terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2023

Approval of the client soul

 Every little piece of your reality
glued up rustically unevenly
pieces of heaven and hell randomly
grins interrogate smiles and drown frowns

Your eyes trick you and you observe your surroundings
Not seeing what there really is
getting lured into the labrynth by dreams and nightmares
that have teamed up to push you the client soul along

every little piece of your perception
a thousand shards of other's opinions watching you like dragon eyes
Those words and ideas coloring your view
soaking false up into the true until you become a maleable stew
the client soul

Every little blade of grass hogging sun reflecting it as if spilt gravy
delicious unto the cattle those thousand client souls
their reality stuck together like a infants collage
God a tear drop away, the devil one cackling observer

Your eyes don't allow you to see inside the good
for paint and statues distract your very soul
That gullible customer waiting in line fingers sweating on the ticket
Gates as juicy as rear steak, as neon as vegas, the realm completely unknown to the client soul

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