quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2024

Juice exclusion(peru)

 I joined the friends at the ticket counter as they looked up at the lit up board
voyages to every corner of south america
attendants expressionless yet impatient bodies shrug
she had chosen a trip to Peru with two friends

they hadn't wanted me to be part here
as they put straws to mouths
sucking the liquid that tempted them toward the destination
they excluded me flinching at it like kids being questioned by stark parents

the lady turns and confers with the two others
just enough light to make coffee irresistable
the attendants look down at maps in the dim yellow light
the high wooden ceiling smokey and dank

the two friends backing back as journey is confirmed
she looks at them in delight and passes by
I am invisible
as they prepare to quench their thirsts

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