terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

The lawyer and the rose

 There was a lawyer man who owned GOD
He strode out toward all potential clients
seeking their approval and losing all opportunities
The roses outside the bedroom window
blocked out the sun as those flowers were so dense
Beauty distracts

And in the lawyers case keeps him sleeping in
as the sun no longer wakes him morning come
Yet he had Old God with him
he owned God and how could he
what sickening sorcery is this
Since when did heaven allow itself to come to this?

A lawyer of all sorts, Owning the big man
yet not getting the clients, or the career
The woman angel Heti came down from mount fiv
and claimed that the lawyer would get all earthly accolades
if he would just give up God

Heti had that pure women's energy
stronger than a man's energy
stronger and hotter even than the million kelvin
burning ambition inside a career man's heart

But the Lawyer man refused Heti all the same
A resilience in his eyes
shining his own shoes 
and running up and down the city like a maniac
to prove the cosmos wrong
he comes home fruitless yet grinning

as if each day of failure was a party

where is your soul
The lie of one up in your chest, he accused the angel Heti
who turned a storm in the face and threw the lawyer through his bedroom window
Into the thorns

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