quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2024

Execute an arsonist

 I saw the farce of a person
the sun swollen in his eyes
fear blended into thick sweat

grass seed hanging in the crusts of his hair
he has trespassed lighter and jerry can
what a beast awaits within me

For I walk the streets
the air speaks to me
fragrance misunderstood unbelieved

This world you look down on
will turn upside down for you

I saw the false christian
out early to burn forests
the back draft carried him inside

to feel the flame for a few seconds
on his soft pink trechery for skin

I saw the new decade the new century
brotherly time leaking mysteries into my current perception

The swamp comforted me
the little water stopped it from being engulfed
I see the weak legs of the laggard

the easy ignorance that you pick up everyday with
as I pick up a blade
For I have no more voice to even shout
i'd rather hear you gurgle

while I bleed you out
for the forest here is sacred
I must commit you to its roots

as I do my humble self to the eternal
the sick may only be cleaned
with their own flame and sharp machinery

The living God surrounds me in nature
he whispers my will
he owns my heart

The very truth he converts to the seasons
blessing and cursing
destroying and creating me a new

thus the tragic death of an arsonist
gratitude to the faith of the eternal life

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