sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Loose pants. Heartless?

Watch you switch.
Watch you ditch me.
Loose trousers.
Still care?
Still be there if he´d left you?
You knew, though you sift thinking maybe you missed something in a land small and rich.
And a man made of mystery well you never tested the kiss theory.
And a whole lot of protocol rots the true inch of my heart that still cares and holds a nice view of hope.
Well guess you´d rather watch the ravens pick it and see my distress when they do.
Yes your curls, but that´s not the heavens stitch.
Move your shoulders move me and beg me to scratch your itch.
If he´s got it for you let me loose like your pants.
Let me loose like the bullets firing out the back of a fourwheel drive like my voice full of anger.
Like the little nothing jetty I´m ready to dive off, was i wrong? Are you truly heartless?

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