sábado, 4 de maio de 2024

At the Airport between lives

 Another five years on the park bench
a part of the very scenary you grew up in
still present a long that old street
the skin on your arm matching the earth

the day as light as a sheet
wavering and brushing over your head
as you go another eight hours sitting on the roadside
walking stick grandchildren somewhere

soft short moss covers the shadowed wall
covering its view of the morning smile
wrapping its way onto your face old man
life must miss you

the day as light as a sheet
absorbing that strong destructive light
drying your soul on those old streets
distributing you into the ether

I a thousand strokes of wrong
Give eternal thanks

Impetus and dismay

 Impetus and dismay
I am neither of you
A rich face comes across the screen
inside your mind

telling you
That you have finally become him
false tidy

society sewn
I am not that
the lonely trail has become a weapon
to hunt my own food

impetus and dismay
I am both of you
and know the smell of my disappointment
how it contrasts with the smell of my sweat

part of my brain
Is occupied as if a fctory
many things are produced
yet it stands as a symbol of effort

I confuse my very apperance
how important is it
for me to define the very meaning of it all
the contrasts in themselves ... meaningless

Age into death

 The dread of no prospects
How the face turns pale on it
So tired every sense seems dulled down
every joint weighing us down

The many diseases each one draining
Trying to live off our decline
Like a dark delapidated street
Slowly being abandoned by it's inhabitants

The inability to see tomorrow
Pain and obscurity to a vision once so weet and clear
The brooding knowledge we are becoming a burden to others
You old out there one day Ill be identically you

Those tired eyes
said they want to die
our hands separated
and my father went

quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2024

Wholesome Boredom

 These hard times about to manifest
will be as delicious as pie
across the galaxy our eyes may go
what we harvest on earth

may just be as empty

yet let treta pessimists die their slow deaths in silence
for optimism is potentially an opiate
and hedonism has owned us all
in the dawn of this shiny century

it has just been so fun

Opening your hands
not in a gesture of poverty
but in one of freedom and acceptance
For the wonder of the universe could belong to you

as we all belong to shameless pleasure seeking

patience and the virtues of stoicism
are as sexy as hollywood
and just as intangible for the young
for age forces us into reflecting on

and practicing wholesome boredom

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

The lawyer and the rose

 There was a lawyer man who owned GOD
He strode out toward all potential clients
seeking their approval and losing all opportunities
The roses outside the bedroom window
blocked out the sun as those flowers were so dense
Beauty distracts

And in the lawyers case keeps him sleeping in
as the sun no longer wakes him morning come
Yet he had Old God with him
he owned God and how could he
what sickening sorcery is this
Since when did heaven allow itself to come to this?

A lawyer of all sorts, Owning the big man
yet not getting the clients, or the career
The woman angel Heti came down from mount fiv
and claimed that the lawyer would get all earthly accolades
if he would just give up God

Heti had that pure women's energy
stronger than a man's energy
stronger and hotter even than the million kelvin
burning ambition inside a career man's heart

But the Lawyer man refused Heti all the same
A resilience in his eyes
shining his own shoes 
and running up and down the city like a maniac
to prove the cosmos wrong
he comes home fruitless yet grinning

as if each day of failure was a party

where is your soul
The lie of one up in your chest, he accused the angel Heti
who turned a storm in the face and threw the lawyer through his bedroom window
Into the thorns

segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2024

The other side of the wall

 The Skait
An alien race located on the edge of our solar system
Originally conducting monitoring to human movements between the earth and moon.
Trying to tap into all earth medias and decipher who and what we are.

The Skait are like a master class of hybrid aliens. Interested in understanding our capabilities. 
Now the Aliens are only interested in one thing. Music, literature and culture.

The Skait are collecting as much as possible on our cultures. They filter whatever is applicable to their civilization 500 light years away. watering down music and poetry and streaming on their own platforms.
Their aim is not to control or interfere with our civilization. The Skait mine our culture without having to take it from us physically.

Humans and our cultures have beome their opiate. Suddenly their alien peoples are flourishing again,  three collective species varying in appearances and needs. 
Our unknown influence has boosted their way of life. 
A once stagnant civilization that had reached it's peak 40,000 years ago uniting 3 separate alien races to battle off a complex fungal disease. Trade was the glue after the annihilation of the fungal disease.

They suppressed atleast one other growing alien power close to their star cluster.
without full scale war. The Skait are a tiny civiization compared to what exists in the milky way.
Yet compared to us, they are massive. Their worlds hundreds of times bigger and more sophisticated. Their dyson spheres and artificial moons, their hundreds of colonies that almost reach our solar system.
To think they only came to soak in our cultural oddities to give themselves a stronger form of curiousity, entertainment, purpose, distraction. 

Hundreds of civilizations some flamboyant, others as dull as bigoted totalitarians. 

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2024

Don't drown in control

 Brother don´t drown
We were in the gardens of infancy together
excitement overcame you
and you ran as fast as little legs could run

caution seemed to pour down on you
changing your face and mind
each unflow blocking you in
you don't see yourself as free

Don't leap into the water yet
wait for the tide to go out
its so deep for us now
over our heads bro

everything you are, so sacred

I read your face everyday Luke
every grudging frustration disappears
Our father lifts you
out of this water

You can now lift yourself
you can taste the air
make frends with freedom
tenseness is not for you

do not drown in that playground
it's not about how you look
life was given to us as such a gift
thank you needs to be said

so say it once your head emerges
like a baptism you didn't expect
So very reign

A beached whale

 Deadly whale came on land to swallow you whole
five hundred inward razor teeth more treacherous than a shark
we visited your gang you ordered us out like vagabonds
we do your bidding like slaves afraid of our own shadows

The pavement echoes our pain
We walk toward each reality clumsily
Until the whale comes into sight
The coast is ours

we close in on you and yours
blasé around the business table
we push it to you are all trapped
begging for your lives

we send in the whale
the legendary beast
The path is crowded with ghosts
you new comers less welcome still

carved up in the boiling teeth
The coastal rock cries for you all

segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2024


 crown of thorns
these lands are blessed
i've found peace
he hands me over the hammer

hammer to destroy
But love in it still
this soil is sacred
This country

rust colored ground
surface to deep
here I meditate
inside life nightmare

Invest in your pleasure
Demons and fear
push you along the broken pinochio
Vices axe you into kindling

simmering a cauldron to feed
 new generations
cutting away apathy
and drowning it all swiftly

Turned your back on real life
gave your soul false churches
wooden irrelevant traditional values
you preach but don't uphold

Cease hurting reading inside sacred triumph

For without that surrender....

