domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013

A ball game in greece.

The fate of some(a ball game in greece)

A unit of Nazi Germany allied- italian soldiers had just finished a considerable skirmish near a hillside town not far from greece´s west coast. the town was partially destroyed and the heat of the early afternoon had kicked in.

The italian soldiers didn´t really want to move further toward the next town, they were exhausted and the heat of the sun and the battle had tired them.
The greeks had fought really hard despite having no artillery and poor armaments they had continued against the italians for a good hour before they were killed, many of the Italian´s deaths were caused in hand to hand fighting. The greeks seemed to be faster with a knife which scared the italians. Now the Italians had their victory it was time to rest their sore minds.

So they rested in a ditch on the main road which passed just down from the village where there was shade from a few olive trees and such. They joked about war and talked of their families. One of their scouts also exhausted arrived with a bundle of rations he´d stolen off the greeks whom had fallen in battle. Some of the men thought it bad taste and felt their arrow of morality being pushed away from where it used to point. Evenso they all ate and drank almost to the point where their morale had been replenished.

A German tank appeared out of nowhere as if it had been beamed out of a portal! giving a start to the italian major and his troop. A very thin and authoritarian ss commander hopped down and started screaming instructions at them and scolding them. His italian was almost as horrible as his tone. So the italians got up and organized themselves into rows and ranks as the ss commander scolded them even more, he looked completely outraged and crazy!

Before the italians had even got their rows straight a whole unit of ss soldiers arrived in two trucks and another tank. The ss soldiers jumped out of the tank and their trucks, casually dressed in summer uniforms they seemed oblivious to their glaring commander, who looked at each one of them as they passed.

The commander ushered them into a circular formation. He turned back to the Italians and instead of frowning and scorning them he had a smile one that looked as ironic as if he did stand up comedy and said -"Just go back into the ditches and rest for now we will have a game!"

The commander ordered one of his soldiers to fetch a severed arm to use as a bat. holding it from the hand and hitting with the stump. He told another soldier to look on the back upper panel on the outside of the panzertank, there the soldier found a sunroasted human heart which was to be the ball. None of the ss soldiers looked shocked and the ones looking on were giggling.

The italians were shocked and outraged and the scout felt this was a punishment from god for stealing the dead enemies rations. None of them had the backbone to protest, even though all of them were armed and most of the ss were only equipped with a single pistol. The fact is the "arm" that was being used as a bat belonged to the italians it was their colonel who bravely fought, but was massacred in the heat of battle. The day seemed to grow even hotter as if the sun was trying to exhaust the ss bullies. Didn´t work though, and what´s worse none of the ss men knew how to play baseball.

So you can imagine what would happen to the severed arm and heart after a few innings. It was a mess to say the least and the pitcher and the batter wore aprons which only shocked the Italians even more. The game stopped and one of the friendlier looking ss soldiers approached the italians and said -"Oh now it´s your turn,viel spass, go out there and show us what you´ve got!" The ss commander
pushed his auxiliary off and faced the shocked italians and said with that same ironic smile-"wouldn´t you like to play now men!???"

The Italian major was the highest rank left, stood up and declared with an almost german tone -"We will press onto the next town and conquer!!!"
The ss commander jeered "good" -"But remember if we find you resting like this again when we get to the next town we will use your heads as footballs!!!"
As the ss commander screamed that, the italian major noticed a very dark aura coming off the ss commander it seemed to pour out of him toward some roadside brambles- HELL- The italian major looked at the brambles across the roadside in the heat where the commanders aura seemed to lead. He could see a demon! A red demon hovering over the brambles and noone else could see it. the demon had a face that taunted the major a face that knew it could be seen and enjoyed being revealed.

The italian major himself felt himself wanting to take his rifle and kill the ss man and declare what he had just seen, instead he stayed quiet and turned his troops south to their next village. Years later the italian major remembered the ss commander and his demon, it gave him nightmares. On the day the major died despite being a godfearing man who frequented church he woke to a world ruled by that very demon an eternity of torment that very demon had furnished for him.

Never conform or sell yourself too cheaply. Ignore the supernatural and it´s implications but beware that maybe it doesn´t ignore you.

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