terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2024

Tony plays

 Tony I see you play 
tired eyes and voice carry

the guitar away

Tony ragged hair falls from the brow
something in the cauldron of the heart
gaelic and bruised

Fingers wrap and strum
flick and pinch the strings
so that ears like these we wear

can get a burst

carrying that guitar away

Tony I see you play
tired face haunts hands grip
the hidden beauty of chords

some spell in the lyric order

domingo, 13 de outubro de 2024

The eleck trick

 the road was alive with electric ghosts
spinning out of control
hunted down like stray animals
Squeezed into the side table

focusing and compounding
silent prayers
now the object is still
yet brimming with energy

magnetic and vicious
holding up a table cloth
coughing sparks and electric arcs
burning the carpet

feels like an esoteric healing
a soul in a box
transforming the outer layers into human flesh
where the inner layers consume the prior inhabitants

silent prayers and overcharged stares
looking right through the neighborhood
building little boxes for each house
so they might come alive too

countdown for Levant

 He was just a head on the table
chewing food and no body to injest it
what a lucky eater eating forever
satisfied look, asking for the next mouthful

huge panels hung up behind the party goers
exhibiting the hellish battles yet to come to pass
a few years from now

we all gather round the table
to convince the few how we might destroy

and yet survive

The head on the table just keeps eating
when the mouth is finally empty
the mouth is begging for the next mouthful

we all bring bowls of food
for this human head on the table

it's like a hobby

Charge you for the space

 it was a promotion
a blindfold nice
paying far too much
they approach us cheerfully

the facilities are incredible
They had the most attractive girl
offer me the contract
smile and hand offered

Without a shadow or a flutter
the building flexed bulged and muttered
turning to grin at me and invite me in
The structures sound and spacious

these people persuasive and insistant
offering the world
then excluding it in the small print
feigning surprise

the streets are danced upon by denialists
with overpriced clothes and personal stylists
all signed over to the long shadows 
of these boutique box like warehouses

quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2024

Glued to the market

 Into the market
huge cask boxes full of wares and eats
gloomy corridors and halls strewn with semi interested
hopeful potential customers

the great market
a body spreading out over s district
walled in by fancy giftshops
fond hearts orbit

friends approach the main road
thick with traffic horns and bickering
as the bus leaves some panic
it has it's own lane

the car won't start
wishful thinking becomes abrasive
Handbrake and gear stick goat
heat inside the car sickly sweet

the dip in the road
both the slide down
the climb up
illusions of satisfaction

The stationary traffic
calms nerves as you crack the window
and glance over at the overloaded road
neither you nor those cars are moving

quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2024

Waikanae that little home


The child between the horror and hanger
The umu and the peka
The mungatooks and Hemi matenga
Elizabeth is her root

From ill attempts at competition
right betwen the hills of heaven
Trashy pine and eucalypt dance
embedded into the native expanse

summers mild short sweet like half gas on element
Nostalgia on sunday past screams to stay relevant 
not quite loud enough to wake the inhabitants
grandchildren and grandparents peep out

smokey chilly early winter evergreen and moss
spring thaw still rehearsing for stubborn frost
Sun held back by the tall poppy fume exaust
franchise shops and salvation budget cost

sand too light brushes knees till sore
soil so fertile the greenery flaunts
The southerly taunts
encourages a saunter

sunset over kapiti provoking thoughts
each day waves and gale yet such a happy glare
on the beach how has the fisherman fared
in small boroughs well tuned lawnmowers blare

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2024

seasonal burst

 Dawn is breaking over the sky
night broken away and awry
The land frozen bare and empty
no longer flooded just devoid
 air is heavy

Inside the weave of the forest brush work
a complex code surreptitiously lurks
activating life from whence none might grow
from the darkest holes with the faintest glows

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2024

Kenny's halfway house

 we brought them in off the street
humans often seem sickly sweet
just watch how fast the dessert melt hones
We put in extra beds to put up these vagabonds

they made themelves at home in a split second
before long we were over run by their friends who beckoned
just getting them to leave seemed a professional undertaking
take courage until they are done invading

we made the beds and helped them prepare for sleep
Adult children overlap our own nauseating shortcoming vexations
From an epoch like a throne deflating oncoming generations
aggrandizers broke these little toys

