segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2014

Access to God

The drug dealer politician is already dead
he pulls his own head off to look around
he can't see the bleeding stump that is his neck
He deals everywhere even at the church where his family pray

He loves to talk about god
The only thing he knows of god is the feeling of power he has in his own heart
When he bribes cops or has his cronies shoot at rivals
Holding his own severed head above his shoulders he says he knows god

His religious family blind themselves sensually as planned
as he parades through his own house, severed head in his hands
they pray before meals and ask for god's blessing as they sign a pact
with a lowly demon from the mainland who runs crack

The island only has a few disgruntled citizens whose loyalty isn´t sold
They want to leave even as the drug dealing politician offers them golden blindfolds
and seats at his special church where people get better access to a God who knows
His head screams from above the bloody neck, neck veins pumping blood out like a volcanoe
Like gasoline pouring down from the monopoly´s franchises or whisky out of the comatosed alcoholic's mouth
A million dollar crucifix can´t heal you now

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