sábado, 28 de setembro de 2024

beginnng of 2025 major sao paulo flood

 The Sao Paulo floods 
this year Sao Paulo floods
highways become rivers
people use make shift boats

Love ones separate
hold onto the things you lost
grief creeking it
undercurrents of loss

over the water people try to trade
staying afloat by will alone
almost underwater
up to their throats

Living a disaster
purging surging
bleeding out and carrying all
down torrential blender of a river

quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2024

The oppressor's cycle

 the big country
hits the small one
invades and bombs
represses destroys

death erupts
collateral damage
accelerates politics
your gone from the world

Speech fires
bombs drop
guns drop
one side the terrorist

the other the tyrant
playing to and fro
until the terrorists have suffered
tyrants have leveraged

one big country
squeezing the smaller one
injustice across bread
gobbled down

peace reigns short term
until tyranny becomes valid
like buried treasure
go and slaughter

Too far forward

 he told me I moved to fast
straight after the first game
I was calling for the next
the high hills the walled my home

each one I would climb
looking to the next 
before finishing the first
ever striving forward

he turned to me
official life face
heartfelt exchange
warned slow down

fresh eyes
the infant smiles
races to crawl
rushes to walk

Send donuts to my ears

 send donuts to my ears
Not a real donut in the state
tenderly send them sacred intimacy
with delicious certainty

send donuts to my ears
the warm sand under us
sugar and cinammon
sun an oven

send donuts to my ears
smoothly over soft air as they dry
straight out of the fryer
to absorb this sweet powder

Build a sensuality
I love song
baked and sugared
send donuts to my ears

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2024

Up a rung down a rung

 Pack up those rich parents
their polystyrene packaging cost more than their flesh
Vacate those immaculate beachfront apartments

Leisure exists as our great god of time
fun is all there is the time of your lfe obligation
what did we make all of this money for

Tiny people claim status what a perk
a world based on fairness
The presumptions of high income

the simplicity of arrogance
deafening yourself with laughter
quaint requests for wait staff

many serve the few
purpose epitomy
mistake another customer for an employee

segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2024

Ol man river

 grooves of grey
straws of grey
supernatural silt
from deep heaving puddles

shooting it all back
into a mind pagelike
clear sacred liquid
light of existance

Ol river passing
a wet rolling serpent
every flavor of upper states
levies raised

meandering toward the gulf

Steven said you'd win

 Steven said all bets are off
their group the cunning local monopoly
a guild that makes punters into property
in an illegal game

like swimming dogs
after a sudden flood
Steven said suddenly
withhold your money

the danger of the bet is most
of your earned money will be lost
to a few in the know pensively
study how to rob you intensively

Not far from the wharf no sea legs
excitement of the unclean and unsober dregs
organized for the climactic raging con
like new fitting clothes before a hunt

Steven said to wait for them to put their money
oh check the odds before you advance
dogs run win by a chance in hell
your small pile of credit will swell

Destino novo

 I traveled he said
all uncertainties met
like a conversation with existence
the sky encourages the newborn
the land obstructs the land scorns

I saw a new world he said
between incredible mountains
steel cotton abundance in fountains
breathe majesty into the discovery

revolution in the hearts
new human start
proof of identity seems to give
permission to dream and live

The soil is rich here he said
unlike the wastes I traveled
where the only thing fertile was the mind in this mound
strange beliefs new perceptions to find how they're found

quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2024

Travis Of New Orleans

 Lost eyes and no raincoat
wind and rain splotches
assaulting from low cloud
banshee bluster against the face

Wet through taunted and humiliated as he begged
The energy to ignore that people have
hope digging into him yet failing
falling and getting diluted by rain

His voice trails off
Travis a man of thirty
cut down inside
the sparkle died with the inner child

only a mile from the river that stole his heart
The sky mourns Travis
crying upon him
tears hitting him like shrapnel

Hands open and empty
that man had a heart
defending his country
paid in raindrops

segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2024

Speak in light

 Speak in light
in colors the forest and reef rock grooves
intertwined in all that breathes and all that moves
the miracle flow glowing

bold and overpowering
none want to see
their blindfolds elaborate
No need to be free

speak in light
over the waters 
rejoice in that
In the little moments

that Miracle flow
So rare to man in the great era
the artificial experience
the exclusion of natural life

Decorative stages where clapping audiences
indulge in the illusions of equality
congratulating themselves on being kind enough
 to acknowledge the need

Going back to their lives to practice exclusion
as far as their imagination helps them use it
elaborate blindfolds and beds of ignorance
In a world as shimmering and glorious as this one

There's no space for air love or new life born
as petulant zombies scream get off my lawn
So speak in light even to your hated
Until virulence is satiated

Soulful laughter

 The article of good Old God
we look up with our highest aspirations
our values and good intentions
yet sour and unable to pray

looking up and away from all the messes we are
the injustice that we suffer and those we offer and insist on for others
clouds will part and soulful laughter goes unheard
yet chin up we'll forget the body that holds us to earth

those bodies that angels have not
euphoria in my existence justice in the sky
stealing my breathe but giving me back life
Braggarts die and the humble teach us deep strength

Proof of permission to live the wailing of birds
variety of life all the worship that the heart has to offer
take it all through that direct energy i'd left behind
Before I lived you say pay off spiritual death

