sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2025

A punch in the face on tuesday

 He would bait people into fighting with him. A lot of bullies were just like that. Handing over the gloves, his teenage henchman talking the potential victim into participating in the fight.
"You'll do alright bro, You underestimate your strength."
When they got in for the whisper the candidate was trapped and processed like a piece of meat.
whispering "You don't want to look ike a fucking whuss infront of everyone here, otherwise your going to get your ass kicked anyway when people hear you backed out"
Red face and red gloves and ready to get a beating.

I didn't try to dissuade them. I'd like to excuse myself from all blame, but I'll leave the pretending to the professionals.
The demonic piece of me wanted to see them recieve the pounding of their lives, and fall on their back.
Look absolutely ridiculous then have some of the friends convince him he was brave. It wasn't because I hated them intrinsically, some of them were good friends. But the lie they told that I could already see was bogus made me wrythe in anger. The lie that you need to prove yourself the same way to be a man.
A completely overt weakness in conviction.

If i had a cauldron I'd watch the lot boil forever. Pride what a fucking fallacy.
who needs pride in the modern world.
It doesn't reflect on your ability to adapt, to survive or succeed, its just shit fuel for talk and bragging when you've drunken more than you should have. So boil away and shove your mediocre sense of honor where the sun don't shine.

On the day out there, I'm going to say it was tuesday. There was Brad, Stock, big Jenkins, Boston and Aussie and a group of future losers guaranteed.
Boston the devlish popular sports star of the college, feared by quite a few, yet loved by many.
big provocative lips, smirk and Jibe.
Unfortunately placed against Pops or big Jenkins, who was only sixteen years old but already had a few grey hairs poking out, hence the name. more feared than loved. Impressive beast indeed.

But arrogance got the better of Boston as it always did, as it got the better of all of us. Learning to overlook our weaknesses like so many stacks on stacks of generations. Falling into those traps that would cause us literally months of pain and humiliation and for some suicide.

Gloves on and faces remained cordial, then weird fighting eyes faced off and the first blow came from jenkins, knocking boston slightly off balance.
The Boston replied with a flurry of blows landing 2 or 3 out of about 14, it did look impressive, but had no effect on Pops who'd taken beatings from his brothers and father that would put most of us in hospital, yet wouldn't exceed routine for him.
So a well planted foot and uppercut came whizzing up from under Boston's chest "Whack."
Big Jenkins used his mouth to make the sound efffect he literally sounded the " whizzz." And the crack as it lounded asttonished us.
Then he bellowed laughter.

And again Boston was on him landing left and right, excellent aim, but subpar in power. After pops took a few to the face he changed stance.
One right cross sent Boston reeling almost falling off the green grassy mounds we were using so the teachers wouldn't see.
He took the gloves off and said, "I landed more blows so I would have won." But none of us were having it. "Giving up already" Even the weakest of us who were no match the for the wild and renown boston were ridiculing him.
I looked at the sky this must be what hell is like. Why would anyone need heaven?
Pride, glory and honor values that seem neo christian back here in the eighties and nineties. Drove these idiots to tear themselves apart to prove themselves.

Don't let poeple gode you into fighting their way.
If you get hooked into someone elses game you might as well just offer your face for the beating of your life. The games went on for months until the school itself had to take drastic action to put a stop to.
In that time I did witness a sacred few who shined.
Who surprised us all by putting down a bigger and more vicious boy. It certainly made the whole affair more entertaining if that were possible.
What became most obvious and most unbelieveable was the capacity young 15 and 16 year olds had for withholding years of pure anger and rage then releasing it. Incredibly potent tangible expression. that on occasion would scare the living shit out of the many spectators.

Pride was a lie, yet violence came with its' own abstract heavy truth.

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