sábado, 24 de março de 2012

The dog society

Never retreating country club sweet thing.(immer-reich).
I´m trying not to blink as I observe you and you security guards observe me not so stealthily.(wach-hund blöt)
Your beach house that I pass, smelling the unaffordable cheese of the wealthy.(käse kopf)
Dictating style, what´s hip and what´s vile, doing fashion shows on cruise ships on the nile.(Tiefer wasser aber nicht in dein fluss...)
Etiquette the quirky party game, say and gesture much the same, the keep the poor at bay they´re chaos and bile.(Ärme leute sind empfindlich)
Exaggerated laughing and dancing, taunting, flaunting and provoking.(kein hertz, keine sorgen)

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