sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

Devastating explosions

Purpose he did it on purpose.
Five weeks of work and accumulating bomb recipes.
He did for his Beliefs, pity.
His diabolical misconceptions.
Sheltering himself from all walks of life he...
Grew to dread his city.
Seeking refuge in his house of religion- pleading, sitting.
There his plan was sewn in his minds knit weave.
A series of devastating explosions ate through a whole neighbourhood.
All his talk of love, of understanding and of brotherhood,
but ruses to mislead people from his impending atrocity.
The chaos and the panic rocked the suburbs, gunfights started and accusations were made.
That cunning little hater who killed dozens holed up in his church,
But the authorities efforts were fruitless finding nothing in their search.

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