segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2024

The Panther that deceived time

 The shallow bush rustles and breaks up
The panther's form manifests forth
The prey stands petrified in grip terror
desperate to leap

indecision by fear racking and thumping
The second to act passes like permission from god
a desire written and thrown onto the pond
Of the inevitable next horrid minute

the claw falls lightening giggles
Deer drops torn diagonally across the throat
The deep wound hypnotizing the panther
Coursing blood telling a short messy story

Gliding onto the dying animal
A rough tongue lapping the stream
Bringing back that will to glory
Desperate teeth push death much quicker

Heartbeat fades Panther resembles cub
The rare comfort of the feast
forcing it to lower it's hunched shoulders
feeding into the night defying time

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