All of the wives and concubines
obsessive and neurotic
conservative fawning creatures
working near the courtyard
out of a large overlit neon white kitchen
A medium sized lake where peasants waded
woodlands speculate from the shore
the damp forest floor breeding optimstic fungus
compost that smelt and tasted as rich as the hubris
coming from the old owner of the house
all the wives and concubines
competing for attention
the dream of consolidating a piece of the pie
a trait they all had in common
that ran over them as in clothing
in through them emotion
the special food they'd prepare
the secret mystery of the summer months
the dreary boredom of the winter
Peasants would approach begging for food
scraps were scattered over the muddy forest's edge
Charity that fabulous narcotic for the self absorbed
burning through the veins and stomach
I can give you something, but nothing for me she says
I can give you something, but nothing for me