segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

Slice of the world

Take a taste of the world
A piece of the world full flavored
Eat it up with your eyes
breathe it in

Drink the skies and feast on hills
This city is a banquet and although raw in places
it's all here to be consumed
It's on the dinner plate of your shoes

Seek out the riversides bite them as they ever moist
are easily digested
Gorge yourself on the industrial wastelands
spiced with rusted car, train parts and toxic residue

I can eat it all, my teeth through stone like sharp crazy axes
my tongue tasting even the underside of soot sprayed bridges
and my appetite doesn't end there
I'd like to munch buildings and snack on buses

This little diner, this little spec on which we were spread
I say knives and forks we the unthinkables being human
I say bibs on and hats off the stomachs grumbling
Menu is everything the eye can see, as if the world was a pie - take a slice.

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