sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2025

The spirit of a baby pecker

 Ghost chicken in the yard holy sake
Dawn restless petrified of imminent daybreak
Ghost chicken lays egg thus collected
madame splits egg yoke to be rejected

into the bowl egg white from yoke looms
Yet the yoke is white and lowlight daybreak booms
angry at being held back by the night
the ghost egg barely yellow in sight

and the baby chicken that never was bubbles
the white yoke climbs into the dogmouth treating
the clear gel of the ghost eggwhite awaits a beating
to haunt a new fancy recipe trending

the phantom of a real chicken once alive picking through the grass
a predator on all creepy crawlies squirming a fuss
absent like the darkness now robbed by the light
So clearly reflected in the ghost eggwhite

the spirit of a baby chicken
in the stomach now quickening

Rythm of lust

 what you seek

Lost in the sky
in the sky aloft and terrified
infected with lust
thrown by winds

Proximal infernus
not a tree or building to hold onto
No net to secure yourself into
dragged by whim untamed desire

burning an arduous fever
an incantation repeating
sparking and inflaming
in your eye as you seek

lost in these keen skies
that used to be locked into heaven
no they float away connected to nothing
rolling and drifting kept dry by the sun

kept wet by your tears

Getting pie on those dress shoes

 the tone of his voice was lazer capturing many off guard
being shot across the room from a convincing grin
Many in the meeting vying for dominance of influence
He tripped them up with a haughty tone and an isn't it obvious rhetoric

Convincing the grunts and impressing the boss
content never mattered just tilted eyebrows
well exploited arguements
empty words with the right timing

board meeting thick oversweetened pie
falling from your face onto the powerpoint projector
exhibiting the the delicate carelessness
it takes to maintan the status quo

He raises his cup and gets out his pistol
loaded with just enough hollowpoint compliments
to knock a few of these contenders off the trail
underlings hold the toilet bowl

he talks about the incredible layers of toilet paper
How they soak up the shit
give this guy a promotion
he aimed his existance at impressing us in this incredible moment of boring

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2025

A guide to how to live

 I could tell you how to live
but then you'd have to know
lose it

I'd love to have the satisfaction
of making the best decision I ever could every day
the waste disposal skip looms it is perfectionism

compare yourself

How could you know
That the road of your life has been set
in the right direction
you'd ponder it tirelessly to no end

couldn't tell you how to live
you wouldn't believe me if I could
guide you through the traumas
dead boring weeks

anxious nights
burning your forehead
from overthinking
the absence of answers

peace comes after death
toward it the volume is up
the euphoria is high

people are selling
crude confusion

quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2025

Cheap concrete dreams

 who paved over the world all of a sudden
Who made it all flat and hard
Looking up to the drones
who in turn look down at us

tearing up the clouds
layers of concrete below
surface leaves no entry to the underground
we seek refuge in gawking at tiny billboards

Amusement park of short videos
paving over your eyes
sliding down the feed
anxiety and disease

A slide lubricated with indifference
smell it steaming below where you'll land
simulating every emotion 
you are supposed to feel

who paved over you?
roofied your cool aid
left you stuck up in the plaster
observing the idiotic murals

your only expression
a fat concrete emoji
digital excretion

The value of emptiness

 Gone like the receding tide
gone like the brush from
last season's forest fires
gone to sell you empty

take it solemnly
accept it with grace
in a few months 
you might smile

Gone like a pleasant comfort
that formed a heavy essential
life divided in a way that spikes
Your envy and dismay

maybe you'll smile again
peer into jagged discarded piece of tarot
The heart mines purpose therefrom
yet gone are the focal points

Life driving toward you
just a chasis with nothing on it
just coasting with no breaks
no accelerator

obsessed predicting where it might crash
you tremble you hold on so tight you thrash
a child and it's coveted soft toy
Big rip from being fought over

Some authoritative hand appears
and the bear is gone
and emptiness returns
where's your gratitude?

The mountaineers of first light

 swimming past myself
to beat myself to the end of the pool
a human being dangles their legs into the pool

Nights always negotiate the next day with dawn
fighting over the ins and outs the weather always a hostage
first light betrays them all abruptly ascends the curves of the earth 
a multitude of robotic invincible mountaineers

coming up the curve as cheerful as graduation
swimming up the horizon competing to get here first
then jeering and joking between themselves
unseen humans

Dawn seems to have won
your own shadow shudders you pretend not to notice
like your gut readjusting for flatulence
organs gloat and boast until gas is expelled

You can't outswim the tide
a thousand liters of confidence
still see you washed up on a forgotten 
side of the pool

Gripping the day as if you had ownership
slight of hand to fool destiny
jovial wide sweeping attempts to flatter
the mountaineers of first light 

terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2025

A writer knows

 He had a drink and became a writer
became infatuated like I always did
Always happened upon a convenient muse
one almost illusive dying for use
what a long draw on that fat joint
confused yet pleased to be lazy

stopping to smell the flowers
to see the sights
never comfort in a nine to five
or a home of portraits

so fixed so stationary
so the glass fills itself
the pen meets paper the alcoholic
chomps at the bit

screaming just to get it out
while distorted pride and sense of false honor
would presuppose some scenario
for those many generations 

nostalgia bulemic
requires so many beautiful shrines
pages are turned the brain changes gear
the alcoholic apologizes for his vice

