terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

The beautiful blender

What could be more important?
More significant than the need to appear
To show the world your greatness and hide your weaknesses
For the world is a beautiful blender and you´ve been invited for a spin

The bliss panache of priest silk denial
Over-spoilt men boys who love their mothers´ housewife style
grin for health daily typical city bound crocodiles
Loving fondly the big events where emotion is engineered
Factories of false fashionable passion

pumped out to the masses
in pretentious gases

Guess you might need to throw a sixties party
guess you might grieve if someone heard you fart
It´s cold out put on your double layers of delusion
And practice that cold shoulder on intruders

The neon spotlight´s on you
The forgery office that helps society shred truths backs you
The clone was an obvious gift to the many men and women
taken in by pop ceremony and false virtue

Mockery of all things original and wholesome
Just another bomb in the arsenal of the arses who run this mendaCITY

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