quinta-feira, 2 de maio de 2024

Wholesome Boredom

 These hard times about to manifest
will be as delicious as pie
across the galaxy our eyes may go
what we harvest on earth

may just be as empty

yet let treta pessimists die their slow deaths in silence
for optimism is potentially an opiate
and hedonism has owned us all
in the dawn of this shiny century

it has just been so fun

Opening your hands
not in a gesture of poverty
but in one of freedom and acceptance
For the wonder of the universe could belong to you

as we all belong to shameless pleasure seeking

patience and the virtues of stoicism
are as sexy as hollywood
and just as intangible for the young
for age forces us into reflecting on

and practicing wholesome boredom

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

The lawyer and the rose

 There was a lawyer man who owned GOD
He strode out toward all potential clients
seeking their approval and losing all opportunities
The roses outside the bedroom window
blocked out the sun as those flowers were so dense
Beauty distracts

And in the lawyers case keeps him sleeping in
as the sun no longer wakes him morning come
Yet he had Old God with him
he owned God and how could he
what sickening sorcery is this
Since when did heaven allow itself to come to this?

A lawyer of all sorts, Owning the big man
yet not getting the clients, or the career
The woman angel Heti came down from mount fiv
and claimed that the lawyer would get all earthly accolades
if he would just give up God

Heti had that pure women's energy
stronger than a man's energy
stronger and hotter even than the million kelvin
burning ambition inside a career man's heart

But the Lawyer man refused Heti all the same
A resilience in his eyes
shining his own shoes 
and running up and down the city like a maniac
to prove the cosmos wrong
he comes home fruitless yet grinning

as if each day of failure was a party

where is your soul
The lie of one up in your chest, he accused the angel Heti
who turned a storm in the face and threw the lawyer through his bedroom window
Into the thorns

segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2024

The other side of the wall

 The Skait
An alien race located on the edge of our solar system
Originally conducting monitoring to human movements between the earth and moon.
Trying to tap into all earth medias and decipher who and what we are.

The Skait are like a master class of hybrid aliens. Interested in understanding our capabilities. 
Now the Aliens are only interested in one thing. Music, literature and culture.

The Skait are collecting as much as possible on our cultures. They filter whatever is applicable to their civilization 500 light years away. watering down music and poetry and streaming on their own platforms.
Their aim is not to control or interfere with our civilization. The Skait mine our culture without having to take it from us physically.

Humans and our cultures have beome their opiate. Suddenly their alien peoples are flourishing again,  three collective species varying in appearances and needs. 
Our unknown influence has boosted their way of life. 
A once stagnant civilization that had reached it's peak 40,000 years ago uniting 3 separate alien races to battle off a complex fungal disease. Trade was the glue after the annihilation of the fungal disease.

They suppressed atleast one other growing alien power close to their star cluster.
without full scale war. The Skait are a tiny civiization compared to what exists in the milky way.
Yet compared to us, they are massive. Their worlds hundreds of times bigger and more sophisticated. Their dyson spheres and artificial moons, their hundreds of colonies that almost reach our solar system.
To think they only came to soak in our cultural oddities to give themselves a stronger form of curiousity, entertainment, purpose, distraction. 

Hundreds of civilizations some flamboyant, others as dull as bigoted totalitarians. 

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2024

Don't drown in control

 Brother don´t drown
We were in the gardens of infancy together
excitement overcame you
and you ran as fast as little legs could run

caution seemed to pour down on you
changing your face and mind
each unflow blocking you in
you don't see yourself as free

Don't leap into the water yet
wait for the tide to go out
its so deep for us now
over our heads bro

everything you are, so sacred

I read your face everyday Luke
every grudging frustration disappears
Our father lifts you
out of this water

You can now lift yourself
you can taste the air
make frends with freedom
tenseness is not for you

do not drown in that playground
it's not about how you look
life was given to us as such a gift
thank you needs to be said

so say it once your head emerges
like a baptism you didn't expect
So very reign

A beached whale

 Deadly whale came on land to swallow you whole
five hundred inward razor teeth more treacherous than a shark
we visited your gang you ordered us out like vagabonds
we do your bidding like slaves afraid of our own shadows

The pavement echoes our pain
We walk toward each reality clumsily
Until the whale comes into sight
The coast is ours

we close in on you and yours
blasé around the business table
we push it to you are all trapped
begging for your lives

we send in the whale
the legendary beast
The path is crowded with ghosts
you new comers less welcome still

carved up in the boiling teeth
The coastal rock cries for you all

segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2024


 crown of thorns
these lands are blessed
i've found peace
he hands me over the hammer

hammer to destroy
But love in it still
this soil is sacred
This country

rust colored ground
surface to deep
here I meditate
inside life nightmare

Invest in your pleasure
Demons and fear
push you along the broken pinochio
Vices axe you into kindling

simmering a cauldron to feed
 new generations
cutting away apathy
and drowning it all swiftly

Turned your back on real life
gave your soul false churches
wooden irrelevant traditional values
you preach but don't uphold

Cease hurting reading inside sacred triumph

For without that surrender....

You will never be affiliated with the power the universe

segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2024

The academy of movement

The shifting mountain
made the ascent so hard
sliding rocks and sand
all those people behind me sliding down

leaving the city
waiting for friends
each street alone
my very words are changed in the mind of another

driving into the city fair
permission and limits
lost inside colors and noise
to usurp the sense of self 

Roads and chaos
dogs obedient to instinct
broken jaws
inevitable conflicts

shifting mountain
attempted glory
keep climbing
building and growing