sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2025

Getting pie on those dress shoes

 the tone of his voice was lazer capturing many off guard
being shot across the room from a convincing grin
Many in the meeting vying for dominance of influence
He tripped them up with a haughty tone and an isn't it obvious rhetoric

Convincing the grunts and impressing the boss
content never mattered just tilted eyebrows
well exploited arguements
empty words with the right timing

board meeting thick oversweetened pie
falling from your face onto the powerpoint projector
exhibiting the the delicate carelessness
it takes to maintan the status quo

He raises his cup and gets out his pistol
loaded with just enough hollowpoint compliments
to knock a few of these contenders off the trail
underlings hold the toilet bowl

he talks about the incredible layers of toilet paper
How they soak up the shit
give this guy a promotion
he aimed his existance at impressing us in this incredible moment of boring

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