sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Humbled by nature

Humbled by nature
(short story)
The farmer "Drulon" had had a good year that year.
Mainly dealing in orchard fruits that were abundant during this harvest,
he also saw a difference in the health of his lifestock.
They were genuinely showing signs of vigour and their young fetched incredible prices.
Some had said it was because of the favourable aspect the valley gave.
Others murmured rumours of witchcraft.
Though it was neither of the theories and many spent considerable time thinking about what it might be that aided his crops and the feed of lifestock that had given so much vigour to his farm.
The mayor of the city neubrück even went to visit him on behalf of his profitable
dealings with the various satelite shires.
Envy burst into the village centre when cowards found balls and offended his wife and kin as they passed by in new attire.
But to little avail for the wellwishers were so flatering in their remarks that good will and peace had marked the soul and coated it in an armour that other villages but wasted their breath on trying to dent.
Neighbours had also seen a good return on their crops and lifestock but none as prosperous as those of our friend "Drulon" and his family.
His sons both wounded in a local war were given special treatment by medical specialists called in from afar the cost was heavy but even so the house of "Drolon" had credit to burn.
Drulon himself had bought himself a larger piece of land expanding his property. He also had money to invest into the local council office and was to recieve a percentage of the annual town taxes!
A very curious uncle who dealt in military wares and was extremely well to do etc couldn´t let the mystery of this man´s prosperity lie. He took it on himself to visit and pay tribute to leverage a reasonable answer from his dead brother´s son.
On arrival the uncle presented exotic gifts, tributes and compliments which made "Drulon" drunk on flattery. Drulon was surely bought and rather high on life after recieving such great presents and words from an uncle who was often cold and distant.
"Drulon" put his cards on the table and told his uncle all about what had inspired such a sudden growth within his acres.
He said "The local war has seen many dead on my land, many men were slaughtered in my orchards and grounds. The only part of my lands that were damaged were the pastures but none of my lifestock was touched."
"We buried the men where they lay and thought no more of it, though there was no priest to bless their bodies as they were lain to rest. Afterwards however we did find a Holy man actually more like a prophet we called. Alas he was slaughtered a month ago by tax collectors in the capital for preaching of freedoms our land has never seen.
We paid him his journey to the capital and felt guilty for doing so.
Though in each area he blessed the bodies our crops and lifestock yielded tenfold!!!
The uncle cackled "What a píty I could use a prophet for my son´s properties.
Drulon simply smiled and said it was god´s will.
Months later the uncle´s son had buried deadbodies all over his property, he searched for a prophet or a holy man who would help. But none would come or be called. The continual rains of the winter moistened the soil and many of his crops died of fungus related disease.
His uncle had believed his nephew a lier and that the true answer despite having given so many tributes was yet hidden from him. His rage and bitterness only aaccelerated the already strong fugal spores in the man´s lungs.
As "Drulon continued to see the favour of the seasons his uncle saw but demise.
And became one of the last bodies to be buried on his sons land.

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