You will never be affiliated with the power the universe

segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2024

The academy of movement

The shifting mountain
made the ascent so hard
sliding rocks and sand
all those people behind me sliding down

leaving the city
waiting for friends
each street alone
my very words are changed in the mind of another

driving into the city fair
permission and limits
lost inside colors and noise
to usurp the sense of self 

Roads and chaos
dogs obedient to instinct
broken jaws
inevitable conflicts

shifting mountain
attempted glory
keep climbing
building and growing

sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2024

The bewilderment

 Life is just a problem waiting to be solved
Just a box to open and inspect
The dark corners inside remain undiscovered

Old God hands you the secret and you clasp it
Yet you don't open your hands to see what it is
Because owning it was more important than understanding it

So by retirement you are left with tight convictions
A hardened conclusion about what this existence means
curiosity deemed red eyed devil you no longer recognize as salvation

For life is just a riddle waiting to be solved
Is it?
Those blessed enough to take their last satisfied breaths
grins on their lips churning in their slowing hearts
A slither of that sunlight pure energy of creation

Lifting you through those done decades
a meal of all those memories

quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2024

A piece of me

 cut a piece me off
Is that what is expected?
How much of myself am I to give

the true me
the many perceptions
impressions wayward and unkind

The knowledge of me
can you take my name too
the essence of me

after pruning
what will I be left with
will I recognise the piece that remains

Deaf ears and uncaring minds
will I grow back in time
to get a taste of who I was

before death comes with his own knife
hastening the inevitable autopilot fashion
soul clinging like dead cicadas to brittle old bones

terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2024

The gift basket of servitude

 Your sponsor will slowly grind you down
Patronage is a deep ugly curse
dependence is a death sentence
The system above makes the bacon

can pass the odd gift basket down
but also shits downward amidst vanity
hence that economic gravity
so only look up when you are unhooked

freedom freedom god breathes down your neck
what a price
what a rush

Because your boss is employed to exploit you
what the fuck did you think it was
hand outs only distributed for votes and children
which one are you? he said

They got you on a wage
or a stingy commission
Don't puppy eye them
it drives up the dismissal

they own your output
your badge uniform you are bought
don't look at me blindly
the gullible will never have justice

In a world of thick lines
that run through us all

break the smirk with the hammer
slash it with the sickle
It just comes back stamped and expanded
when you spit on the ground in derision
it's harvested and sold quickly

Keep your rights
social justice so ripe
new devices for fancy mind bondage
for a fresh wave of lazy thinkers 

they just keep building those big towers
while you are working in the basement
he said

I wish he was wrong
As the world slowly teaches 
to subjugate

Watchful, that holiness

 Put me not back to sleep, beg I
For I would need my inner eyes
and my outer ones to see you in this world

Keep a piece of me awake 
without leaching my slumber of its magical extract
Because watchful is the only state my existence need take

Father Oh, the lessons of life still testing me
you taught me the secret that caused me a decade of misery
in every spectrum the light of me shines through verily

That far from being alone
My fate will be my burden and blessing
For me to hew for my own vexing and flexing

Control, Destruction, Freedom on the rock

a friend from someway south
discarded like unwanted objects
owners still wanting some form of barter
this alone esteem intact

Jamie the destroyer
The sociopath built
hypocrit in habit
unconscious to the world

Invited to destroy things
Where no paths really opened up
the fistful of initiative we had
was getting blown by weekend leisure

controlling fathers were disappointed
as their plans would also be put to the torch
That unconscious world behind our eyes
that simple folk think is supernatural

Yet it is sewn into the will
as it it to the destiny of the early man
when no choice is given or taught
destruction must manifest

So when I become the controller
let me hold down choices
not ultimatums
otherwise destruction

For freedom not control
and freedom not destruction
is the closest thing to heaven
On the round rolling rock we cling to

segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2024

Eyes open

 open your eyes
pale blue existance
you are alive
warm and perceiving

Life such a shock
surrounded by it
awake from prior death
befuddled into order

thick and thin
surreal garage
warehouse even
expanding and contracting

dusty floor
milky way
above the soil
food leaf cotyledon

absorbing that pale light
forming convictions and roots

sábado, 23 de março de 2024

Your birthday in the mirror

 There it is the face
The one you see everyday in your mirror
treat it as if that image were really
everything you are

It's there above the bathroom basin
looking as good as you treated it
tell me how does it look this morning
will this face hanging off you get any approval

can you look yourself a few minutes in the eye
or does something rip open at the anxiety
have you been curious about what all this is inside the flesh
or does it bother you like a deep strange phobia

Take another glance at this mirror
Mind tell you to investigate the surface of your skin
evading your own light to find refuge at the grief
of not having a perfect complexion

You know yourself right?
just like anyone pretending to be human out here
resending all the typical agreeable messages
like ants transmitting food

But you don't hide yourself from yourself?
clinging to the hivemind of popular beliefs
conventional existance
the weirdness of you behind those pupils

The other natures and unknown hungers
how the eyes laugh
But go ahead for me, avoid your own glance
check your screen

don't get to know yourself
how closed and mean
because everyday
is your birthday as this human being

Raising it's flight

 Dragon headed out of our warm district
following the full moon
the lower half
out of the city

wings so wide
floating up and down midair
through the scarce cloud
as if to stay obscured

The opposite of the world
trying to find it's new lair
grinning at the new dawn glare
as it touches down on some far mountain

But this night the dragon made its way
like it had evolved past the abilities of birds
Moonglare picking up it's flawless movement
Dragon brewing strength in the sky

The witness would be spellbound
The majesty of this flying creature
simply shifting through distances
with those incredible wings

sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2024

Your heart out the tower

 The white spires of the those towers
A lost city where people come to eat and pray
and find themselves somehow

Closing the door
and keeping it closed
creating the design

For the next tower
This geography is so unknown
children hold a soft toy in hands

Just to carry a wish
a need not met
A world obsessed with the external

And maybe one day they will
make their way over these hills
toward the heart of themselves

surreal inside the temple
of the long white spires
still solving the invisible problems of the outside world

quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2024

Full moon wraith

 I saw the Drak wraith riding away
toward the dark cloud
below the full moon
Those incredible long wings swinging in unison

lifting the beast high and fast
along the abstract shapes that kept growing 
In the uncertain night sky
smoothly aloft

The order of those wings
boosting it upward
as if it's very movement was a celebration
leaving this kingdom

What spell went awry
That sent this monstrocity
speeding away to find a new realm
Is this not sacred realm

they have failed
its just not seen
they know not this sorcery

quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2024

A life much greater

 conversing with the swamp wendigo
One whose power has pooled over decades
In the shade of the bamboo
he told me of a life much greater

sitting over the boggy grass

pointing out toward glorious years

tall trees and every sort of adventure

Some semblance of unity and goodness

He spoke of drama and excitement
Youthful expression and learning
Some new life adapted into
the little we can offer

All anxieties long winded may subside

A family might just form and collide

one of many pieces saved up

like hidden treasure

A simple spring

 The wealth of life
melded through the brush and bush
the vital valley lost and abandoned
blessed like that

Through the mess
is the bliss
under this march sun right here
the last heat wave

abundance is here
all culminating toward
this random growth
that speaks through nature

terça-feira, 19 de março de 2024

Abandoned corridor

 He grew up staring at the wall
someone else's problem
No parents to call

the abandoned corridor
of the heart
survival feels sore

A house needs warmth
like a body does
from the core

How is he still dead
staring through the wall
Eyes digging so apalled

as if that gaze will ever meet yours
as if I could ever raise him from the darkness
Old mustard carpet smokey mould

One soul a nuclear bomb
dismantled by the ignorance of limited minds
Before it could explode and rewind you all

a century of diligence
into one cold corridor
survival is so sore

orphan freshly cut
from a broken family
which is now shut

anguish expands and blames a guilty world
Burning question unfolds
How to warm this existence so cold

people wait inside their respective factions
for someone like him to guide them
toward the path of destruction

