kingdoms decomposing heaps

I am the bottlefly emerald head

more mobile than a honey bee

seeking that continental carrion

in populations that don't give a flying fuck

hear me humm see me static and majestic

smell the filth you won't clean

you let fester

so that one as damned as I might be

Moonlit nuclear family

 father clock
Mother calmer
brother taking stock
from I the farmer

Father purchase
Mother upkeep
brother surfaces
from under the house

Father invention
mother patent
brother detention
so just be patient

Father rush
mother dawdle
brother hush
such boasts unswaddled

Father squander
mother scrimp
brother doesn't wander
far from the crib

father sun
mother moon
me wind on the run
brother a sand dune

Maira avião

 The green dress she wore
They say she was an airplane
splayed in the sun baked sand
emerging from a peanut shell from an overcrowded beach

She wore a small stream as well
the grassy banks huddling to it boutique
somewhere ahead an imagined waterwheel
beside some envisaged family picnic

she was the plane
a few seconds away from takeoff
seconds that were to us many years
The restaurant opened as we pulled up

to investigate the small stream outside it
mossy driveway was a shy smile
echoed by the staff hurrying to set tables
In their blessed restaurant

She was the root growing all through
thick and robust stretching on and on
holding everything under the creek together
Families stop to toss in coins as if a wishing well

For luck she was
and what is luck but a signpost
to some destination better than current abodes
to some species of glory yet unfelt

sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2025

When God used to say

 God spoke to us not through church
yet a message knitted into reality

No euphoric sermons
but through holy windows in the cloud
through the oncoming spring
Through courage gathered

For many a truth one may never swallow
As lies have become a staple for all of you
So scripture is just loose bricks in your backyard lad
for the cement of truth has hardened in your bucket

Through our shortcomings and oversights
through our lack of understanding
in the great voids within us
In the abundances that we fight to consider

fight to consider your abundance
consider the wreck of your life rebuilt
develop the callus from labor
free from the intramural collective mistakes

Remember when God used to tell you
you were beautiful on the earth
before you gave ears and cares to drivel
No divine ladder can support deadweight

1 second of clarity is worth more than a lifetime of mania

Last time I left

 I stand on the plateau
I perish in the wind
My corpse soaks into the earth
I rise in spirit body decomposed

I am matched with the wind
blowing me across the open expanses
whistling and pouring energy
into the invisible vessel I am

Fear erupts as we flow over the water
humidity weighing me down
the deep waters a promise of oblivion
the essence of losing oneself

Driven toward space 
thrown back to the huge waves
pulled in by heavy clouds
shouting through thunder

spitting me out across a stormy coast
where all aspects of me fuse into the weathered rock
where lightening has tagged the stone surface
now made magnetic and alive

Just a bellhop for the tides
A derelict inside dark burned rock
Tollkeeper absorbing the sun and rain
conspiring with God for my next birth

Acquiring error

 Adolescence arm lifted me up like a winner
hungry to feed me to adulthood's glimmer
oh how vehicles through lifestages flip
I will cultivate your many whims I quipped

As the sun still shines yet early fall of night
Crops may outlive the few hours of light
Bunching on incredible yields
not to satiate your feeling

but to reflect the divinity line through life
Is not human accuracy
watch the youth attempt and fail
weary of skill afterward

lost in their reflections skeptical of truth
their rules fall away as autumn leaves do
back to the language of instinct
expectation feels like sinking

back toward shelter simulated mother's arms
We all casually and unashamedly return to infancy
mimicking older siblings acquiring outer error within
sweaping the floors with proud ignorant wide grins

The air was sweet our perception soft and vapid
Optimism was born into us like stomach acid
Unity seemed so automatic and eternal
Life forced us to weild a knife

Learning seemed to be a fuel
until we were proven wrong
The universe deafening us with it's laughter
each chapter requiring an incision or slaughter


 I've found you in the north
cultivating these lands
disappearing and reappearing
you lived here and you died here

we felt your presence divine permission
we saw your craft
the devoted family
give me the rhodadendron's essence

the evergreen to brace for ice
as you you brace for age
on these sacred rocks
show us the recipe you have concocted

we see the fat mistakes
beautiful as they are
we seek the rounded meaning
and sharp graceful purpose

Layers of the people
in sweet pure servitude
ruled by draught pleasure
tranquility and convincing seasons

