segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2025

A drink before work

 Observing these silly teenage friends playing dare on the parapet. Buddy the youngest and boldest took a step toward the ledge, the toes of his boot making it just over the edge. He screamed "Do something with our life" Imitating a teacher they'd had that day. Obviously trying to impress the two older girls in the group. Every few minutes the group seemed to move an inch closer to the edge of the building's terrace rooftop.
Buddy inched his backfoot halfway closer to the ledge provoking gasps from the group behind him. Tony yelled at him "Buddy get back here, you are going to kill yourself". Buddy's body completely facing the open night air off the building, scoffed. 

He slowly turned his upper body without changing the position of his legs or feet on the ledge. Above the terrace exit door hung a sinister slightly blue halogen that lit up Buddy's face as he exclaimed, "You guys are meters from the edge completely terrified, you will never feel this freedom I have right now."
Sarah chimed in "Buddy what are supposed to do if you fall?"
Uneasy the group stared at Buddy. Buddy's eyes became reflective the way a cat's does in the dark, his face forming an impudent monkeyish grin.
"Nothing because I'll be flying out here in the night, I can fly over all of this, I am immortal!"
And with that Buddy launched himself off the building. Jemma scoffed as if it were a joke.

 The others ran to the edge holding on to the tiny parapet looking for signs of buddy's broken smudge of a body somewhere below. The street was well lit, a couple of people were walking home from a late night at the office, cars were passing by. But on the pavement there was nothing except the concrete folds of where sidewalk met road and alternated through entryways and intersections.
Jemma pretending not to care flicked a cigarette out of the shiny box effortlessly as if the competiton to impress everyone was still on. Tony shakily asked for one, and she repeated her neat little trick. The rest of them remained speechless their mouths agape.

Amaury The oldest started calling out. "Buddy where are you? Are you okay? where did you go man?"
Tony, Jemma and Sarah joined him. Screaming as loud as they possibly could, "BUDDY WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?? WHERE ARE YOU?
They felt panic in the veins of their wrists and neck conquered only by aggressive curiousity. Where was Buddy's body? How did he just disappear as if he hadn't fallen at all, and merely disappeared. Tony the smartest of them felt it was like Buddy was playing a practical joke on them, one that made his stomach ache and his heart pound like electric shocks. The others were even more bewildered.

The group sat down close to the ledge and started to discuss going back down to the pavement to check, providing there was no sign of him, they would head home and wait for Buddy to reappear at school taunting them. Amaury got up angrily and started shouting desperately out into the night "Buddy where are you, are you okay? say something!"
The streetlights below suddenly went out and the blue halogen light on the buidling's rooftop door dimmed. An echo of a voice could be heard, the teens turned from the dimmed halogen light out toward the now even darker night air off the building.

"You'll never feel this freedom, I will fly forever in this night. I am immortal."
Tony breathed a sigh of relief, only to gasp heavy air, Jemma Sarah and Amaury were on the ledge looking out toward the shape of Buddy hovering an odd forty meters from them.
Buddy's catlike eyes making the whole scene evermore surreal.
Jemma screamed out "Buddy can I fly too? How are you doing this?"
Sarah pulled her back, "Don't do that Jemma, this is not normal"

Amaury put his foot up to the ledge, Tony and the girls atleast a meter from the edge called, "Amaury get back off the ledge, There's something going on here." Amaury turned around, instead of a defiant grin he wore an acquiescent frown. Launching himself off the building, as if dutifully doing a chore for his mother, shrugging his shoulders apathetically before he disappeared.

Buddy's shape came closer as the Tony and the girls looked below for signs of Amaury's body.
He repeated the words "Do something with your life." The three looked up to see Buddy floating about twenty meters from them now, hovering Buddy pointed his right hand upward from shoulder height and continued to taunt them, "You will never have this freedom."

Sarah got up as if possesed sprinted toward the blue halogen light opened the door and she was gone, probably directly home to huddle in a corner somewhere. 
Jemma hugged Tony as they watched Buddy hover off the building.
Tony kept his eye on Buddy as Jemma buried her face in Tony's chest her sobbing still audible.
Buddy swung toward and away from Tony "I will fly all night, I am immortal."
Tony shouted at him " STOP IT BUDDY, WHAT IS THIS? 
Buddy came in real close and uttered a single word- "cowardice"
Infuriated Tony placed Jemma aside and grabbed onto Buddy's baseball sweatshirt, perplexed he saw blood all over it, without a second to give thought to it, Tony was pulled from the ledge and also disappeared.

Jemma took two long paces backwards facing outward. She could hear screaming now coming from below. It was definitely Sarah. She realized that her friends must have fallen to their deaths, and that buddy had used some diabolical ruse for duping them. After a few minutes in silence she realized she was alone.
She turned to run but picked up a strange shape in her peripheral hugging the side of the adjacent building. She slowly paced to the otherside of the building not ten meters away in the darkness something clung to a window ledge, about twelve stories off the ground. She activated her cellphone light which illuminated a very formally dressed skinny man in his early thirties with a thick custom made Iv drip in the corner of his mouth and something big in his free arm. It was a briefcase and a body.

Buddy's limp body looking up at Jemma directly with that defiant grin and those cat like reflective eyes, yet his body seemed drained, was he dead? He still looked alive. The clothes the young man was dressed in seemed to be from the forties.
The IV drip seemed to be hooked up to Buddy's neck, the young man said, "Just getting a drink before work." She could see the red liquid moving through the IV into his mouth and Buddy's grin widening.

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