sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2023

The base of the road

 near the bridge
broken people make it up
you just trudge over
the water underneath is murky and tasty

the bamboo shades it all out
lost creatures wander the swamp
ending up near the bridge
all dizzy and bug bitten mind

and the low sounds of cicadas and crickets
rising up at sunset as if to call a predator
to come and take his dinner
as if the swamp itself was a mouth

opening itself up to the night 

quinta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2023

Weed seed

 Just a few inches underground
Hiding like a dead spider
cracking its shell and bursting out
with one bold aggressive sprout

rooting through the vegetable patch
swelling up nodules
spreading and connecting in the dirt
bending natures rules

quarta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2023

A berry planet

 the mulberry hangs from the tree a planet
ripening toward the afternoon
a subtle observer whose mouth waters
would see the transition
patience a currency

the berry turns slowly losing its redness
and forming fat bulging black juicy balls into itself
a planet so edible for the gods we don't we are
such sweetness on the blasphemous tongue

such a forbidden feast
to devour an entire planet and still have space for more

Sleeping on the job

 the human mind sleeps across these cities and towns
distracted by the excessive entertainment,
pushing debris over the land
what sticks and what moves churning it all up

as confused as the human race
so many herds so many cliffs
slumber wheels humming
across the cities cracked narrow streets

addicted to the scraping sound
the juice of leaked oil and petrol
the residue of local factories

the human body moves through cars and wagon
the mind unquestioning acting on what it thought was interest
personal toxic interest in the city of sheepish seepage
conformity in a sleeping pill concocted for every anxious pleb

quarta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2023

dawn of new conviction

 on the future God
The magnifcient dawn abrupt
casting us into itself
with its light

A unique moment in the history of man
God geared up with tools and weapons
to rebuild a messy world

with every conviction 
every fire and flood
With every new forest

the future god will arrive
On those terms