domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

Colonial nothing

Vision of the new world.
To go west and arrive in India, avoiding the cursed ottomans...
To Africa to mine and enslave!
Or to the pacific to expand the empire...
On the course for spice and gold and to spread the good word! At the point of an English cutlass or Spanish rapier. Massacres the church blessed.
On the course for king and country on the course for holiness...
On the course to burn cultures and peoples and replace their gods and steal their essence.
You can´t stop progress as it marches forward. Gold and God and virtuous clothes and armour.
Dragging their progress to the end of a dusty trail, where the last tribes learn their two faced ways and treacherous schemes their so called nobility.
Driving on those carriages full of crucifixes, swords and slaves, mobile insanity of the inquisition age.
Rocks and stones broke their wooden wheels, as they broke into the land.
Imagine the colonial dream so lucid how it would struggle in the swamps and in the desert sand.
Tired lost horses and slaves trotting against hardgrounds and bogs, El dorado in the captains helmets feeding infinite dreams of glory and riches.
 Their shining clean exterior protecting fearfilled dirty hearts.
Settlers wearily building their shelters to protect themselves. As soldiers and priests handed out blindfolds to avoid when new found freedom and love were detected. Statues of glutons and perverts were erected.
The gift of mindslavery was given to the gobsmacked natives, through alcohol and church and simply drunk flagellation.
To help these simple souls wake up and assimilate.
Systematic order and strict law to spread the fear. To destroy their languages and customs they dared open an identity rupture, to contaminate their bonds with nature by forcefeeding holy scripture. Musket, sword and spear.
New land, new land...
let´s break it with old ideas.

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