terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2023

Heroes for fuel

 These heroes now turn and look toward me
I open the furnace door and invite them in
it's hot in there and ill burn them to get the ash
that will amend the soil

The state invests in great fire
in their competition with the outside
i've herded them into pastures
where they feed on imagery and noise

soon to be burnt up in my trusty furnace
Because I need to keep the garden pumping
that old garden of eden
right next to armagaeddon

Heroes that go obediently
ridiculing the independent
conveniently incinerated
in predictable cycles

They turned off the lights

 i've reinvented this world
cunningly switched the tides
drowning the hierarchy
now a begger with vision

Now bigger than fission
Weaving through the mess
burning ends and chewing thread

i've reinvented this whole world
as mediocre as you all are
human ants
arrogant fleas

consuming for purpose
meager and pretentious

a city full of millions
and only a sprinkle of lights are on
heavy with the popular lies
dragging your way through a whole new drama

so that life has a gram of meaning

quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2023

On the end of the fork

 thick whole of the brush
absorbed into mud floored streams
into the land of it
through the grass
heavy and curious

permission to cross another border
sandwiches go inside mouthfulls
sceptical border guards
the limits are all desire distilled

the thicket and streams 
made sacred through the echo
from great mountains
permission to sit up there now

down here ive been kept until i left
so many steps left
fill the tank on ridicule
burns bright in the engine
great mileage

great mouthful of grass
thick cushioning undergrowth
every insect worshipping inside
temple of life

quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2023


I lost you whole
current took you

your screams off in the distance
abandoned to the water
this distress

a tonne of bricks
a silly game
fun turned dread

river swallows you
out of my hands

gone from my world
unseen now

I raised you 
to this point
you were mine

a blink of an eye
angels toasting
bye son

gone are the smiles
gone is home

terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2023

The power of intrigue

 My gale
my wind
where did you come from?

My subject 
My love of all loves
Under this empire

heat and power
minions spy over it all

Their little spies
tickle the meglomaniac heart
passions of the simple man

belong to me
to me

and where are you
so alone
my gale
my wind

I see you at the top of the spire
uncles built
to witness the kingdom

we built this together
smiles and tears
machine guns

fear joy
holding hands
oh you are too right
 for this farm

I've brought you here
to witness this land


so you see the lines
of my face
 on the land

awake and out
take your vice
and pray this soon

my power grows
like a ball in your hand
ember in your mind

like spice
that won't leave
your naked tongue

so see your life
power to mine


segunda-feira, 23 de outubro de 2023

the turns

 You also lost your life there
come to me full of shame
ray of terror wakes me
your blank eyes staring

The gate to your deliverance is not built
the company you keep stirs your limited perception
providence cries out to you
turning your back

you'll have no relief in the living
search for those ghouls of fate
out in the mountains and flats
of these hot fields of the earth

the earth turns and dizzies you

The bread of experience

 on the addiction and blazing world
we have another destination
further from here

these humans 
as two year old babies
peering up at the nightsky
wishing for some kind of answer

wistful blasphemy
subtle destruction
the saw rocks back and forth through time
cutting it in half

magician absent
fires and narcotics
feasts and awards
Trapped on the earth

Build the soul flow gate

 lining up to leave the earth
ghosts that look to the living
Not knowing themselves
eternally looking for the exit

that temple into the sky
whose priests may unbuckle their weights
and allow them to float off
free from our world and their own haunting memories

they all need a way off the earth
God whispers to you in your sleep
all of your fears grotesque and overpowering
multitudes of spirits trapped here 

I have come here Sebastion
to build the soul gate
will you pass the hammer and nails
witness this construction

a bridge to the afterlife
these ghosts cannot recognize themselves
they are as injured fowel
wing slowly extending

retracting from the trauma 
that its former earthbound self
had endured before darkness

