terça-feira, 22 de março de 2022

Holy encounter

 Hey long haired child
Coming out of the land newly created
the grey blue womb as it were
Those places big for you though

You are on the run
homeless like father
Yet knowing where to go
I´d follow

Rucksack on the end of your staff.
Determined eyes looking ahead
your steps full of answers
echoing up and healing our woundlike doubts

You dig into the sand forming the shapes of arrows
Do I know blaspheme by mentioning it
As it was the confirmation of an understanding god
Legs in step upon roads ahead

All things holy tell of a journey
some right journey
somewhere beyond our conclusions
Just to see a piece of my own mind out there digging

Speaking to me through action
Nodding his head matter of factly
Cutting the pine down
middle of the trunk blackened

Planting a small cutting of it
a gleaming new green growth spurt
A shoot out of an old black pot of dirt
telling a tale of the sun
without even seeing it

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