Into the thick of it

 In the thick of life
Almost got a taste of that smile
The smallest weed
a tall tree

pavement cracked
shape of a grin
those mountains shrug
revealing the road

sweet soup along it
thirst and hunger
cured by the journey
over it

The thick of me
the shuddering spirits
less secrets than I

The taste of the pavement salt
smiles and shrugs
they say the purpose is to dance
I just see them drive
see them drive


segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2024

What heaven remains

 There it is a potent glow
One where things touch and merge
and shine outward
despite every mess awaiting

Shared existance a sustenance
hope and love a glue
curiosity and growth
some supernatural blessing

A better part of me
shouted from somewhere inside
a hopeless desperate nightmare
one must want more

That forward is a direction
Before you veer toward love
If still by God's side
A piece of heaven remains

on this earth
in this life
the internal currency
Is hard heavy metal faith

Grief's own abyss

 Caught in the tunnel of time
A future accident we pray to avoid
At the underground train stop
eating snacks out of the vending machine

Ketchup falls all over my shirt
covering everything
as I attempted to clean it up
the train left

My soul on board
my self separated deep and empty
the son born again
from a damned apartment room

the room still haunted today
even as the son reincarnates
and my soul on the train
pulling out to save the future

redundantly for I am not on board
the other half of the equation
I would need to be there to cancel the future
one we never wanted

The son kept distracted by the television
No toys, no friends just his disappointed eyes
The paralyzing grief of the accident
The tunnel of time an incredible river

damed and then let go

sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2024

Castle on fire

 The big castle is now at war trying to defend itself
fireworks are exploding

What is a soldier but a troll of order
The masterminds sweep the lands from a far

factions chasing each other with weapons around the country
This desperation

The honour of war manifests itself lightening demons
carried in the hearts of these burning pariahs

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2024

Midmarch manner store

 Hot glare of silver march
they stand in the shade inebriated
the heat distorts the air above the road
those vagabonds pretending

In the shame of the bar
trying to hide
cockroach eyes
Not my fingernail to tear them out

each lot soul
on this side of the board
aimless and lost
gravel and cement

lost to the world

lost to the streets

its not your place anymore

Grandfather sun

 behind the mountains
it exists
posted there from the 1920s
I mined it all out
fifty years across my face

the dirty jungle
way home at least
some teashop that opened
as my grandfather formed
just a tadpole in the abyss

the sweltering blue skies
a decade of summers composted into one
the natives won't heal
my line knows no empathy
No value beside ambition

The light I am blinds
falling across the curved angles of the sky
the sunlight propelling me
such a dirty jungle
dinner plate

I look up again clouds congregate behind the mountains obediently
My grandfather's face somewhere in it all
still mining the joy inside of last century
as these million sheep pee into the soup
to create the essential color of society's next illusion

freedom of the swamp
power of a thousand reptiles
heatwave brewing up the medicine
give me destiny
give me the broken remains of the wall

extinguishing the shade
that sunlight to blind all
yet it shines my way open

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2024

Summer out of the barrier

 The weather feels you
Bakes a day
throws some winning breeze
sweat drenches

Vegetation not slowing
breaking heat
just enough rain
to green the plate

the surface of the land
shares relaxation
forces you toward the shade

and an outdoor chair
away from the digital mix
where the develope hides
among the weeds

with the God you pretend to know

quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2024

The scars of youth

You never had an identity you'd tarry
you would wait for the bus kicking grass
empty head would fill with worry and futility
a special space
for heavy insecurities

Not knowing yourself
pushed to overthink to overcare
inside a different creature waiting there
face it you could never be sure
are those emotions in the mirror really yours

Spectrum of seasons 
atleast they knew themselves
acting within correct stages
of the equinox

From elders hear the long explanations
dying of thirst
a simplification to quench
finding yourself in familiar desperation
Blindness naivety and stinging infatuations

Crawl out of youth
certainly lies of a past tense
flexing from a strength
hard years of pain
each scar a language of considerable length

across the territory of the soul's surface skin

quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2024

The macrocosm asunder

Just a millenium
Then returned in full
all will have changed so much
The world deposited into graves

centuries to dive away
a freak leviathan

Stepping off the planet
all business no air
stranded above the sky
centuries looking down

One of those well crafted rings of hell
where clouds are thrown about
across galaxies
like ghosts of vehicles

Ethereal realms
Bursting then shrinking
Like the sheep of our kind
with every tendency

without warning ripping and giving way
threads we are desperate to weave
loose and frayed
smiles frowns and mouthfuls

platforms to recieve
after a millenium so sleepy
the soil dark moist and heavy
the germinating seed

divides it with strong first root

What a soup they serve

 Down by the downfall
Up by your awkward
You walk in eye glue

What kind of creature measures and attracts the attention to itself thus

Down by the clumsy
Up by the uprooted attempt
live expectation

What sort of pain propagates itself inside the anxiety of expectation

Down by the downhearted
Up above this folly
Senses soaked inside the lunacy

What species of uncertain dares to crawl in these haughty grids
semi-rural human food 

Radio mind

 Ten stories above the swamp
The huge broadcasting building
in grand maroon terraces
sending out their messages and music

microphones activated
fine tuned voices ready
their ideas through a blur of air and radiation
wet legs hot career

Everybody listening
absorbing the information
laughing alone in their cars
responding to questions reaffirming their realities

The humid green swamp underneath
is full of life
It invites
It surrounds the brainwasher

sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2024

Devil may care

you dump your trash 
roadside forest all strewn with it
disregarding is a way of life
you wear it well dragging curses clutching your truck

insisting on the litter
making this paradise a cheap nothing
riding around the exhaust 
gears and jeers and the disregard you wear

provocative hardlined face
resolute on dishonesty
Making my neighborhood into a slum
breeding rats and local apathy

Graynard the senior branch manager

 Hi Gray how was your trip up here
what kind of political weave have you sewn across this one
concocting the greatest stories in history to justify your ultimate lack of results
For a company has a purpose, that is to get results

But all we get Graynard is your bullshit manipulation
The muddled ethics as a consequence of letting you lead
Your promises so convincing only improved by the oversweetened charisma
that our investors equate directly with a winning attitude and therefore victory

But besides the many scapegoats and backstabs
you have built absolutely nothing you have just been relegating
there's zero tangibility and the expensive aftershave won't compensate
Graynard when you use your status to bully our staff how does it feel

Do you think you might have reptilian DNA
Because you've achieved so many evil things
You have killed the trust of your underlings
You have helped set the company back a year or two

And fired some of the best people our company has ever seen
by setting them up and passing the buck
And we who gave you the reigns were easily tricked
because workplace conflict is such an atrocity

Religious psyche

 Satan is me
when I am indulged
feeding the lower desires
thoughtless piglike

God is me
When I am wary
to give of myself to create
genial infinite

The world has grown piglike
asleep in intellect and logic
volatile and emotional
manipulative and obsessed

what part of me is this?
I seek the higher energy
to nourish what I am
and what have I gained

from trying to understand the damned
just to see it in me
poor attempts at self surgery
yet my eye sees

Images of a better world
Where essence returns
where prosperity may live
and peace thread itself therein