These young with no vocation nor virtue
Who smirk darkly at their own weight in burden
knowingly aware of just how they occupy hinder and trouble
despite affluence these young ignore bricks and hug rubble

doubling down into their subtle self destruction
good cop bad cop parents ashamed reach for blackmail
The abundance didn't heal alas it maimed they flail
spindley youth unchallenged and pale

An incredible measuring stick for one's own patience
an extremely convincing smile camouflaged and fallacious
some bribables or considerable pocket change application
and skill at informal slang laced persuasion

The pariah wakes empty
as he slept dreamless
his face begs attention support
expecting the world offering his void

domingo, 6 de outubro de 2024

Muddy water prosperity

 The line was taut
something was on the line
Rushing down the rod was given to me
I pulled it in with all my might

we believed it was a shark
as the fin protruded from the water
I reeled it in as fast as possible
excitement forearms

The sun was trapped in the bay
The fish surfaced yet not a shark
take care when you bring it in
short tailed mackarel

Muddy water fussing with the sun
rolling in the subtle saltwater rapids
tides slowly moving into the clefts in the land
My hands hold up the fish shaking in reverance

Taking the fish off the line
release the fish back into that muddy water

Me and the guys are getting burgers

 walls all covered in writing
a human wants to know themselves
in such a rush they throw meaningless graffiti
onto the walls and simplify the franchise

same homely colored  appettite brick
same shape bench same logo tongue licks
just another take on a popular hamburger
and what's between your bread

as you take your paper bag back home
devouring some mince from a grill
slurping from some oversized sickly refill
Observe the car lot from the windowsill

oozing ketchup interrupts your speech
back you go hunger the hunger underneath
need for inclusion eroding your individuality
Lifes a queue a drive thru mediocracy

pushing open those thick doors
placing the order beside a quick interaction
is your identity here?
you check the room

neutral pulls off cool but its faking
you can't do it, this soup has cooled
noones eating it
they want burgers

energy drinks with bright happy brands
slogans piled up so high the volume
makes you really sit and thickly ponder
on the value for money is there a number

mouthwatering walls describe ingredients
inside the fastfood shop to the jingle tune
Your well decorated kindergarten classroom
doesn't a piece of you fall into the grinder

taken away to be consumed digested and excreted

Clair de lune

 I look up toward her from my place on the hill
she looks at me as if she doesn't even recognize
and thus far this has been the pedigree
never to give away grimace nor glee

Were I not even offspring in the brood
initiative absent my irregular way and mood
greatness latent to me so long after your death
yet here you stand afore me entire afresh

Tiny Tones of blue highlight her face almost unseen
Her laughter silent
And I an infant to witness
all of her privations

As midnight approaches 
I can see her amply
the aura of a god or a queen
glorious on ths hill above me

were I not even part of this brood
so dedicated to all of you
Though I see myself a mere hatchling
lacking the vigor you so long to see in me

No hint of mercy
compassion has left her skin
abandoned her heart
restlessness has dimmed

Authority in her eyes
she has pointed us to the present day
like clumsy lost caravels
ridiculously clinging to the waves

I looked through the concrete
There it stood she stood Clear
her art outshone our perceptions
the cosmic chess player moving reality

quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2024

Nanny's basement

 In the basement
half filled with water
the figurines of superheroes
surged up like fizz

The Nanny lorded over these waters
and in the darkness she would wail
baby mice crawling up the walls
tickling themselves on the rough brick

she told those old legends
about the child eel that became an adult
growing wildly strong and massive
from feeding off the cattle

Then to avoid the ensuing storm
entered the ugly gash inside the building
to thresh about in the slowly rising waters
That would accumulate and become the nanny itself

The steps to the basement
were litttered with pets food bowls
Above a house full of roosters
bragging until the fire lit

Nanny controlled the whole mess
even the crytpic ghosts that surfaced from the water
ascended the stairs and traumatized the spoilt children
cloning itself and occupying several rooms simultaneously

Rumours and mysteries that the onlooker could not glean
even from looking under the cracked paint on the external walls
the soup forming its own acidic foam in the basement
the eery silence of the entire structure

only to burst into movement and sound as the living things came alive
from the sloppy pond inside the basement