sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016

King of eternity

King of eternity

Often I falter even when the stretch is flat and easily navigated
Like the wet sand within the tides reach
The dizzying sky calling you from all directions with it's winds
and the crash of the waves distracting you from your journey
Just empty shores undone sea

And suddenly you've stood on a shell
You limp and hear the wind taunt all is not well
The waves rush and attempt to trip you up
Turn on the wet sand and see god holding the shell
Justifying eternal sanity's useful silence

Not a religious figure not a miracle or illusion
Not a blinding light or sacred shining spirit
Just god in plain cloth offering you the shell
listening to you in a way that makes you feel he's speaking
Juggling empathy, sincerity, untainted sympathy

Just when you thought there was no other confidant
No other source of comfort, nothing
just you walking lonely upon the empty shores
But you were wrong and he is present

wind burned but clean he makes you believe
That our plight lies so far from our pain

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