Divorce a repeat destination
with a cold wind that relives a hot head
gives a thick numbing sense of closure
before the imminent depression

enters the writers ear
makes a nest and creates a dreamlike form of depression
half crippling infrequently inspiring toward some new piece
A good reason to down bottles

a grannystep toward solitude
then flaring back into heresay
with a new fiancee about half your age
over enthusiasm to spark the genius in you

the half day hangovers
Punishing you for long years
a short story a novel
a stroke or infartion

Dank interstate 10

 Southern forests of Lousiana surround it
bulging and swelling onto the road
thick trunks and boughs 
Neverending canopies

Water comes rushing
alive and dead
revolving into itself
The land apprehensive

soaking up a billion liter downpour
rising rising
over the makeshift shanty docks
onto those poxy southern lawns

currents taking and stealing canoes
paddles and all off with the flow
floating cabins and shady angels
humid summers afternoon deluge

swimming quickly to grip lost tree branches
the length of buses slowly in the process of being swallowed
Hanging over the water
reaching for something that isn't currently being washed away

Screaming for angels hanging above fixed boughs
witnessing the tragedy
deep hole in the forest floor
way under that water

Giant eels and terittorial aligators fight
often surfacing from the murky water
to awaken from the trance like turmoil
Humid breezes speak to them

Hanging angels give them the okay
to dive once again into thick violence

a vehicle floats by
empty and lost
so well designed for the road
so undone in predictable floods

segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2025

Where safety won't rent

 The narrow street where
every streethouse had overcrowded gardens
obscuring the homes behind them
Decorated wooden gates

glistening white paint
capturing the humid southern hemisphere january
making them look new and plastic like
one would peak over the gates

Down long driveways overlayed with shrubs
the shade of taller trees colonizing the smooth concrete below with moss
Nights were thick with fear as streets had lost their safety
even the lamps half ensconced in higher undergrowth

only lit up small patches of sidewalk
As if to invite calamity 
what wondrous beauty during the day
yet sinister tight dread at nightfall

The owner and the vagrant

 the green building so long
two stories of wroking people
inquisitive secretaries
urgency in their gesure
swaying palms outside

people want authority in cute little doses
Criminals escape places like these by breaking through 
or desperately climbing over in the wee hours
a sense of addrenaline and guilt tore the side 
blood trailed off following the vagrant 

The owner of the building looked out of his glasses
Half expecting the vagrant to come back
hat in hand and apologizing
ready to repair the wall

Emotional stains on the file cabinet
behind his eyes
Yet he had much and ways to forget
the vagrant searched for a medical center
a cheap fix to avoid his past

and way to keep the trembling grin 
floating into tomorrow
problems form trouble
grow wings and horns
and if fed sufficiently seem to acquire a life of their own

domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2025

Prayer interrupted

 Dry mouth unnatural vibration
Toward the bed something loom 
dead energy evincing
A slain form recast in the gloom

appearing once again exhumed
just to mine that sweet fear inside of you
cold sweat betrays and lays sense of doom
shadows observing the curtain blind moves 

invisible hand touches pillow cold air freezes
A cruel and severe paralysis seizes
A hundred mouths whisper
The chaos in the dark teases

Panic makes you a helpless hostage
Injuring and placating your courage
Sudden agressive footfalls toward you
room darkens further a tainted rue

Impending dull profanity malediction bound
Beautiful words leave your lips in low sounds
Prayer interrupted doubt compounded
Placing your peace into hellish impoundment

Beilschmidt hardwood

 Looking for his mother carpeted stairs
grins that can't hold the face
gravity on those carpeted stairs
saturday offers boredom and absence
waits for a thank you

outside you can blind yourself
looking up at a fat sun of overachievers
Souls will strive trying not to soak up
these clouds of selfishness and narcissism

Failing at school
Camouflaged sons
blend in painfully
don't create a shadow for others
On these carpeted stairs we need you close to the first floor
excellence poured and concentrated in the few good offspring

Overconfidence sweeps the defects under thick enough rugs
dilute poison and put in another hour of practice
distract the dunces with cheap games and sugar
keep them outdoors like a pair of ungrateful hounds
grit and oats the outlived still screamed from their graves

Build my shame up take the credit for the grim architecture
spurting narcissism a glory a medal a cup veiled boasting
These carpeted stairs are not for every child

Disregard that pair with the handmedowns
bad grades and no athletic talent
Drown them in the river
put the floodlights on their parents

Reptiles in the shade

 What blocks the sun from us 
You'd say cloud
It's a box of all those things you just can't know about yourself now
Things you'd kill to know
Things you'd kill to be left buried
so much your not ready to digest

Your undiscovered desires
reptiles in the shade

the mind becoming wet foe
do the world harm
starving and beating the beast back
rising from somewhere underneath
It assumes the beach of reality like some gargantuan amphibian
repulsive drooling hungry fresh exposed to unnatural breezes

Your wanting spread glue on the billboard soon to be advertised
with a thousand old sheets underneath, no
you are the lizard below in the darkness unseen bug-eating

Apartments are comfort layers of false security
Pleasure and disappointment fight for influence inside the mirror image
A sickly sweet friend close enough to become a siamese twin
An eerie inanimate enemy hanging above the bathroom basin
full intention everytime you get a fix in peering

As if it might divulge some well guarded secret you stowed away years since
These piercing desires reptiles in the shade