Where I can greet Satan in his holding cell
And follow God to order the chaos of personal ambition

quinta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2024

Underworld through

When I was forced to walk the mist
A vagabond invalidated by the civilized world
in grey shredded rags I held up my hands to the cave roof
kilometers above my head and screamed

Shadows formed in the distance with sharp volts following
crawling across the underground horizon like broken foul wolves
the cloud and mist revealing and then hiding them again

I could only retrace my steps toward the entrance
which now a decade later was a tourist attraction
with lofty timber restaurants and groups of trendy teens
one called my name for an invisible conversation

I was sent out of the town gates still a hunter
a vagabond, an adventurer that even the darkness denied
and as I made all efforts to exit the dimlit town into the light
The sun resolved to strike down passers by about me

Until there was a stack of them near the welcome sign
like silent gas that had nauseated and inebriated them
finally claiming them as the body shut down
It was a very beautiful morning despite the needless death

quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2024

Bridge to good end's close

 Do you think they can even hear the leaves and water
On that old bridge can you feel alive
Those who come to contaminate it all

Will you help me clean this blessed place
Or simply ruin it and laugh in my face
will you create this blessed feeling here with me
The vein of God by definition

Here poverty's reign is evident
 In the hands of humble people
That take their anger out
on Mother Nature

I wonder if they can see God hidden up in those trees
In that murky water
What a pity they can't
But take with themselves a plague

To share with false underpaying rich friends

Portal Pra bomfim

 Você consegue ouvir as folhas a agua
Na ponte você consegue sentir vivo
aquele que vem pra sujar

você vai me ajudar limpar
ou dar risada na minha cara
criar aquele sentimento abençoado
veia de Deus com certeza

aqui pobreza é evidente
nas maos de pessoas humildes
que desconta sua raiva
em mae natureza

será que veem Deus escondido no árvore
ou nas aguás turvas
pena que não
mas levem com eles a peste

para partilhar com seus amigos falsos e ricos

sexta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2024

South of slaughter beach

Sweet hot balmy July that year near the sea in Delaware. The funeral of old uncle John Willian Hausend.
Beside the fact he was buried in a suit, the Mortician was an artist, for the cadaver looked as if he was a middle aged man sleeping.
The heat that summer seemed to bring flurries of insects and rodents through in waves. So the ten relatives who stayed for the funeral were constantly shielding themselves from the flying swarms and the odd creepy crawly. It was a heatwave.

Burial went smoothly, except for the fact the coffin door was just slightly a jar, and the soil we shoveled over it seemed very light. One may have thought about a faster rate of composition. After the perfect righteous speeches about the hereafter, most people's minds contemplate the inevitable rotting.

However that blazing summer back in 1881 the corpse of that celebrated uncle may have been more active after death than could ever be believed. Local seasonal farm workers had complained about their nights being disturbed by some large figure walking through their campsites at night. Eerily so, some other local campers who came down for seasonal farm work were attacked by something they said had torn their tent open and was wearing an expensive suit.

The shock of it all made some of them run north again to give up on the rest of the season, The county sheriff then found them heading north toward Milford and confirmed their story. He couldn't convince them to stick around, they looked absolutely petrified even 10 hours after the incident. and despite not one of them being injured. The sheriff became suspicious and positively curious. 

The local camping farm workers all moved a few kilometers further away from the "incident". The very next night there was another incident, a local homestead 1 km from the grave was disturbed by a tall man in a suit.
Sue, the woman who had witnessed the strange occurence stood talking with neighbors and the sheriff. Were all coming to the same conclusion. That old uncle John William had returned from the dead to disturb the living. The thing that most disturbed the sheriff was there was no footprints or evidence of tracks outside or near the places the man in a suit was seen. He quietly contemplated it all as a hoax from a rival red wheat farm.

A few nights with no incidents, 3 new farm workers came into the area and set up camp. This time even closer to the fresh grave. John william's grave was dug in an old churchgrounds, yet there was no church anymore and the only evidence of it being holy ground was a steel fence grate almost fully immersed in weeds and bramble. The only headstone was that of John william, the rest had been taken years before to form some sort of barricade during the war that passed through more than a decade passed.

The same night the 3 new farmworkers moved in, they were attacked during the night. The three farmworkers had bite marks all over their bodies. the three of them had died of their injuries well before dawn.
This time the sheriff had been called off to an incident across the state in elizabeth town North Carolina.
So his son, a simple young man of 17 years old, who had spent time with his father on the job, but was a simple soul. He was not good at foraging or checking details. Or any type of dritical thinking for that matter.

Sue convinced the sheriff's son to check the grave. He was highly sceptical, but after a short intense arguement the son agreed. at the grave site they noticed there was a gaping hole. Weeds and long grass all pushed down heading toward the beach that was only 90 meters from there.
they followed the tracks down to the shore to see something unspeakable.
An alligator the size of a man was over the corpse of uncle John William, tearing it apart and gobbling pieces down. It must have found it possible to head north during this year's heatwave.

This seemed to solve everything for the sheriff's son. No matter how much Sue from the homestead recounted the events of the past evening, He would not be convinced of anything supernatural.
He ran back to their small cabin on the road to get a rifle, getting back in 20 minutes, eagerly expecting to find the alligator still feeding. Even though there was still an arm half eaten on the beach, there was no alligator to be seen. which would mean there would be no physical evidence.

He cursed and hit the long grass with the butt of his rifle. He knew this was as doubtful and unbelieveable as the stories of the man coming back to life. alligators never came this far north. it was difficult to see them in south carolina. This alligator was far too big. Too big to navigate the swamps from florida all the way here.

terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2024

Memorize the answers to the test

 we are in those big buildings
across graceful cities
information and maps
not finding ourselves

These dreams indicate
a home of homes exist
That familiarity is heaven

and the unknown hell
over the hills we dare not climb
up roads we would not walk

this we must avoid
all corridors color coded
a life mapped out as so

We search for ourselves erroneously
looking for symmetry balance
and other human delusions

That take us away
or place us near convenient troughs
where we unconsciously feed forever 

These young recruits

 You the broken brood
sullen looks about you
asking who died?

these ten young men
childhood still clinging
painted out with bruises and cuts

The protector of the brood
unsure face hidden by long and beard
just a coloful frog?

after the shellshock
of new intense wars
all remain speechless

the killer amongst us
hugs us
mortality reminds

safety is an interloper
because of the danger we contemplate
which strategy for destruction
picked fresh ripe fruit

You train track

 wherever the train takes us
carriages well connected
filled and empty across each state

steel lengths
carry us far

travel routine
the blind purpose
trapped into the rail

similar scenery
always that determined destination
insurance mind

each one of us sleepers
holding up the rail
attached to it

sunk into the gravel
serving for the weight
of passing trains

sexta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2024

You are not Manifold

 Can you recognise yourself truly
How a thousand personalities pigeon hole you
how accurate can they really be
not wanting to know the truth

Algorithms narrow you down
curiosity suddenly sneezed
A piece of you blew out of the frown
Forensics there to collect and speculate

across the plain pavement consolidate
you have hundreds of local people
with different interpretations simmering deeply
getting boiled down to one simple flavor

that is what they'll call you
how they will see you
you are not manifold
the next years of life 

summarized in few 
dull sentences
As I started out ordinary not unique
refusing to be what so many of you have become

part of the village decor

terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2024

Desire as game

 The wanting to want so strong and overwhelming
so zero
so nothing
so less than what normality is