Renew us to what we once were
clean our eyes of pessimism resentment
lowly cynicism
That we might find and appreciate God as it is

that we may accept our lot by faith
the eternal struggle relaxed in our existence
We live here we die here we taste this food
prepared from divine sisters

sent from another galaxy to heal us
our festering wounds
our many lies we believe as truths
thus run us toward mild insanity

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2025

Regeneration of the inquisition

the dim and bright
something born into the world
waiting to form a personality
waiting to commit their quota of sin
Old broken church
conmen who thought they'd tricked God
The dry ground eating away at the surviving greenery
Noone gets away with anything
Music euphoria and simplistic thinking
are no shield from divinity
Dim and bright
thrown into the world
unprepared for the depths of existence
sun lingers late afternoon
Shadows of houses stretch ominous
out of shape resembling dark spirits
reaching for the horizon
Like desperate omens
Manifesting in spurious people
building a house made of candy
with industrial ovens full blast
In it's cellar
Putting them all on trial
Burning them with pride
self righteous hellborn honor
deep congruent selfishness
crucifixes you carry
dipped in petrol for the rally
There's not enough so
burn their children

Wistful feast of yesteryears

The taste of the years gone by memory shell
a banquet that's aftertaste eclipses reality itself
a mouthful devoted to the past with sublime care
the tongue wants to live before now somewhere

In the far reaches of sleep Memories steam
summer bays and hills and circuses delight dream
happy coincidences friendship seeds
that old aftertaste indeed

The deep longing you pretend you don't feel
your napkin stained from reminiscence meal
neon aura vibrating that first kiss
Precious times that once existed

Drenched in pining beloved moments that still burn
whispering at night how much you'd like them to return
The few strings of youth remain plucked in yearning
The music of your disqualified soul an LP turning

A mind obsessed with past eternalizing
a will's strength dedicated to memorizing
Taking alms from precious time dreaming
Wake now smile intact yet tears streaming

terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2025

Animal of desire

 The light brown ground under these trees
damp almost orange hidden under fallen leaves
sticks and grass is the encolsure of the heart
A raw pasture for a thousand animals

each with a voice competing through one mouth
In the dry dusty and desolate naked roots sprawl
The throat attempts to utter one of the voices
The voice like the dog is ankle deep and stuck

in the soft clay at the base of this heart
each dog a person each person a dying voice
an attempt a pretend desire fleeing
then returning in panic

just to find itself mute
The ball is over
everyone has left
the clay floor sticky

A borrowed love for life leaves
the void has waited so long
people build a home in those empty wet clay hearts
everyone wants the same breed of lapdog

The heart an enclosure searching for the genuine article
often contented with 2nd hand ambitions
recommended wishes
invisible roads

segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2025

From Kapiti to the Mantiquera

 Gleefully from your corner of the world rejoice
all clear mornings are given to me like currency
No expectation of cool blue beach competition
two story buildings smiling northward
inviting hurricanes from a place called summer

Witness the invisible seasons from here
from yonder see them dance themselves to death
In the shadows of a giant eel
A land I no longer know

the great winds that would put life back into my younger eyes
An eternity touching the branches of these trees
studying their contours and their rough or smoothness
Leaves to shelter the head from the frothing sun
fox lost on the flat sandy expanses

returning to the small undergrowth
to converse with myself
The hundred months inside the forest shade
Claim existence from a school of mullet 
shallow estuary pool

silence in superlative
life force rising beyond flesh
and forest
it's me

Yet the mountains house me here
their sticky afternoon greeting plumpen cottony cloud
as If for my personal satisfaction
what a nothing of a person contented by cloud you ask
what a nothing of a soul who abandoned his old home

The only beast to quieten me fully
is the immense Mantiquera
The shape of God
The contours obsequious to my eyes

Judge me with laughter
judge me with loud ridicule
From up there I see the world blink
Each vision a reservoir of fuel

In the voice of the valley

 The valley is mine the screech turned bellow
the declaration breathes out
from determined lungs and an impulse voicebox
from the familiar ground into the unknown skies

speaking now and slowly winding it down to a whisper
from the wonderful curves and architecture of my mouth
surprisingly being driven by my mind
such a living thing electric and imposing

Curious animals hidden from sight
Like my eyes behind the lids
Then opening to observe making sense of all
categorizing it all

I read the future of mankind in the bark of a tree
I saw the serenity of decades in falling drizzle

quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2025

Port's end

 Into a ditch
at port's end
crumpled hat
three worn pennies

Materials being offloaded
frustrated dockmen bend and lunge
hurriedly working chaos on the planks
No order to the mess

