Bouncing around in the back, those containers of water.
Little spills here and there, quenching the cars carpet on this hot journey-in-autumn.
Speed rumm... and rush around corners down slopes nad d*mn...
Caught at another redlight, held up for minutes,still warm switch the aircon/fan.
Changing lanes and the slow dreamer in front tempts my hand to the horn and beeeee-eep, that´ll wake him!
The weather´s fine the possibility for accidents is looking nice and slim.
Under a bridge and round the hardbend whoops looks like the containers are going to take a tumble, wow I just rolled into the correction seconds before a possible drenching of my cars interior.
Dodging potholes in the roads through the more neglected areas.
Up I come again ot an intersection, cursing at leaving so late, behind another line of lazy driver´s at a red light.
The haste is stressful, because the time limits tight.
I got the cool air running through, cause outside it´s burning.
Huh, delivering stuff ACROSS the city can be a real rough journey.
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