It landed on the slippery sidewalk, helpless pile of legs and sea weed.
It fell out of the sky, still wriggling like a child with A.D.D.
A little girl and her mother were walking by.
The girl made a point of walking right over it leaving her little footprints up the side of it. Grotesque and wild.
It landed on the slippery sidewalk. It fell out of the sky right outside a butchers shop and a cellar full of lies and expensive wine.
Still wriggling like a dog riddled with fleas. The dark shadows arrived with cases full of knives and cut the squid all over. Tearing it´s flesh, you could hear coughs and through the slashing even moans.
This was no normal squid it had bones and blood.
The shadows worked hard with their razor sharp knives and carried the bones to the cellar of lies.
A world without compassion.
It landed on the sidewalk, it fell out of the sky at night.
Out of hunger or hope it´s mission went awry.
On the face of our dinner tables, on the face of this round planet, exists a darkness waiting.
And every squid or beast that falls will meet their knives and mouths salivating.
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