domingo, 24 de março de 2019

Abandoning the future

The bottle of beer missed his ear from an angle
shouting desperate with hot aimless rage
the beast in this man had manifested
taken control

A father is a foundation
yet when an abuser is a degradation
Burning the image of
The future child who smiles
A child who lives to climb and battle

The hopeless man, fate's very pilgrim
lost in his vices, no time for his children
Putting his pleasure's first like a simple dog
waiting for those well structured funeral fire logs

For mothers who let them off the hook
and fathers who forsake and run like crooks

Like the rabies infested hound
put them to sleep, have them drowned
A plague upon your living grounds
like the local dwelling demon hidden malice
ease them into death well, don't refuse them
let them die with their addictions merciful and quick

For on this sacred earth the children of tomorrow long for a balance
Our humanity so fickle with choices, so sweet and so callous

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