sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2023

God dabbled in crypto

 He came down and converted my deep pond into a swimming pool
investments overflowed
My bail of hay and compost heap were neglected
keep the water in

as clear as it is
the wild creature has nowhere to hide
its many names have been screamed by the masses
hungry for some miracle in their wallets

strange shapes form over the horizon
born in Japan instilled into hackers psyches
into simplified thinkers minds
trendsetters and followers are chained

quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2023

Thought out and felt in

 Theres a cauldron in the mind
and one in the heart
A few ingredients that long to be combined
and then consumed

There's a rope out of the head
and out of the heart
We hold onto it under the misconception
that it might carry us out toward richer realms

There's a path through our mind
and one in the heart
that if followed on the face of the earth
could angle like a smile

If you fail to prepare the feast
hungry eyes and mouths shining toward the fears of the father
the sweet remnants of the cauldrons sauces
To remind us of the past times that may no longer sustain us

There is a longing in the mind
and one in the heart
that avoids heaven and hell
surveying purgartory

The high ceilinged tent
that fits many modes of life
each a bubble shrinking and expanding with egos and conflict
each with it's own hundred species of colorful circus dramas

The membrain of the bubble concentrated and solidified thought residue
Evidence of feeling invisible yet incredibly real like gas inside a balloon

quinta-feira, 18 de maio de 2023

Spiritual appetite

 a hunger in the human spirit
A wild development in spirit
through the inside of the spine
like a monorail going up and down

Moving at the speed of light
powered by potent ambition
ignore false piety
ignore the permission to decadence

moving at the speed of light
to reign over a new world
pushing legs and brains forward
over the abandoned land and cities

eyes lock onto prey
stomach not attached to body
but resides in the sky
an appetite the extreme aspiration

moving at the speed of light
destroy the placating dance machine
and bow to order and progress
divine order and progress

Temple dust

The unknown descended
toward our humble floors
heads bowed
Tools of destiny

The dark space from where we worship
the invisible force
the one you have given a name a face
a useless doctrine

Silence is the voice
your world is noise
emptiness this sacred void
temple dust

the room is warm
The presence hasn't left
we breathe it in
tools of destiny

silence is its rule
this world a noisy drama
emptiness a holiness
bless this temple dust

an unknown power surges
from the hard dirt floor
No face no name
fuel of greatness for the soulmotor

humility sounds like nothing
gratitude a blessed emptiness
In clandestine harmony
temple dust

terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2023

Time out

 a scrap in the basement
looking up toward the door
its locked
something I did 

stomach rumbles
cold dusty laundry floor
was I born for this
cold wind peeping in under the door

Must have done something awful
offended someone
dusk cutting itself into night
with the long boring blade

had my mother protested
Just for me to ignore
where did I pick that up
they were angry now

Not a ditch for  home
somewhere out there 
were you could quench your thirst
and feed your stomach

a brother would follow along
what secrets had I told
How I questioned myself
instead of flex that pure will

The one that got me here in the basement
where none would hear me
and the cool wind hit the glass
refridgerating the room

And out here in the world
I have been alone
somehow king yet slave
somehow ant yet god

And punished for such erroneous interpretations
of such a life

The line into a foul mouth

Who is underneath
you walked toward me
do you know yourself
rattling off the odd sort of insult

behind you something trails
A part of you almost left behind
Not obvious perhaps a forgotten toy
that grew into its own beast following you

controling your mouth
a soul usurped
by a part of you obscured
forgotten to the world

a ghost in the wake of all activity
with its own eyes heart and mind
we forget ourselves sometimes
is that what you did

You might have been possessed 
by some unknown part of yourself
something that came out of the woodwork
bathed in envy and old fashioned ideas

ticks and tocks in us
clockwise life
it did a number on you
many years of disappointment

written on the bill
in handwriting of footsteps
quips and uncertain lives lived
long periods of confusion

anguish loves the weak
or the weak pretending to be strong
to throw it on another
like a troll excreating


Swirl of life

 Swirl of life
Silver and fresh
summoned on
Through the glare of doubt

Oh that glare of doubt sprang
with apathy and fang
swirl of life
prosperity oooh prosperity

The apathy of the bystander
contrasts with the faith of me
the swirl of doubt not a lick
the swirl of faith the fullness of  my soul

The things we fight for vehemently
Must exist in our heart
faith of life of god of goodness
that the little bean could become a body a mind a new untouchable soul

Inside the swirl of life
The energy combined
our hopes and dreams as insignificant as a pebble
inside the minds of those bystanders

ooh prosperity full abundance
once again to be called on
to be braced and raised up
like the green of the garden

the swirl of life compels me
everything or nothing
settle for the two
stay open for everything

quarta-feira, 10 de maio de 2023

Your own real story

 I saw you at 12 years old a moment in time
You were observing yourself for hours
I saw you at 17 and your smile was as much a moment
as hand touching the next scratch in the clock

I saw you on the street at 22 shopping
You were a mere situation busy being the place
I saw you at 28 on the curbside looking out over the street
as if it were a river

And you were just a moment the past of you gone like present wrapper
Your expression hardly forming the same way ever after
Nobody will truly ever know you and they will just assume
quite a number of half truths

At 35 you were sure of what you were
yet that stuff was just furniture you were fond of
frills and makeup trinkets you pushed into the light
every layer passed down from family or around from peers

you are a location on a map
oblivious to your own coordinants
unconnected to your real self
Just repeating the input 

I see beyond the flesh the flickering program
The ritual and routine you are
Your code in the network
The joke the spirits tell about you

I have deduced that you are a moment in time
a situation unfolding 

sexta-feira, 5 de maio de 2023

On your marks

 The hurry to live left that spirit exhausted
such a hunger built into the mind a catastrophic intestine
A hurry to speed into the next phase not quite finished wth the last
food stained mouth speechless catastrophic irony

A race that is only held when all of the candidates are available
narrowing your chances by flooding the field of vision
with a blood thirsty abundance of competition
The judges restraining their guile

An urge to do better even when dragged fro the fields of mediocrity
To form a rat like snout for survival despite the labels it earns
tiger like claws to dig into the nearest isolated meal
a hankering for artful progress that spins a nauseating euphoria

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2023

Approval of the client soul

 Every little piece of your reality
glued up rustically unevenly
pieces of heaven and hell randomly
grins interrogate smiles and drown frowns

Your eyes trick you and you observe your surroundings
Not seeing what there really is
getting lured into the labrynth by dreams and nightmares
that have teamed up to push you the client soul along

every little piece of your perception
a thousand shards of other's opinions watching you like dragon eyes
Those words and ideas coloring your view
soaking false up into the true until you become a maleable stew
the client soul

Every little blade of grass hogging sun reflecting it as if spilt gravy
delicious unto the cattle those thousand client souls
their reality stuck together like a infants collage
God a tear drop away, the devil one cackling observer

Your eyes don't allow you to see inside the good
for paint and statues distract your very soul
That gullible customer waiting in line fingers sweating on the ticket
Gates as juicy as rear steak, as neon as vegas, the realm completely unknown to the client soul