sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014


The machine-gunner sweats in there
he's sweating as the best brains contemplate the god particle
His trigger finger stiffens
His thoughts jeer and screech

The walls shake but there's no target
He watches the evacuation
and feels the earth shake again
Air thick inside the pillbox pressing against his rational thinking

His neck jars in the turn as his ear catches the sharp impact of a crane collapsing
He knows there will be no enemy invading the premises today
Or ever after for eternity as the hill the pillbox is on starts to slide into the abyss
Soon the rest of the country, then Europe itself and then the world

The machine gunner lets off a few rounds
And feels the little bunker crumble
then warmth and loud buzzing
a darkening and then a goneness to everything.

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