quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2024

Ants in Auckland

 In Auckland
all about the business
the large grassy expanses next to the highway
fill up as the rain comes down before first light

those lakes of water fill up to above the knee
by midday they go down to ankle height
the buildings and traffic distract us from them
and most don't notice it all happening

In Auckland
People die off through drug abuse
daily habits that rot the organs
and move with the herd

and what did you hear?
who was named
and who decided
at a makeshift table in the corporate tower

Sitting at the table giving out titles
above those distant lakes of water
slowly evapourating
letting the long grass breate again

empty nutrition of risks untaken
concern and caution
robbing the vitality
that generates unknown consequences

In Auckland titled ants
holding the poxy structure
grin shaped snobby hierarchy
over the puddles

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