segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2019

Contrasts of a multiverse

No real evidence you skipped worlds
only a few are open now to the meager psychic
each one brimming with peculiaraties
like detailed delicate sushi

There's no heavy fee to pay
to take a peek in each
like a shameless child
a front a candy store window
that timeless image
these timeless worlds

Heroes turn into villans
and villans into heroes
like life into death
death into life 
timeless states

The cosmos curious to know us
to feel our fuel exhausts in space
to spread our meager spirits across the stars
tom compliment the chrismas tree cluster

Time spends years convincing places into changing
they always obey creating another world
descriptions changing
the streets no longer familiar

A decade repeats inside a teardrop
replaying a million times
without an audience
reliving memories as worlds
bad ones into good and vice versa
earning a few cents from the universe

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