People work for more 
Their dreams
these desires that come and go
wanting them permanent

The housewife obsesses over the tablecloth
The engineer the angles
Each artist infatuated with a vision
A dimension that simmers desire into being

You pay for the priviledge
Arrive in the room
the dull grey emotion
so far from excitement

anticipation was a sharp spear
that could pierce the heart through armor
it lies blunt damaged and sick
a hedonist's nightmare

sweet appeal the tail of the prey
following it into dark forests
only to witness huge beasts turn
devouring your desires as if flesh and blood

segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2024

What a web we weave

Deep down some of you know the truth
at the surface we rehearse the lie
our mouths chew out words of survival
based on the path we tread until here

deep down some just yawn 
boredom at being unconnected
oh if the walls had wires you'd stay hot
sending impulses for a line of credit

Deep down you were supposed to have values
yet we grow selecting all moral aspects
the ones that rewarded when squeezed
or cut when neglected

deep down a vulture coos
the long beak inspecting feathers
from the armies of mites and nats
each a lie or half truth for interest

Ethics ethics what a commodity

The insidious

 Under a Putin to cut the old world
Under a trump out of the fold
Four legs for a piece of dull wood
a slab above the head lacking gile
holding up a table full of bias

They look at yourself in
they see a follower soft spoken debonair
Your face a redlight district
you need to pump the lard
into edible lengths sprayed with corn syrup

Polite toward the tyrants
rude toward the meritable chiefs
you will enhance the sickly habits
the toxically fed masses
with no health plans

Under a putin
you kick Nato
under a trump
isolation and and foreign deception
On a level your puppy dog eyes cannot comprehend

The Leviathans you have underestimated
Slowly rising from the sea
You can serve the republicans a new flavor of tea
massage the hooligans with your jumper lead rhetoric
But they can see, oh they can see...

Your lips are treason
hedonistic glare almost pleasant
the future is unknown to you
Your dim views only hold the present

Face toward

 I grew from out of the paddock
silky long blades of thigh high grass
lush surge
there i was born milky flesh and total ignorance
dew drops kept me hydrated
the spongy grass absorbs me

I am so small
absorbing the rays
I transition into something made
of the day sun
the roads are hard and dry

merciless blocks of concrete
my first eyes cook them
my heart beats through my tooth
desires so close to their grooves
paved rocks spew from the path around the house
the big world over me

Uncanny how power is often invisible
my heart beats through my lip
calm shrubs whisper
No breeze to assist it
sun fell quickly everyday
I make my way back to the tall grass

I am born again
coming back to life
every dawn
face toward everyday

Your exercise routine

 up and down
face a fuss
forward and back
strength of muscle

the body moves
exhaustion so close
work that core
self conscious as you clench your jaw

mind gone cauldron
stretched and flexed
someone hovers
eyes peer over

you'd look on
sweat entering eyes
overheating kettle
from over the metal

curiosity a trecherous imp
the ropes and weights
fighting destructive traits
that people use

to build themselves up
mirrors allow them
insecurities surrounding
to peek when others cannot see

the secret score card
comparing each one

souza was a schemer

 pot belly comfort
The gatehouse cabin
eyes inside and out

not just the cats
greying and lazying
shadows lengthening

indifference and frustration
a plan bubbles away 
cabin's stove

Pot belley comfort
some decades ago 
he decided he'd won the game

My pale bridge ghosts were still writing the rules

Uncaring glare
unwise and overt
you can't wrestle with a place only a person

Yet I am there in spirit
even as my body stands far
my arms and legs in the trees

for every scheme
I send a phantom
invisible grins

ants that form the feral beast
and bite in the darkness

Down a leper

 Give me a swig of the leper
thirst got me down
sun smashed me off the trail

his knuckle rot
soon a stump
drink it up

Give me drink good leper
the disease so aggressive to my nose
how divine is bacteria?

have you been found on all fours
worshipping this slow depredation
as if it were a god

I command you to get in the blender
bone and flesh
under the sun my throat is parched

That i might drink you down
to you are no more
and your remains will flow

Not unlike your pain
sustain the next great leagues of the journey
No salt or sauce 

sweet well dressed sheep have passed judgement upon you
don't associate me with them
I don't need a label to know you

just a big vessel to drink you
No mercy from the sun
vexing me like a jealous cousin

the colored mud
years of misery
flow out of yourself

provide sustenance
If only for a day

The drifter of bottle hill

 Aimless ripped old rucksack
down the half paved street he tries
the neglected curves of the city
unkempt hair and daunting eyes

through the roadside weeds
a ghostship of a man with a foolhardy tide feeds
cracks in the pavements a part of him
extensions of his legs

death took an interest
and the pale bridge spirit too
is this something to eat they wondered
alas that man is a venom stew

order a rival
life an insult a bile
his sickly pale skin
an invisible evil

conspiring unknown sin

sexta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2024


 it moves upward
a construction underway
will it this way
inevitable inevitable

it's all the same

slowly expanding
depite resistance
predictable delay

unavoidable gain

the reality of growth
necessary pain
as close as one steps to ambition

direction toward sanity

The saurian of the back wall(the Teii)

 His tail half cut apalling
struggling to the top of the wall
face so majestic tongue fork symmetrical

absorbing the air
flicking as if eletrically
Lizard I praise, Lizard so subtly

over the insects and spiders
stalking shadow it becomes
until the legs transition to mouth
godlike toast to health

huddled behind fronds soothing savage
motionless as the breeze swirls all foliage
as all animals creep and fly clueless
It meditates vertically

Absorbing the sun
as if that great star was it's slave
Lizard I watch, lizard I crave

anticipate success before midlife
yours before midday
mine just words
yours a tail now astray
predator of the sun

temple of Teiidae

My old vein

I look at the sun flooring its way down to the grass
of my back lawn, from higher

greeting me aggressively and swallowing the morning whole
gluttony of fire, power to scorn

My arm lingers impatiently begging the spade to labor
soil is meaning, life demand

I look down at my forearm the inconvenient vein
wakes up to my hand, from dreaming

greeting me with the flow of blood pulsating through
fingers feel new born, eventually pry

I look at the world light in the skull aligned with my sight
life is a rifle I sigh, aimed at the day from dawn

often firing quite invain
bullets from my vein

To cut a chef through

 On the edge of the sun yellowed coast
south of malta
sunsetting forever

she fell for a cook
sparky smile
talented hands and senses
yet bland to the bottom of the barrel

the sweet afternoon aroma
of the long flowering mediterrenean shrubs
comforting the insecurities 
the losing side

the knife could be heard cutting
grin and butterflies fluttering
romantic mutterings
my mouth stuttering

she fell for the cook
the restaurant was a small bar
where patient patrons would wait
food well timed

the grill overheating splashing hot oil
sarcastic laughter and openings to a potential lover
overconfidence staining that apron
all camouflage to the chemistry gone

sleep is impossible along these dry open corridors
where multitudes of couples look toward the sea
waves of light pouring off the surface
illuminating faces in a mood sure suave and smooth

shaded corner of the restaurant
ignored by wait staff
withering into the ancient stone interior
of the pinkly lit restaurant

dig your eyes into the eaters
ignoring you as they savor
the best taste of their lives
meal is finished glumness colors their cheeks

their smiles return to grimaces
and they start to retreat into the darkness
out of the pink healing light
where love radiates like the aroma of food

overpowering the senses
then completely absent
dig your mind into the fact
she fell for the cook

she was your world your only life
she was your glee your true wife
since we got off the boat 
death your hand knife his throat

quinta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2024

Sacred lane

 That cul de sac
well seen knack
for producing

fill the sack
tell the track
to lead us there

dull axe hack
unbled sap
orchard of the street

That cul de sac
squeezing dawn
until dusks crack

sacred lane
hidden shrine
I obtain

the structure of you

 the elevators don't work
leaving your head on the top floor
and your heart in the basement
you need to check the fuses

