terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2024

The labourer stole my car

 The new house was almost finished
Big spaces big family pride thick
nightfalls and long into it we entertain ourselves
Look into the strange noise coming from the garage

the paved back yard absorbs the yellow outdoor light
the late spring keeps the nightair pleasant
Children play and adults compete for attention
the Garage door rattles so we go to look

The labourer hired for our house's construction
standing there with several others stealing our car
his drunk girlfriend and some other orphan
Off they would go with our vehicle

The police would never arrive in time
His eyes settled on mine insisting on the crime
as if in an obscure philosophy
we'd never read

Yet in those eyes
I read the pain of decades
with hunger to read more
as if this book this person quenched my thirst

as He drove off with my family car
I willed wings to grow so that I'd fly to follow
to get a further sense of that delicate pain
He spilled in poor excuses

The wear and tear of the world
the cracks in the family patio concrete
smiling up at the blue after night was done
The labourer far gone

twisted morality many kilograms of pain
They have found the empty spaces of my house
The hypocrisy in the walls and decoration
Attempting to punish it

a three year old deprived breastmilk
Laughing driving the motorway as if it were his
Sun will rise soon with some semblance of a conscience
chaos and trauma remain quiet passengers

The family look at the ground disappointment grips them
the budget an expensive puzzle pieces wouldn't fit in
The glare of the outdoor lights like milk on the night's ground
Thoughts slither and indignation simmers

The bat flies toward the moon
The horse walks restlessly bleeding

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