terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2025

From camp to field

 Yaqub was 19, humble honest and non judgemental.
His parents had sent him to an Islamic militant' s camp.
Where he would be trained for the conflicts near Yemen, Jordan and new fighting breaking out in Egypt.
He spent the day sprinting and jumping. Paintball skirmishes and firearms training with live ammunition.

His Parents perished in a bomb blast in downtown Damasco. Accelerating his extremist beliefs.
After 13 months in training he shot his commanding officer and took over the compound with some of the other cadets. imprisoning any of them that didn't show enthusiasm in joining them.

They took off to the front to join the exact group that bombed his parent's house killing them. They were told to fall in under one of the Isis's existing commanders. They ignored. They took orders but kept themselves separate. Their little victories were starting to get attention.

Seventeen young men highly disciplined but still immature. reckless. Took food and weapons from the main group. Who would sit them down and show them where to go on the map.
Then start a huge fight over the fact Yaqub wouldn't give up his position as a squad leader.
Of course his followers backed him up, believing Yaqub was the only leader they could have.
The isis command didn't want to lose it's groups of colaborators and Yaqub's group wasn't the only successful one, most of the army was formed from little clans.

Yaqub's group went to ground for the night in Mazzeh to attack the airport the very next day.
They were under fire from mortars and heavy machine gun, that fired from a kilometer off, but still reached the low walls and hedges they were hding among.
Yaqub ordered the group to move in a crouching position toward the airport.  Some were holding their kevlar vests stolen from prior battles to their faces, the odd bullet landed in the middle of them.

They heard voices ahead, Yaqubs second in command Abdel went slithering through low but thick grass with one other to check it out. It was another company aligned with theirs. They identified themselves awkwardly finding half the company injured by the machine guns up ahead.
They called Yaqub and the group up, the machine guns ahead had  temporarily desisted.
"Abdel take the wounded to cover, we will go on to capture these guns ahead"
The commanding officer of the group they were helping protested. "We will stay here, you don't need to look after us. We will not be following you."
Yaqub looked at the men from the other company, who seemed relieved that they had turned up. 

He unholstered his pistol and shot the other officer in the head. 
"Abdel is your new commanding officer" You will follow him or die here with your camel turd officer."
Yaqub didn't look back and led all of the men still standing through a drainage ditch.
The five men manning a machine gun nest and assault vehicle knew they were being hunted, so they took off sprinting.
Two were downed in the ensuing barrage from Yaqub's men.

Yaqub instructed the mainforce to come in and occupy. 
The two groups of soldiers loaded the guns and supplies the enemy had left into the ferret vehicle. A fight broke out between the new members of Yaqub's group.
It was settled one on one. Yaqub's guy lost the fist fight. He went over to the man lifted him up and told him to accept defeat. The man spat on the ground. 
Without hesitation Yaqub hit him in the nose with the butt of an Ak he pulled off another soldier.
"There will be no distinction in the group, except for enemy kills."
The man slowly rose "Fuck you Yaqub I've served you for many months and it means nothing to you."
Yaqub turned the gun on him, looking at him openly.
"Do you really want to die?"
The man started sobbing, Yaqub approached him close put the barrel against his chest and let one round burst right through him. The man almost uttered a sorry before his body fell flat on the ground.

Some of the man's friends gasped appalled. 
The group took the vehicle and a trailer with the wounded to a small abandoned compound outside the city limits, were Yaqub was hoarding weapons ammo and spoils of war.
He imagined this warfare he had conducted would continue for many years. 
It almost broke his hardened heart to learn, the dictator Bashar Al Asad had left for Russia.
But war! War would never cease in these lands, it naturally sprang up like destructive geysers.

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