domingo, 23 de maio de 2021

Death´s no game

 Toward the end all heroes feel the pinch
The last spark flies out of them
and their last words sound out
across their empty death bed moment

Jaws move and so does the tongue
Gritty scream that seems to say...

This is not a game

and the brain clenches another intense
like lungs holding breath

this is not a joke

And from somewhere out in the ether
death lets out a muffled cackle
Attempting to silence its laugh
as the last heartbeats count down

It´s not a game

The tides of oblivion roll in inevitable and greedy
the body convulses one last time, the final wilt

it´s not a joke

and the energy subsides
The horror drains out of it

But did you flow out with it?

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