I saw them on the court all mustered
gathered together in a friendly cluster
then they break and the game begins
throwing balls and frowns and grins
The school itself was just a colorful dysfunction shell
the real life was on the fields where heroes rose and losers fell
The classrooms were purgatory, the games were heaven and hell
And then the teenage morphs into a hormonal monster
Where parties and dating cultivate expectations and wanting
And the large streetside reservoirs call us lonely people in
Once a pool for competitions now a dirty lake
Lonely people climb the high margins self esteems pillaged
The sport of compassion was seldom played in the village
Houses for size, cars for speed luxury and mileage
A wave to the unknown neighbor hidden teeth nashing
You don't know the Jones' fear or hopes by their drying washing
Only a few misunderstood families play the sport of compassion
You judge them whole heartedly becoming unrecyclable trash
The courageous few, don't need your permission
To know and love people with passion
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