terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012

Jimmy in the wop wops.

(This is not a normal poem)
Jimmy in the wip wops.
In the whip nots.
Jimmy in the chip shops, in the chip shops cooking.
Jimmy likes to slip slops, to the pigs before they´re pork chops.
Jimmy´s lips stop, Jimmy´s lips stop speaking to the gripped cop.
Fiddle yip cop... Freaking in the...
Jimmy whimmy tip top, when the wind drops, Jimmy...
When the c*ck flops where the hen´s hop Jimmy...
Jimmy clip clop, you´re our horse ol´Jimmy Jimmy.
Now Jimmy immy Skimmy rutcher.
Jimmy Immy skimmed a stone and hit the butcher fishing.
These rhymes jimmy make me think there´s something missing.

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