sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2016

Blabbin bearded elf

The blab elf speaks for sport
Yeah a tad, but this beard comes a little short
and a thousand social norms dictate and pinch
that you graciously grow it another inch

And wherever you pick fruit from the orchard
Know it is about as appropriate as that inch too short
The blab elf has not devised a progress report
At the monthly meeting he pulls his wild card

And the same old buzzword pops like popcorn
at around the time they need some hype horn
Those lips between that facial hair start to flap
It´s crowding his mouth like a bristly welcome mat

Best of luck to the blab
They hired him on his gift of the gab
But off his chin there was hardly enough to grab
Make it last they say, don´t make it a twinkling fad

Chin up I said, though didn´t share his persuasions
Good luck with your corporate fruit picking and private frustration

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