You yearn to climb the floors
each year of your life
until old age and the parapet
limit your movement

your business meeting
with your emotions
and your logic of discipline
ends in arguement and discontent

The consumable nature of the world
stacked on shelves
in the middle of the building
all the stages of development

companies look inside at themselves
blind to all manner of pertinence
the common human just as limited
admiring themselves unwilling to find defects

buildings like that seem to collapse early

quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2024

The wandering way

 Somewhere in the clearing
deep in the scrub
a space where the sun hits
where things grow

sheltered well
from heavy rain
the hell winds
and cool phases

Humid and warm
thick grass sponging it all up
all below the huge mountains
where things can grow

life, forms beckons and lights up
trees and shrubs emerging
Bleak cloud losing against the blue
sun owning part of everyday

A punch in the kidney

 In robes and sworn in
my father ushered me back to the world
There the rest of the mission awaited
the carpet thick and comfortable

what kind of validation is signed for
what kind of freedom awaits
Heaven and earth
a good counsel

The weight of responsibility
The soup of power
a decisive mind
a hungry stomach

A cake to be divided

 Life is a cake
fine sweet icing
it arrives at the tongue
the landing pad of the head

God gesticulated
pointing out toward the banquet table
and looking into my eyes
replenishing the old organs

Life is a cake
when you see a guest 
take more than you
deserved or not

envy a chain from hell
choking you from out there
in a paradise of abundance
perception of scarcity and exclusion

the boast itself is shining in full sun
God spraying it with disinfectant

Ants in Auckland

 In Auckland
all about the business
the large grassy expanses next to the highway
fill up as the rain comes down before first light

those lakes of water fill up to above the knee
by midday they go down to ankle height
the buildings and traffic distract us from them
and most don't notice it all happening

In Auckland
People die off through drug abuse
daily habits that rot the organs
and move with the herd

and what did you hear?
who was named
and who decided
at a makeshift table in the corporate tower

Sitting at the table giving out titles
above those distant lakes of water
slowly evapourating
letting the long grass breate again

empty nutrition of risks untaken
concern and caution
robbing the vitality
that generates unknown consequences

In Auckland titled ants
holding the poxy structure
grin shaped snobby hierarchy
over the puddles

domingo, 4 de fevereiro de 2024

Learn your life

 we have walked and swam
we have biked and rode
in circles and over insane hills
we have come down like giddy passengers

falling into birth all dizzy and amused
purpose given to us a courier of lifes paste
You are a human fox
lost in the jungle of roads and cities

we have driven problematic cars
through tunnels and over mountains
trying to learn the secrets of our identities
on these confusing roads

all that glimmers
all that illudes
distracts us from the milk of life
food the utlimate metaphor for purpose

routine for road
chapter one was always supposed to be love though

quinta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2024

A thousand faces

The thousand faces loomed 
every emotion reflected
every stage of age

personality reflected off the face
the outer flesh
dimming and iluminating
over years

the layer of a ghost
several million contexts
existance inside the eyes

a thousand faces of my father
the restless one
somewhere a free energy

the wing of life and death
swinging through the night
bringing back lost family

Their face comes
reflections of how they were
glimmering out of the darkness

to have us question life again
gesturing toward each decision
each continual attitude

all the blessings

segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2024

What glows in the dark

 written over time
poured over land like storms
skill in the ear and calluses form
Left outta the norm

voice cries out
to declare
whats not on
whats unfair

the child in us
reaching to the surface
not to be ignored
closed behind doors

what glows in the dark
a haunting melody stark
a ghost clinging to the tongue
singing out to illuminate

Each bully has his turn

 remember the shock
horrid abuse 
 young son or daughter suffered
 warm autumn unknown to yourself

shed door lay open
Faint woeful screams wail
something dirty awaits in the darkness
convincing itself of healthy evil

the paint flecked and peeling
Like the old computer teacher
she gazed too long
fantasy too expensive in reality

Sarcastic smirks across faces
guilty yet unashamed
For they participated
never expecting to recieve

unbeknownst waiting for their day
of abuse in the dark
by some whim of a fiend
like the scar of an early ween

Believing it will never come
yet it is already gleaming
in a new bully's eyes
clenched teeth and hard fists

then your eyes meet mine
As if hell's geography was foreign
as if demon's had never contacted me

their language scribbled across your skin lad
you the young man with some magic hat
that cannot protect you from a chaotic world
that hungers for victims like sugar and cocaine

whose only release is the pain in others

bed time

 into sleep
eyes inside
looking inward
look for peace

time to disappear
the darkness of the room
under sheets and blankets
rest and repose

Into dream
the membraine thin
the entry unpercieved
the arrival a wobble

to darkness
to abstract mind

seeking comfort
infancy remembered
searching and want erupt
blankets over

trains on cobwebs
traveling along
lost and blitzing through emotions
tearing them up until dawn

quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2024

The biggest mixed breed

 slobber of the hound
halfway toward the ground
lazy eyes
clumsy steps

thrown at the world
charming bag of bones
shaking the furr
tail all chaos

random fanning
his size counts for nothing
this beast attempts
to steady it's legs

dumbfounded by the state of the world
stimuli all too much
stumbles after his master
not far behind


 see it with wide eyes
pupils picking details beyond the fruit trees
moving toward the sky
speaking to the world

A language that blends life through light
intelligence lights up
what a brilliant symbiosis
a brain on a sweet flow

discharging the energy
powering a ball of fire
it is the pollen
the sugar that only the sun can create

terça-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2024

the faction

 Resources of the human race
deterrents are fatal
engineering hard shocks to keep em all in line
waves of interests must be protected

crime in the community
a subtle rape of it all
sweet indifference 
poverty a mass to be moved

a network of diminishment
of the youth and uncouth
dirt and disease will come

sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2024

Attempted society

 Festivities were banned
fun was imposed 
smiles under machine guns
tension froze

Pieces of yourself falling away
in the exact formation tyrants will
pieces they say you won't miss
like feces and piss

and the lie is built what a videogame!

people are coasts
sometimes they are rivers
all flowing into one another rapids boast
Look at this monstrocity so disconnected from it all

mirror beckons and taunts
stripped upon their beach attempting a saunter
vulnerable and confused coming out of some opioid sting
shattered salty molded glass smooth and thin

Still entranced trying to make sense of it all
yellow and grim long limbs emerge tall
ambling across the side of the coast
teeth and muscle growing over it all

ignore the mud of the estuaries miles dividing
look to the glare of raw tidings

The floor of the party is light grey in the sun
It has been banned yet happens in earnest warm and poor
a legacy buried under that party floor
surging with centuries of injustice, pain and indignation

never to be deliberated
restless dancing novel attempts

nostalgic image full of those civilized
glancing and half wanting to know yet not realized
without getting close to it humility begs you refrain
the ghosts in between seek physical form once again

using immense profits of fear
 to kick themselves back into
our war waging atmosphere of rhythms
status through this waltz of cavorting

volcanic dynasty
molten bubbling heart boiling over
naked before them all
foreign and scorching

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2024

question power

 why power is not sophisticated
what one must do to cultivate power
power can be accumulated in a lifetime
but how is it used in a sophisticated way to create great things

The young are coddled into softness
fed into roundness
and surprised by every hardship
is that sophistication?

