quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2024

The second messiah

Genius child built the whole ship
readying it for an inevitable day
Much like a restless noah
In a time when we were completely brainwashed
machine like

the edges of every family came together
bringing the dirt and filth of drama from trauma
that we can feast on before the food arrives a storm
the insatisfactions of the past simply lumped onto the elders
Old family members assume the blame

like gravy soaked puree

That Genus child who engineered an escape
from a time when optimism had died
people hugged their pod cushions
ignoring the worrying consequences 
Responsibility was outlawed

like that acidic brocolli isolated on the edge of the plate
refusing it with fervor

That genius child brought us all together
ignorant and stubborn we came together
selfishly praying for our own supply of sugar and fat
That genius child replenished our faith
Intelligence and creativity

and we embarked drinking and eating and finally living 
semblances of a once great humanity

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