Fighting to keep
the solids and liquids flowing
arriving and leaving
your senses

Those hundred wheels turning
as you dizzy across
strange coorful box labels
tightlipped supervisors

A new wave of obligation
disappointment and empathy
emulsion of oil across water
logistical doubts

The mists of midday

 Mist and whisper cusp of smmit
winding down and around the thousand protruding canopies
Engulfing the shady underhall of mountain forest
A humid reality a wash of steamy air meshing with the foliage
expressionless bark unspeakable 

the dripping of damp tree trunks tampering with the floor
leaves and twigs swinging down and resting
humidity comes up in barreling draughts
Howling on through like rush hour ghosts

moving on through transparent blankets
descending with afternoon overcasting
afternoon hallowed hibernation

Greyish ears my face goes numb
the jungle murmurs

The forest path a soup

terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2025

You said nature has no use

 We will build a giant vacuum cleaner
To suck the mist off this mountain for you
so you can see yourself in your soccer jersey infantile and proud
simple minded and conventionally pathetic dullard clapping at a marvel movie

we will build a huge megaphone
So that you can scream your soccer team a loud
and sing your hymn out of tone and tune
Like an old useless tool redundant

we will build a panel to listen 
to all of your predictable solutions to life's million problems
each echoing your basic impulse whims 
it's like you got your family to sew a new womb over you

I'll get them to cut down these forests so we can build a mall for you
Burn away those pesky trees and animals 
so you can dress up and get on with your mindless consumption
popping out of the elevator like ignorant toast

We can build you a bubble skin for your ears
So you can't hear the many critics attack your blind ways outright
to protect your skin and family from the elements
we will bulldoze these mountains for you

A tunnel for your flash new conventional car
the prehistoric you in you screaming to be squashed
Subtle modes of gloating under the simplistic weave
The uncivilized state of your anguish served so hot across your face

Trick yourself Guanabara, deep in self deception

 Rough people are you awake???
you all who think life is carefree
slap your own face wake from your lie
A lie you have imposed on your very own world

I inconveniently remind you
the only way out is the hard way
As you try to pay half
cut in line
forge the signature

No shortcuts no discounts
no schemes or elaborate tactics
No trust therefore no future
No merit suave victimhood posing as a thug

because its one fucking exit
burn the sleeved card
drop the act
throw your hussle down

Abandon your jewelry
your drugs your lies your act
pretense of humility
intellectual void

Your well built illusions
medications to induce strong denial
locking yourself out and screaming for help
with the keys in your pocket

can we expose you further
is it comically possible
every little trick you hide
we see out here in the limelight

clear to the day
Flagrant and disgusting
tagged on your ear
tatooed on your face

A hillside to seek beauty

 Low growing herbs appear across the hillsides
Freckles across the rough and broken surfaces
waiting for an owner like those thousand dogs below
abandoned at some point by the deeply careless

negligence sculpted the hillside
desolation painted it grinning
beauty took potshots here and there
angles, corners personal moments

Beauty sought not proven to exist
None wonder why beauty is chased
even on these mountains it attempts to escape
eyes and legs approach

Moving as the cloud flows
as the lizard twitches and signals
Glistening rock can this be beauty
not just an appearance

sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2025

Rounded tops

 Flat mountain faces protruding shamelessly elongated on purpose
crying against the humid immensity occupying the dark mass of rock
summer bombarded by thick cloudful mornings

The rock itself alive with the shimmer of moisture
that some pre midday shard of light illuminates
Begging for evergreens to establish themselves up it's peaks
To hide themselves from the uncertain extremes

Those mountains talk to the sky in solemn request
whining as the human ants climb
Bald areas once lush and enticing 
Impacted by the fires of negligence

The springs two directions

 The spring on the mountain went two seperate directions
colonists on both side of the mountain tried to control the spring from it's source
Each time they tried to build the two creeks into one 
So that the entirety of the spring water would flow down their side of the mountain

Two groups who turned out to steal the water for their own people
insisting on controling that flow and then the would rest
Alas everytime each group built their wooden braces and new trenches
The opposing families would destroy it all and build their one

insisting on this strange insanity for a century
That pale clear water that would sustain their people
Their million hours climbing the mountain
To destroy and rebuild

To never question
To use resources and energy for nothing
The slow idiotic development of honor
Neither side were able to get enough of anything