segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013

Leverage for love

Leverage for love
I´ve got the leverage for love, notes up my sleeve
Con you right out of your clothes with a spending spree.

Life´s rough and money´s enough

Smile for a dollar
Sit, lie down, roll over
for the wad in my hand
demands you do what I told-ya

If I wear gold and bear wealth
I can ensnare your attention low stealth

The green backs in my pocket will see you in a collar
Lay back honey and smile for a dollar.

We´re not here to make art but cash in, now listen up
Rhymes win hearts´and cheeks blushing, but don´t fill the cup
With my purchase I add a few drops to the lust bucket.

Lay back honey and grin, pounds and euros your my lover
Credit is the slider the wicked lowtide rudder
Richmen do all the riding,
so smile for me
shop for free on the cards i gave you
Your Love´s for sale can you afford to see
your heart´s a wager.
Legal TENDERly

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