I will build your door
said sebastion
I will send you past these physical passages
I will be your son and saviour

sexta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2023

wick of chaos

 Wick of chaos

Grin in the economy
long and loud
like a ship's horn
blowing permission into ports

Each organization vying aggresively
eyes out and offers hit tables
undercutting and ousting the outdated
oh that well dressed chaos

A slither of the market
a snake on each deal
A slither of reality
that subtle leverage steals

young sparks set it alight
fresh waxy string

quarta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2023

A beautiful promise

 choose yourself
you are pouring yourself out

let your hair down

fall out of the tyre track
mud and lies splattering

I have been practising to be so incoherent
life in theory is a slurpee
nothing solid but completely over sweetened

choose yourself
don't let those dreams fall by the wayside
stuck in that thick mud

sweet bubbles of plastic swirling with images
of some future so far and sweetened
pick your way through the weeds

sometimes i walk down cul de sacs
littered with tractor tyres
church spires and hell

My grandmother's portrait

 She painted him on the wall
He once with wild hair in the darkness
eternal darkness blanketing

she painted him breathing fire
the void around
what did it provoke

soaked in darkness
quest for truth
comfort out here

like a prophecy waiting to play out
blazing heart pushes out
flames to meet the world

words to turn keys
In every door
so that one may conquer

brazen heart too often sparks
pools of flammable residue
on the road toward glory

words fall on them
effecting action
collecting momentum

soaked in darkness
quest for truth
she painted me

segunda-feira, 16 de outubro de 2023

Great blue night

 blue night
not sadness
humid blue though
sinking into the air

No rain to feel or hear
No wet concrete
just a subtle swelter

blue night no moon
optimism faith
hidden in the thick cloud
with-holding water

No rain yet
balmy eve speaks
we listen
thick silence of all things

domingo, 8 de outubro de 2023

Incursion dusk

explosions across the borders
clandestine orders
A new conflict to digest
ancient and pesky

waves of rockets across the dusky
the defence attempts thrusting
war shaped people take up arms
and contribute to the pool of harm

the fire blows outward and engulfs
buildings topple
the soldier no sense of self
only death to stop

quinta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2023

The clever short existance

 the darkness of the train
all a board
a snake over land

the darkness of the house
only safety
a turtle shell of a thought

a feast upfront
sending the senses into ectacy
to be overfilled

and shifted into a hospital bed
with an expensive health plan
and a secret refridgerator 

Arresting an addict

 cotton candy from the trunk
one left behind
one taken to prison
you lost your place

all formality
we wanted our right
our right to exist
now we exist in a state of informality

getting left behind on the track to prison
no identity
no recognition
Not even a cell to contain us

terça-feira, 3 de outubro de 2023

The noble calango

 It absorbed the heat and light
darkened its skin for the cloud
perched up on the wall
creeping forward only for snack

Of all dragons it still lies noble
despite the commoners predictable derision
those lizards basking
not a cockroach on the street

Of all dragons this one has no fire
it just exists to worshp the sun
and meditate aggressively
as we human pass by aimlessly

segunda-feira, 2 de outubro de 2023

cart and man

 horse clapps forward and wagon rolls
grin comes alive on the face whose invitation comes
morning glee up from the otherside
clip clop and a nice grin all the way round the block

glass lives as
eyes peer out of windows
Horse unbeknownst
man on glee fuel up the road

How to bake the bully

 someone to pick on said the childish thug
pick ip on his taunt and chide
his eyes emotionless slugs
he yearns to fight

No wondering where they are from
Just identify something dfferent
something uncategorized
watch him deride and insult

the fat thick and boring part of the bully
forms the steak we need
sporting hats and cars with the springs cut
serve them face down in the slum

as if beef


across the pavement fast legs a head up toward the world
trying to see if there is any love still in this world
inquisitive and tender 
like a doctor

fleabound and tick infested
abandoned one sad afternoon
because this world doesn't want you
but I do

Prancing across the road island
It's still all ours
dangers of the traffic
delinquents and other wild dogs