segunda-feira, 23 de outubro de 2023

Build the soul flow gate

 lining up to leave the earth
ghosts that look to the living
Not knowing themselves
eternally looking for the exit

that temple into the sky
whose priests may unbuckle their weights
and allow them to float off
free from our world and their own haunting memories

they all need a way off the earth
God whispers to you in your sleep
all of your fears grotesque and overpowering
multitudes of spirits trapped here 

I have come here Sebastion
to build the soul gate
will you pass the hammer and nails
witness this construction

a bridge to the afterlife
these ghosts cannot recognize themselves
they are as injured fowel
wing slowly extending

retracting from the trauma 
that its former earthbound self
had endured before darkness

I will build your door
said sebastion
I will send you past these physical passages
I will be your son and saviour

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