Before I lived with blessed womb dawn
and father so close to sunset
what glory you allow me as God descends
to speak to us despite the deceptions

The epiphany in millions
the infinity of God love of God power
force of relief and sculptured soul
Laws unknown by these carried by euphoria

that sweet chunk
slow development
a decade to digest 

Your campaign truck

 Truth bent by some now by most
no back tracking the lier doesn't quit
minds emphatic and lies just fit
like lego for the before stack
and after shot smiles intact

it sent them searching for goodness
In empty beautiful spaces dull brain
the disappointment never woke them
they're still searching in vain

Truth dressed in ugly costumes
sewn together by poor hearts
now you wear it on the streets
grins and smiles brands and patents

merge animal merge fellow
follow multitude follow
Exceptions hidden in misinfo mince
Mind well biased totally convinced

reality a fabric to be folded colored or struck
the posssibilities of the future cut and tucked
memories of the past shredded to fill jackets
for campaign rally showmen's backs

History edited to fit so idealogy annoints
conveniently landing on the sell point
so spend until the account is empty
the truth such a nasty enemy

Palestinian olive branch

 Ricky palestine
your finger cut short
up there in New orleans
israel in your olive trees
bounce God bounce God

You granted us a passage and welcome
just acceptance
so the water and air might know our nature
as we cross into turning point
bayou temple of the gone

outsider to outsider
the vibrating geckos
the moist mornings
submitting to deathly afternoon heat
Ricky quench that

Permission to cross
as Israel slaughters you
how could you ever forgive us
with compassion in the eye
surface of the water too

We fools with so much fear in back packs
drinking in the propaganda
when the water here is pristine
you pray we might let go
greed with it's webs and nests

forming the world's indigestive stomach
The anxious cycles of guilt indignation
die on entry
Blessed forever through simple gesture

Cosmos plug

 Flashes of a beginning
on fire branded in red and black
coming toward stars and planets
lighting them up

life is edible

flashing into new colors
revolving through a strange tunnel
yes existence
blended weave for life

life is credible

flashes over head like lightening
life is born
the universe an unknown womb
you current heads seeking to be thanked

life is chemical

all the pleasures rolling in and out of the flash
shoot me a glance
consider yourself thankful
stars so out of reach

Flashes like lightening of power so potently inspired
vast apetities from the unseen masters

sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2024

The sixtoed hemingway cat

 The hem cats sixtoed lethargy
spoilt to the point of complete stagnation
plump lazy feline excess of toes and furr and sleep
pampered semisonolent day wasters nap and crave
the pats and the food bowls coming in waves

splayed out on the patios all day
big paws such in a weird way
six toes on a paw too lazy to play
lke seating five at a table of four
only moving for milk poured

down the genetic line
those fat pawed cats
spraying and humping
sixtoes returning
for each hemingway generation
an extra claw on each paw
to steady themselves in the clumsy mansion

quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2024

The Heming way

 the mango corner way
an abrupt home
a mansion even
with an ear to the street
comfort running down temples

The fountain urinal
cursed artifact
quaint mural
screaming out for meaning

lighthouse looking down
bullying even
late morning hangover
spilling into the humidity

lighthouse the father before dawn
when rum soaken wedges present two left feet
for the dunken walk home
the moon absent or shy

childmind adventurers
huddle close to the tropical retreat
where literature is planted harvested and consumed
as wreckages are salvaged

grandeur found
it seeks us as we bathe in words
opened windows but closed shutters
not to let the light in but to absorb it

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2024

Victoria caribe waitress

 Warmly the waitress approaches
stomach is close enough to the heart
to brew some mild strenth fondness
The stomach is a lizard jumping
a hedge stepping iguana

the comfort of old parents
who can sleep walk their routines into
pancake late retirement hold the cream
affectionate adult children maple pecan dream

waking up to the waitress
serving us with an affection
calming us with a sympathetic face
We the sculpted customers inching in late
living up to every breakfast service pet hate

so wayward as we sip the essential coffee fuming
confirmation that we are slightly human

The guide

 He was long in the tooth
losing hair
but the smile as wide as cheeks allow
the bus runs long into the bays and tides

laughing can be heard from the crowd of the guide
His long speeches mystical soup
every day the same rehearsed loop
an ounce of their questions glitter in the bag

after each passing year that eye bags and cheek flab
inevitably begins to sag like prunes
The heart keeps it together though
the voice box too

as the guide opens our eyes
to each mile of the sea's spicy southern stew
between the gulf and atlantic pools
estuaries fill and empty with ocean gruel

HF corn syrup

 Life is short you say
we are all knee high yet so tall and mostly renting
bathing ourselves in the classic music of the seventies
a good liter of nostalgia syrup

behind the pride
switching lingos
us quasi gringos
boutique tourists

life is short
we are knee high afraid to ask
then separated from our husks
concentrated into a fancy glass bottle


 each segment is phase of life
you wanted deep sensations
existence in high reality
less survival driven strife

crawling along the branch
those many legs clutch tree bark
an eye for where to go
and one for the cunning crow

getting fat before forming the crysalis
bursting out a different creature to be
perhaps forgetting the obesity
and slow ambling of so many legs

caterpillar to sleep
to hibernate
after feasting on leaves
each segment of itself being pulled and pushed wearily