domingo, 30 de junho de 2013

Easy answers the ears can´t hear

Could I get an answer
One that justifies an hour long smile
Real answers with side effects of relief
I´d like one like that

No easy answers
We build bridges between day and night
brick by brick each hour
Constructions away from our nature

Avoiding the rivers that may clean us
The valleys that might teach us
How much of our labour is invain?
Easy answers artificial flowers, slogans and narcotics

In silence some still listen
To how complex questions ould be solved in simplicity
But those loud forcefed solution are trends
that sell and swell a market injecting the paying ego with
temporary certainty

Oh no easy answer, diagnosis or instruction
Linger with me briefly all sure of yourselves between creation and oblivion
No easy answer the ear can hear without difficulty
it´s mystery we live on.

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