terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014

Gravy for tomorrow

We will leave you here to feast and carouse
pondering on tomorrow
Each of us has a tongue which longs to taste tomorrow
Illusion is gravy illusion is gravy

For today on the old idiom is yesterday's tomorrow
Brilliant groups of human beings trying to anticipate the impossible
mostly sleeping herds overfed and dossile
sleeping herds, while invisible predators smile

Here in the halls of celebration where impulse promised us the meaning of life
In the halls of light, intoxication and shallow conversation
celebrating today living for the moment
and strangling yourselves with the notion of tomorrow

It is of great importance that all flattering be traded
like the main course after greeting
So the digs and the jibes can be exchanged
for desert before goodbye

Here in the halls of blind vices
Whims and quests for unanswered desires
Where illusion is gravy and the taste of it has made many a glutton
Where tomorrow is happening right now, right this instant exactly as you remain distracted

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