quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2022

Under the trolley-walls of beyond

 The old child the pavement wears
the moon and seventy years
over her desperate face in street lamp light
Abandoned life of one everlasting night

I've never felt so helpless she uttered in hum
under the hindered buzz and spill of cheap white rum
searching for trash to trade begging with guile
her gutter stained smile

The old chain of a child
the street written on her face all wild
with all the malice and majesty of folley
Her man comatose under the trolley

The one they collect cans in
Their first belly under god
The moon and death poke and prod
Just to see if she can still shake or nod

curbside intoxicated existence
The locals fiercely plead riddance
The ticks and tocks of withdrawl
The patrol car's ominous call

The chipped brick as much in her smile
as in her frown
The stray dogs they adopted attempting wily
yet remain on the ground

God has to answer for it she said sick
Mouth swears no pain did she self inflict
But dawn chortles from her mouth's smile headlong into strife
The walls of the world beyond are built in this life

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