The right to spoil?

Yet the disciplined few off the hardness of a surface
that the next generation might just find a footing on
their internal rituals taboos and prerogatives
is that sophistication

the steady leagacy

fire behind that?
noble lions
silent energy flowing pushing
and owning it all?

quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2024

dessert shop

 The thick jawed waiter invited me into the restaurant
He didn't want to be there anymore than I did
The menu was clean reflective and eternally mundane
He could see my eyes glaze over

then he presented me with cake and other samples
the false smile curling as the chocolate sauce drizzled over the sample
This wasn't a transaction it was common satire
one I had to pretend to be a part of

clean blue tables
lit up by low hanging popart lamps
all wholesome traditional blended plastic
the obligation of bathing your senses in meaningless advertising

enthralled in the pitch hook and prospect of a purchase
target practice of closure

seated numb with sugar
I will tell you your future

Juice exclusion(peru)

 I joined the friends at the ticket counter as they looked up at the lit up board
voyages to every corner of south america
attendants expressionless yet impatient bodies shrug
she had chosen a trip to Peru with two friends

they hadn't wanted me to be part here
as they put straws to mouths
sucking the liquid that tempted them toward the destination
they excluded me flinching at it like kids being questioned by stark parents

the lady turns and confers with the two others
just enough light to make coffee irresistable
the attendants look down at maps in the dim yellow light
the high wooden ceiling smokey and dank

the two friends backing back as journey is confirmed
she looks at them in delight and passes by
I am invisible
as they prepare to quench their thirsts

The prostitute down purple road

 Outside of the big central buildings the alleys spread out
small portlike stalls all the same height
Single abandoned women can be found at every corner
appealing to the passerby partially desperate, partially hostile

one third witch in the grin mind
shifting weight on tired legs
and inspecting each passerby
looking for that glint of judgement

Down purple road I saw her
infront of a lane of wooden shacks
her eyes glaring out beyond her dark gown
boiling thoughts beyond her brow

almost pointing at my dark shadow
accusing me with all of the corridor ghosts' applauses
trying to confuse me as I attempt to journey on
cobblestone all uneven like her stance

She is not one third witch
she is totally immersed in the craft
and her attempts have roused my defences
yet the winds conspire

the empty shantytown extension nothing but a vein
pumping toward the complex knot of nerves
in the brightest sector of my brain

kabutz brothers

One of the twin brothers pushed me away
telling me it was their party
Not exactly excluding me
the twins slapped each other on the backs

They showed me the lights
the wonderful atmosphere
all of the treats I wouldn't take part in
their freckles and grins make me thankful 

Their sister approached me
optimistically inviting me back
though this dark room and these expensive lights 
hold no appeal to the shadow of my soul

Deep down I was relieved not to be assumed
Not to become another guest
amongst the mediocre cluster
Kabutz brothers unsure of my departure

terça-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2024

The meaning of it all

 decipher this
I can read the language of the cracks
across the concrete extensions under foot

I can read the cloud
Out of the sky messages straight to the mind
decipher that
I have spoken to the forest
deep conversation
decode that

the hidden allegory
suggests that my very words
create spells that distort reality

Captivating late dawn

 under the gate
morning son
blue up and burning firey yellow across
the grey concrete weed ridden lit up

pedestrians wander over it
life problems guiding them
accelerating kicked up steps
defending their sight as the sunshines into their eyes

the pudding of darkness
and the soup of the sunlight
what a feast to heat inside the dining room....

that is this city

segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2024

Writing it all into existance

 I wrote the future into the page
shut the grin down
Destiny a wise wizard that looks down from the sky
just to ponder what makes me smile

Look out upon civilization
every tone of paint on each box like house
these flecks of life and inhabitation
all knitting together in a strange thread

stars shine out of streetlamps
the poor hugging queues
getting further and further locked into covetous servitude
A hidden societal rule where the mass tackles itself

Then crawl slowly up to the top of the mess
falling down to the hard weeded concrete
where they give confident excuses for their desperate climbs
and shameful falls

I wrote them into the megalopolis
a furnace for the human will
those long mundane hours
all contributed toward some company target

those beautiful lights
just enough credit to dream about the next purchase
I wrote so many souls into the obsession

Just a piece of me

 through all mine
the swamp is brilliant
humble me

The floods come down
cover the lime green delight
That thin piece of wire

the last drops of dusk water
hanging on like the old to life
one day all me that

The forest all patchy on this side of the city
each a hand or foot attached to me
creeping out and around

all off limits
the glint of moist foliage
Is like a flag of triumph

quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2024

That tongue of the tides

 mouths about the sea
though here it goes inevitably

Roaring in
Car ride like
Bulge and bust down
carved explosion

Rush rush splash
swallow fall and crush together

Spilling down and getting pushed up onto the dry sand
Burst and burp like a throat
transitioning into a tongue
to lick the shore

Bulging, fading humps accumulating
bouncing and then breaking to predictable hiss
No more of those weepy waves
passively lapping

Sun burn

 rolling onward
tshirt hanging down toward knees
protecting from the body from the sun
tit bumps
stomach rump

holes in the cloud
holes in the cotton
the sun and he skin meet

the burnoff
the sun has no mercy
the scars and the surface of the body a deep red
clouds part the cotton rip

The half drunk whale of a man absorbs that beast
The old sun

Patris exspiravit

 my old father's house lay on a hill above the outskirts of the city
a long driveway and just enough big weeds and displaced equipment
to make you think it was all normal yet the house didn't exist
people saw the structure, the narrow path up to the house
but nothing was there

I'd walk up there saturday afternoons
To confer a few of those secrets to the universe with my father
He talked about motion and movement again
other subjects that made me understand

He pointed out that each angle of perception
was a doorway to victory
each successful view
was a mountain conquered

inverted and replaced
my path had been blessed
Father's ghost so intact
maybe it will never fade

no disconnection between that old chirp
and the essence that drives me to embrace this earth

The grandchildren of the caretaker

 Inside the lolly bag of society
sticky and sugary
distribution of presents is tradition
so many needy children

A happy garage where families met
expecting to recieve presents
Like greedy gods waiting at shrines
for whatever the pleb masses would provide

candy sight
austerity wants reward
cries efeminately
shower curtains

so many children
each wants an ounce of attention
they become an audience
clapping hands and wooing

I arrived with just enough presents for the kids
The old caretaker of a man was given nothing
as if watching their faces was enough
But I returned to the market to buy more

The caretaker pretended not to care
yet when presented he was given a few more years to live

segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2024

The eyes of a magician

 I see it all
across the swamp
the power of a million
in my hands

The power to protect what is God's
the inner spark and rules that I was able to write
and send in to this reality
as if I had programmed it all myself

