The humid layer thick and slothful that hugs the city streets and structures.
An hour before the rains.
A slow moving plume of absolute humidity moving in and out each suburb like a flock of birds that lost it´s way.
Wetting walls with it´s obese transparent sides.
Eating dryness, licking it up as if it were breadcrumbs.
A great cloud creature delivering dampness and warmth.
As a drain drips but one drop of concentrated moisture, it´s but drewl from this thing more shameless than morning mist.
Leaves gloss, and so grows the moss cracks and shaded walls defeated.
Amphibians boast and less agile toads cry out for a fine drizzle.
The afternoon sun imprisoned in a kingdom of gray.
Is it sweat or fine cloud drops? As you look at the beads of water on your arm.
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