quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2016

Diving for perspective

Your blink about as blank as that of the diving board´s plank
Metal bar awaiting you almost a reflection it´s misty metallic hue
Last rung at the top, anticipating your trembling hands
Your face is as pale as the water, courage needs a spark

Golden coils tangle along the ceiling
joyful and mesmerizing reflections of the sun
Almost enough to distract those concrete eyes
The last rung steams up and leaves moist hand shapes

You are now standing over the world ready to dive in
At the end of the plank looking down in shock
Earth trembling, the unstable ticker on a grandfather clock
Earth still, your nerves chaos, fear merging into emotion

You turn to look at that cold steel rung
the last one in the ladder, your glasses fall and shatter
You turn back to realize how far you´ve come
And only then have you the courage to face the world

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