The power to create paradise
in a humble piece of abandoned land

It's not just how you feel

 You are what you feel as she combed her hair with her hand
Thats why it is so important to know how you feel 
as she spoke to her gut
trying to limit the dialogue to less than an hour

it only takes a few manipulated facts to build a manic machine
One that'll churn out illusions to feed the hungry and confused across the globe
illusions that create these dull cultures that have sprouted fleabane aggressive
it's all where you focus

Or as she said
you are what you feel 
invest way too much in that
checking how many are fabricating their states of mind

You are what you feel
I am what I project
I am what I dream and my dream is big
I am more than what I feel


 the blur of the day at the beach
many people walking across your line of observation
catching your attention
their faces blank or colorful

yes shrieking children
going about their games
serious brows moving up
then laughter jumping and prancing

The details written in your eyes
describing the mass of moving bodies
fulfilling their holiday obligation
as if they were actually free

mumbles and gambles
sand clinging to the legs and feet
slowly falling off over the strides

ankle waves taking a layer off
gulls above distracting
looking down
contemplating the thick congested human conveyance

Amnesia of death

 Father what keeps you youthful out here
out here where there is nothing
but water and empty buildings
dreams that froze in time

You tell me life is a somersalt
a roly poly
we are just sifting through ditching
I clean this water

Father what of the dreams
or have you had amnesia
Do you not remember what it is to be alive any more
has it been that long?

Something holy about grass
as it feeds cattle
time cracked off 
and fell with you

the next chapter is being played
as if we were film 
different layers of relevance
Father do I matter

In a universe like this
Will I be able to pick up these strings
to manipulate the whole mess

Romanzoffiana(that old Syagrus)

  Pale long neck
rising above the tropical thicket
Downward curved leaves claw like
Inward clinging

narrow spine
mottled trunk
moss encrusting
wind stained orchids

hanging on in the moist breeze

layers of lichen gobbling up the shaded lower trunk
Brown red dead leaves holding on
as if hell was the forest floor

Narrow tall heads out of the canopy
peeping out to the world
Partially sheltered by the cumbersome
all encompassing ficus

domingo, 7 de janeiro de 2024

Rose the iceblock woman

 She rolls the popsickle stand
Fort beach southern Lazarus
Under the sun umbrella
tank full legs motoring

pollinating each group of beachgoers
Like ocean edged flowers
those petals thristing for the cold treat
She sells that burnt coconut

temporarily quelling the heat of the boiling beach

Baron sea

 Kicking up waves
weeping into the sea
sun glistens
the water hisses
licking the drying dark sand

waves are society
so many little purposeless waves
although those big waves
move sand and fish and surfers

The heavenly expanses fla and calm
own everything
conjuring swells in a split second

the power and freedom
of the baron sea

sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2024

In the mouthfulls of the sun

 Ball falls
big boy in fat clothes
filling out
Now going baggy again
clothes like his skin

sweaty but simultaneously drying in the scalding sun
working off the pounds in a yellow skin suit
by playing sweaty beach volleyball creaming and congealing
all the way back to classic inertia

weepy waves creeping closer
blue sky yellowing the ground
dessert by sunset fixed to the dimming cloud
Long duration of whispy expanse

Giving the sun all of the ingredients
to fry the land and eat the remnants

portal bridge

 This gate to the other world is my home
It is the secret sacred path
Those that soil it will feel the specter
I don't feel it it is over my left shoulder

My plight is the right hand path
Yet the second sight frees me
allows me to see
what the common can not

The bridge is surrounded by sacred trees
The river itself blessed carries water
This special shaded grove
A ridge to the beyond

quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2024

Von tempsky's ghost

 How did he hunt the night itself
the foul cackle brandishing hardened wood
and blades of jadestone
the artist of the eternal warrior

the grit in the gut
deep inside the bush
the night would come alive and destroy order
as if the universe conceded

Darkest nights where traps and tricks and death await
Only a ruthless hungry hardboned lover of the darkness
would march into that

quarta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2024

The lucky stoners sun umbrella

 They made a shade
that almost waded into the flavor of lemony waves

They huddled in there caged pandas sharing clown grins
candy mouths oozing with sugar

stealthy summer knocked out spring
fruiting like imperial mushrooms

Back tattoos fold and fledge
no official caution to stupidity

rival bikinis so thin and tight
stringing the body to some level of expection

Beach goer

 There against the tidal wall making your stand by sitting
Sun take notice of us
humid breeze tickle those bare bodies
murmuring voices and delicate thrashes of weepy waves

Footsteps go unheard through the wet sand
he reads under a full brimmed hat and dark sunglasses
the tropical shrub hovering over his head whspering
perfect shade

the tranquility of ths day
maybe scarce so many in the war torn reaches
but not for him here on fortaleze beach

The valley shift

 mist travels down and sinks between the hills
kissing canopies foolish and shamelessly
It robs the view of the sea touching down further and further
Swallowing the land expanding through vast layers of grey

temperatures shift into cooler ones
as the mist continues running down each hill
throwing fresh drizzle upon them all

Wave upon wave slowly drenching the shaded valleys
thick droplets forming on every surface
then evapourating back into stark hazy mist

Arthur degree

 Lost his backbone years ago
tilted forward like a hungry governor
singlet covers him down to the short ends
Ahead of his wife as if to prove he could

swatting dependence away
backbone and spine in the drink
ankle deep in the salt water
lurched forward as he walks wet sand

each step is being sabotaged by the tide
but the half grin on his wifes face says they'll fail
sturdy caculating woman
sunset so far away from her vital mortality

It never gets young

 Boney skullman
baby bulk around the lower stomach
eagle beak nose
beach visitor

Curious and prehappy aiming at becoming post happy
purchasing sharkdrool for his minnow

little tendency of handling miracles
that balding but curious head
overall undergrown chap
ready to join the joviality

join laughter and old age

that sign on his face seems to say
I must admit life is good
the longing for contentment the only future hope
stuck working on a beach tent

fumbling with the straps uneasily
the inability to put that crucial emphasis
he can only apply extra effort 
retirement on him like a predator

Rigid palm guards

 On the straggley peninsula
full of vine and broad overhanging evergreens
a few coconut palms reach far above 
watching two brilliant sides of the bay as sentinel guards

wind completely dead
palms long to rock
silent they stand
observing human confusion

Fort beach image

 Cloud as thick as jungle pouring off it
People as thick as cloud
small weepy waves washing up onto the shore
Bay boats idle as the poor man side of highway exhausted

Twins eat shishkebabs
as if for the first time
guided by impatient parents
constantly correcting their grasps

young fathers kick their footballs
further than their sons
as if to compensate for lack of skill
at an earlier age

Somewhere in the distance the sun claws it's way through the cloud
attempting to catch us by surprise

Sitting beside me

 My wife sits beside me
glances at me from time to time
smiles come around
the sun coming down on us

A channel between us the living
the frequency between us
this life the knotch
repeating us into it

She turns to me
I to her
thats the whole meaning

who would ask for more
evidence of the cloud that life is
floating by in the sky of time
lightening and darkening

Raining on us as we sit shore front
or opening up to present us with the sun
gratitude is us