quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017

A piece of life(flying cow)

The cattle fences falling apart, grass trampled too
Holes big enough for a human like me to get through
The pasture had transformed into mud, something was wrong
And pretending to be a cow only works for so long

The weather seemed to change as I crawled through the fence
The sky cleared, sun heated everything a natural acquiescence
The river below me clear and abundant
shined up and invited me down golden and confident

By the river a huge hollow tree trunk, not far
Inside humans were counting their lucky stars
Their luck in muffled conversations each to measure
I swam under that trunk looking for treasure

I left the fearful there in the trunk in fright
swimming down stream over the rocks, out of sight
As I took flight rising off the water I met the sky
Over valleys I went swimming in the air, I could fly

I avoided a big muddy lake
and landed on a narrow road I was to take
where people from the past beaconed
I was given someone to guide, it was reckoned

I never taught someone to fly before

Um comentário:

  1. Crazy Zombie 8 has returned with many new characters for you in this update! Are you ready to do the crazy zombie battles in the animation game Crazy Zombie 8 As in the previous version, you have the chance to play with your friend or family le in this version. Have fun
